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100% THE UNTOLD LOVE / Chapter 3: CHAPTER 3

Chapter 3: CHAPTER 3

Beep…beep. Beep…

EMMA: Hmmm….what time is it?? 7o'clock I better get ready or ill be late but first I need to call my bunny

(Calls josh)

JOSH: Good morning sweetheart! Did you sleep well??

EMMA: Good morning to you too bunny I had a good night sleep have you eaten anything??

JOSH: No…aren't we supposed to eat together?

EMMA: Yes we must always eat together but today Zhen and Sarah will be joining us too

JOSH: Waa that's great so the same place?

EMMA: Yeah the same cafe near Zhen's office in ten minutes and also pick me from my place…ok bye muah:3 (HANGS UP)

JOSH: ten minutes…already sounds like my wife…. I just woke up….maybe i should sleep for five more minutes


SARAH: I'm always the first one to arrive….

ZHEN: Good morning!

SARAH: OH you're here good morning did you sleep well? Or should I ask did you sleep?

ZHEN: Yeah what do you think I'm an owl or something I do sleep it's just my cycles are disturbed…where is that gross couple they are always late

SARAH: Hey! You shouldn't call em gross they just truly love each other

ZHEN: Well yeah that's gross

EMMA: GOOD MORNING!! Long time I missed you guys so much (hugs them)

SARAH: Aww I missed you too

ZHEN: We just met last week

JOSH: Hey Zhen bro how did your meeting go you said it was something big

EMMA: Seems like we all have some good news to share let's start with Zhen did your meeting go well

ZHEN: first I thought Mr. Yoon won't like the idea of collaboration since we are competitors but he really appreciated it and one thing that I really liked about him was that he heard every single word I had to say with patience cause you all know I talk a lot when it comes to work and at the end he was like…sure let's give it a go. So we will be launching a communicating app in a few months named TIME

SARAH: CONGRATULATIONS! Zhen you work so hard I'm proud of you and you guys had some good news as well?

JOSH: Yeah we won't be dating anymore….

SARAH: What?? But you guys are together since junior high how could you do that

ZHEN: He doesn't mean that don't get all emotional princess

SARAH: Then what does he mean

EMMA: we're getting married Sarah


ZHEN: Congratulations you two

Emma: Thank you I was so excited to tell you guys we didn't even told our parents you're the first one to know

SARAH: I'm so happy for hmph…hmph…for you

ZHEN: (Hands Sarah some napkins) Are you crying cause your still single

SARAH: No! I'm just truly happy for them

EMMA: Aww I'm grateful to you Sarah

JOSH: Let's just eat now I'm starving

EMMA: Sure let s order and then well hear Sarah's

ZHEN: Food from me

EMMA: So Sarah what's your big news

SARAH: Well…I don't really have one…

Ring ring….ring

SARAH: Oh it's from Rose…HELLO?? What?? Yeah sure I'll be there right on time thank you so much (hangs up)

JOSH: Seems like you have one now

SARAH: I just got a call from Rose and she said I got selected as the cover model

Emma: waah!! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you

ZHEN: Congrats princess (sips coffee)

EMMA: (SIGH) it's been a long time since we all sat together like this

SARAH: yeah…..but Rosh…. He is not

JOSH: Since he went abroad to study he didn't even contacted me

ZHEN: We all sure had nice time together

JOSH: Yeah even you think that

ZHEN: OK let's eat up we all have work and nobody wants to get late

JOSH: yeah

EMMA: Let's celebrate tonight for all the good happening what do you guys think

ZHEN: Sure…I'll be leaving now got some work to do

JOSH: Zhen bro you're such a workaholic you should cherish these moments with us nobody's as lucky as you to have friends like us

ZHEN: OH I'm grateful to you Mr. josh that your my friend but work is work and I'm sure you got some too so better hurry up and leave already….. Princess you just got a call right? You better be on time unlike the last time and professor your students must be waiting right?


ZHEN: Gud (leaves)

JOSH: She sure is intense when it comes to work

SARAH: Yeah true

EMMA: but whenever I am with you guys time flies I don't feel like working it feels so good to be with you guys

SARAH: Awww Emma… I feel so lucky to have you guys as my friends (Hugs Emma) but I'll be leaving now for the shoot or ill be late and then mom and Zhen are going to scold me cause they think I'm a troublemaker I'm careless I don't take care of myself I'm so childish blah blah blah anyways goodbye!

JOSH EMMA: Goodbye and good luck

(Sarah leaves)

JOSH: Hmm now that they are gone and we have some extra time as well

EMMA: Kehehehe….


ROSE: Welcome Sarah

SARAH: Hi! Rose how are you

ROSE: I'm gud…. come ill introduce you to others they are really excited to see you

COMODEL1: OH Sarah congratulations! You're so pretty no doubt you got selected as the cover model

SARAH:Thank you so much

COMODEL2: Oh Sarah I can't believe I'm with the cover model of ARCENA

SARAH: Please you guys are embarrassing me now….Hi! Hannah you're here too I didn't see you

HANAH: (ignores and walks away)

COMODEL1: I don't like her she's always like this

SARAH: Hmm… (I wish to get along)

ROSE: Your already famous girl

SARAH: why is everybody acting like I'm a celebrity or something

ROSE: Oh I see what's happening… You don't understand girl you're THE COVER MODEL OF ARCENA…you should act like Hanah…all proud

SARAH: I just want to be nice to everyone and get along

ROSE: Oh Sarah your so kind…. and yeah I need all the contact details of your manager

Ring ring…ring

SARAH: it's from Zhen…excuse me (picks up)

Yeah Zhen? Yes I'll be free in an hour and don't forget we all are eating dinner together…no you don't need to pick me I'm gud…. uh fine pick me in an hour ok bye

(Hangs up)

SARAH: Sorry it was from a friend so where were we?

ROSE: Um… by any chance was that Zhen Sabir?

SARAH: Yes? How do you know her?

ROSE: Your friend with Zhen Sabir!! She's one of those young successful entrepreneurs and currently working with the famous business tycoon Ian Yoon

SARAH: Yeeaah…

ROSE: well ARCENA and Zhen Enterprises are on good terms she could've done you a favor by just giving a call to the management and they would've appointed the very moment without all this effort you did

SARAH: May be I would have done that if I was Hanah

ROSE: Hahaha…true

SARAH: Hey rose why don't you join us all tonight we are celebrating

ROSE: Oh you mean you and Miss Sabir

SARAH: Yeah me Zhen and two more friends I will introduce you to them

ROSE: Sure I'd love to maybe it's the beginning of our friendship

SARAH: Sure I already feel so close to you

ROSE: Hahaha…your so cute Sarah

SARAH: Hehe…

ROSE: we should stop slacking now your makeup artist is waiting

SARAH: I'll be headed to the dressing room then

Rose: And don't forget to mail me the contact details I need to arrange some appointments for you



(Calls SARAH)

Zhen: I'm at the entrance….okay I'm waiting Rosh and Emma are with me too

(Shows up along ROSE)

SARAH:(buckles in)Hey guys how was your day today this is Rose Choi she's in charge of all the important stuff at work shell be joining us (Introduces rose to them) rose this is Emma and her fiancé Josh and this is Zhen as you know

ROSE: Hello Josh…pleased to meet you professor and Miss Sabir I follow you from a long time

ZHEN: Call me Zhen

SARAH: How did you know?

ROSE: If I'm not wrong she's the chemist who recently discovered some new elements right?

JOSH: aww my girl so famous I'm proud of you sweetie

EMMA: Hehe

ROSE: Sarah your friend with today's famous people despite of their young achievements their good looks and interesting personalities make people follow them they are such an inspiration

JOSH: INSPIRATION huh? You should be grateful Sarah

SARAH: I am…but Am I the only one so unaware

ZHEN: No princess we just don't let you feel by not showing off

ROSE: OH my God she calls you princess cause your so naïve but she just sounds so cool

SARAH: Hey I'm not naïve

ZHEN: You think so…..we are here

JOSH: Yay! Let's go celebrate!!

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