As they entered, the lights flickered, but Eun Ha immediately spotted through the blue lensed monocle, a blurred and twisted version of Ajusshi Confectioner clinging to the Actual Ajusshi Confectioner's neck.
It seemed that this monstrous version of Confectioner Lee was connected to him by the scalp, and perched on his shoulders. Eun Ha realized, in just this quick microsecond glance, that the dark, evil entity seemed to leech out the man as if he were a juice pouch. The man, not the monster, had a knife in his hand, his bulging eyes staring blankly at them.
The fairy turned to check the place where she had just seen the faceless ajuhmma by the window, but there was nothing there. She didn't even have time to process the information in her head, just be fed with.
The light then went out completely.
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