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69.23% Red Flower / Chapter 18: Chapter 17: I Admired

Chapter 18: Chapter 17: I Admired

Chu Quao was wandering in the vast palace. She did not checking each door like the other's do, she was just looking outside and observing.

While walking a slightly opened door caught her attention. So she decide to walk in to it and find out what does behind those doors.

Step by step, she make sure that she won't make a noise. When she got near, just a little inch and she can open the door.

Slowly... she open it. The room dark, and she was sure that this is not the kitchen.

She take a one step so she can see what does inside the roo. "Is there anyone--"

Someone inside pulled Chu Quao and immediately closed the door. The man inside the room put a handkerchief in her nose as he pull her.

"Sleep first..." the man whispered at her ear. She heard a familiar voice before she got unconscious.

No... I can't sleep... I will surely fail... No...

Chu Quao woke up, she slowly opened her eyes. But she immediately sit straight when she remembered that she was in the middle of the contest.

She stand up and run outside the dark room and immediately find the kitchen. She saw the crowd a few steps from her place.

She run towards the other men and she saw them already preparing and they're going to serve their foods now.

She didn't lose hope and go inside to take a look of the ingredients she can make.

But as she went inside... it was a mess... TOTALLY MESS

The vegetables are already used up, as well as the rice and other things she can use to cook a food. The only thing left was their clutters. The seasoning and salt was scattered everywhere.

The other men was already in the main hall to serve their foods to the prince and also to the Heavenly King and Queen.

"What I am gonna do now?" She whispered as her legs weaken and sat on the floor unnoticeable.


Shi Yan was waiting and thingking what kind of dish will Chu Quao serve.

He was waiting for Chu Quao's presence... but after a couple of hours since the forth round starts, he can't still sence her presence.

'Can't I just sence her or she's not really here?'

He don't know the answer of his questions so he asked the announcer. "Is everybody here?"

The announcer look back to him and bowed. "Replying your majesty, There's still one men whose not yet here"

Shi Yan make a cold tone as he talked again. "Who is it?"

"The 30th man, your majesty" He was right, she was not there that's why he can't sence her presence.

"We need to start the fourth round, you majesty. Is it alright?" The announcer was asking his permission. He can't answer because Chu Quao was not still there.

"Prince?" He stayed silent

'If she will not be able to come at the count of three, I will replace her with some men. And won't allow to enter the palace again.' -he thought


"Prince, what is your answer?"


"Son, what why aren't you answering?" The queen was asking him.

He don't want to count until three. But still no presence of her.


"Let's start" Shi Yan ordered, the announcer smiled and start the fourth round.

"There is only nine men will present their dishes, so let's start"

Each dish of the nine men was covered by a white cloth. They will remove the cover if the announcer officially said that they can start.


They was about to open the covers when someone shouted. "WAIT! I AM STILL HERE!"

Chu Quao was gasping and panting as she go in her palce. "S-sorry i-if I came late.... again"

She was holding a bowl and it was covering by a cloth. "Now all of you are complete, you can now open your dishes and explain why did you cook it"

The first men removed the cover and the fragrance of his dish filled and lingered in their noses. "Wow! It smells so good" the announcer complimented

They were revealing each dishes and they able to explain their dishes so well. The queen and king was happy because of their performances.

"So here we are, what is yours thirty?" The announcer asked, she smiled at him and take off the cover.

They were all surprised and shocked. Even the queen and the king.

"What is the meaning of this?!" The announcer asked irritated

"YOUR MAKING FUN OF US! WHAT ARE YOU REALLY DOING?! THINK HOW CAN WE EAT THAT!" the queen was already standing and pointing at Chu Quao angrily.

Chu Quao bow, "I hope that Heavenly Queen will let me explain"

"YOU--!" the queen stops when Shi Yan talked. "Mother... hear him out"

The queen sat at her chair irritated. "What did you serve to us, thirty?" Shi Yan asked

"Salt" Shi Yan was also shocked, he don't know now how can he cover up her wrongs and stupidity this time. It was already in herself.

Shi Yan took a deep sigh, he can't do anything now. He knew that she can't probably pass this time. He has no hope for that, now he know why does the people was surprised and her mother was angry.

He just let her explain her dish, and he don't know how she can explain that.

"All of the dishes were served just now... It was all mine" Chu Quao started.

Just what Chu Quao started Shi Yan don't have really hope. She was already doomed. He didn't talk and let her express her stupidity.

"Those dishes can't have a savory and delicious taste without my salt, without salt every dishes will taste bad or tasteless... The salt can only make every dishes served tasteful, this is the only thing can boost every dish and serve the food with a savory smell and taste"

Chu Quao smiled with them, they can't even talk or judge her explanations. They were speechless... literally.

So as Shi Yan, 'I didn't know that she has a such intelligence. She's stupid but genius, I don't know but I felt like I admired her... a little.'

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