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58.13% The cutest omniversal shopkeeper. / Chapter 25: Preperations.

Chapter 25: Preperations.

After I finished with Arkham and arrived at the rendezvous point. Mr.Saurons apeared.

"As a reward for your great service, I am giving you a new energy. It's called chakra as you've seen me make clones with it before." I then grant him the energy, giving him a Post 4th war naruto amount of chakra.As I currently was disguised as tobi.

"Repeat these hand signs" I then show him the shadow clone jutsu hand signs. He copied and makes a clone.

"This is diffrent from my avatars ,as I cant see or hear from them. Also I feel a spiritual link to them, unlike feeling like I am them. I was wondering about this for a while ,but I decided that it was a power you gained. What else can this energy do?" he asked

I sent him mental information on it all and his eyes widened.

"To think this could be used, in such destructive and numerous ways!" he bowed as thanks.

"Now I need you do use this to spread across the world, become a anti-hero and kill all villians that have killed more then 5 people. If they try to catch your clone, have them say "We are mere pawns to our vampire lord ,the true batman. We live in the utopia for all. Good luck hunting us down, even the league of shadows is not our match." Then when they poof, have them use a genjutsu of a swarm of bats. Also make me a business and have it be run by the most vilest men you can find. You will turn them into doppelgangers, and they will transform to look like vampires. Without the red eyes, and have their fangs slightly showing. Have it named the Akatsuki corporation, here is the technology you will be producing and selling. With the help of my labs information, I made it so I'd others try to recreate or steal it. It will self destruct, or its seal will suck it into a space void." I said as he nodded and said.

"Thanks for the gift master, I will be sure to serve you well." He then left.

I was then teleported back to the shop for my next customer.


In walked a random green Martian, he looked around and asked.

"Did you bring me here?"

"Welcome to my magical emporium of desires, where you can find anything you could ever want. We have legendary items here and also powers, so pick wisely but I would suggest something more important." I said as I was concerned hes choose superman's powers.

"Oh and what would that be?" he questioned.

"Knowledge of the future, concerning your races survival. You see I am a seer and I have seen the fate of your kind." This intrigued him so he replied.

"What would that be?" he asked.

"Your race will be almost put to extinction by the white martians. If you dont beleive me, shop display it. Also I'm case your wondering, if you dont want this knowledge when you leave you will forget about it." I said.

He seen the horror as they decimated his people, then he was filled with rage.

"Will you pay the price, to save your race. It's quite cheap, all I need is for you to put your hand in this circle. Then all your Martian abilities will be copied over to me."

He nodded reluctantly but first said "I would like to add a condition, you mustn't use this for harming my race."

"I will agree but only your race that exists in this universe, as if I go to an alternate parallel were it's the white Martians that were eradicated. You see my point, this is an omniversal shop, and I do travel alot." I say surprising him and he ponders then says.

"Alright noone of my race from this universe, as long as this doesn't end up harming my universes race in return." He said carefully. As he didn't want to be too stingy and lose the deal.

"Fair enough place your hand here and it will be done. As for my race if your wondering it's called kirbonian, were not of this universe. If you do find one though, I advice you to not be their enemy ;as they are able to eat planets."

Causing his eyes to widen

"Your joking right?" He asked.

"No, I'm in the process of gaining my bloodlines powers. We also have a huge appetite, but my shop provides me with enough food ;plus I can just create some." I said while conjuring a giant table sized chocolate lavacake ,then eating it by sucking it into my mouth. He had his mouth agape.

"Burp. Excuse me, that was delicious as you can see I am a magician." I said proudly.

"Y-yes but you conjured it from nothing!!" He said astounded.

"Not nothing, its all around us energy makes up everything. I just converted some air into being a food item. Supplementing the remainder with mana." I explained and he then said

"I see that must be quantum magic that I have never heard or seen before. Its said to be a thing of fantasy. What's your name?" He asked with respect in his eyes.

"Novaverael legendary omniversal shop owner extraordinaire." I said proudly.

"Well I'll be sure to remember it, I must be going now many things to be doing." He said leaving hastily.

"Shop bring me superman just before he landed on earth."

*Very well.*


A ray of light apeared and when it disappeared, there was a small young baby left behind. The shop aged him to be a young boy and supplemented knowledge he needed so he can buy something.

"Welcome to my emporium of desires where you can get anything you want. Say young boy where are your parents?" I asked.

"I-i don't have any-" I inturrupted and said.

"Well I cant have that now can I, now the way this is going to work is we make a deal. You get what you want and i get what i want. I will be your parent, in exchange i get your bloodline powers and I'll even throw in shapeshifting powers." I said.

He looked at me in hope but questionable and said. "Will you take good care of me?" as he was informed by the shop ,parents can be good or bad depending on their personality and guidance. Some mistreat and some do well, so it could be good or bad.

"Yes I will, now place your hand here and I will become your father." I said He did as I said and i made a clone stunning him.

"Now we have to do something very important first, we need to get you a medical checkup. This is to ensure that your well, also to not alter the future too much." He noded.

"Please take care of me."he said

'Shop dont commence the bonding process till he goes to sleep.' I said mentally.

'Very well.'

My clone took him to get medical checkup and become his fulltime father. Also to clone him using his blood sample. Meanwhile I was talking with the shop.

*I will begin the transfer to the new clone when it is made ,so that as you said. The timeline will still have its superman.*

I nodded as the key and hope of superman's race rested in his self. Not that he ever tried to recreate his race.

'With this I will create the ultimate warrior race kukukuku.'


My next customer came into the door and it was non other then John Constantine himself. He looked around and seen the mana that filled the store.

"Welcome to my magical emporium of desires, were you can buy anything you could ever want.

As you can see John Constantine there are no curses here."

He was momentarily stunned and then turned to me and his cigarette fell to the floor.

"Bloody hell!! Y-your a freaking kirby, this has to be a trick!" He then did various encantations and spells also reality checks. "Y-YOUR REAL!?!"

"Yes, and before you ask I am not a demon as could a demon do this." I shine my hand in a holy light. His jaw dropped and said "BLOODY HELL ITS A ANGELIC KIRBY HAS GOD GONE MAD!!?!" he said taking out a cigar instead with shaking hands. He lights it then puffs out a ploom of smoke.

"Ah much better.... well your still here and I refuse to believe god made you ,so what are you." He asked intrigued

"That's rude! I am a kirbonian and not by choice either. That's besides the point, I am here to sell you an item from my shop; it can be anything. Varying from knowledge,powers,technology,

techniques and pritty much anything you can think of. We even have the holy grail for christ sake, so choose wisely." I said as his jaw dropped looking in the direction, of the holy freaking grail.

"Its not the holy grail but a copy of it, and before you ask no I didnt make it; the shop did using divine energy."

He then scurries to look around my shop, he actually spent hours just looking. I was playing on my holo-phone ,so I didnt care but I was beginning to get annoyed.

"John you might end up living here, if you stay any longer. As the shop will just keep creating things you could want, so please pick an item."

He grumbled but understood that what I said was true.

"If you want I could suggest the best item you could want, this is a magical scanner that can even exorcise mid teir demon from people. It can break curses and find out what's wrong with the people it scans. It can also tell you what spells demons cast against or on you. It however wont work on the antichrist or a demon general. Now you might think, but there are more powerful items here. That's true but when we trade I do equivalent exchanges. I have a feeling your magic is alot weaker then mine. The only reason I am making this deal, is because I like to seek knowledge. I also might be able to edit your magic system into mine. So what do you say?"

"So I'm guessing I put my hand there ,and my magical knowledge is uploaded to your brain?" He asked intrigued looking at the magical circle that he couldn't understand, but the shop allowed him too. Also told him any knowledge of this will leave his mind when he leaves.

"Yes that's right, as you can see there is no strings or curses involved; so do we have an accord?"

"Bloody yes, we do!!!!" He payed for his new item and left the shop in joy.

'So it was alot weaker then I thought, but that's because he doesn't have a large mana supply. So he has to use rituals to supplement his magic. Also the magic here uses natural,spiritual, and physical energies to work. So it has more potential but is extremely limited by the user. This reminds me of overlord magic as it depended on your mana pool and knowledge. O-well I guess it was a decent exchange not the best or worse. I should be able to make something nice with it.'

"Next I wish to meet the Greek gods before their downfall. Gaia,hades,Aphrodite,Hera,Poseidon

,ZEUS, and Athena."

*T-this can be done as it's a group, but for Gaia you will need to compensate; by paying with alot of natural energy. For this you can use your ability to pay it, as she will be more friendly to you while your in sagemode. Also they are all lower gods, this is why they got defeated.*

"Very well." I then expelled my natural energy in one burst and done.


In walks the pantheon of greek gods, they all looked around surprised but equally wary. They then seen gaia arrive in a beam of light and where stunned. As they knew to be able to summon her here, and not curse the earth to wither and die. The caster must be an elder god, higher then the titans themselfs. They then all looked towards me as they heard her say.

"My,my to think you could summon me and have such natural energy left!!! You could possible take my place ,not that you would want to. Well no matter, what's the purpose of this occasion?" She said. The others bowed as they thought I was greatly more powerful then them.

"I welcome you all to my magical emporium of desires, where you can obtain anything you would want. We currently have up to legendary items of your world past present and future, also rare items of the omniversal variety. Now I run this place of equal exchange, so I will get something I desire as well. You can choose an item, but be warned. If your too greedy ,you will be forever lost in the shop. As it will keep making items, if you want I could suggest an item for you."

They all looked intrigued while zeus thought 'Oh god not another god of trade.'

They all thought and were going to ignore the warning and gaia spoke.

"Very well what would you suggest for me?"

"This is a seed of the tree of yggdrasil, the Norse god have their own ;but it's being consumed by a dragon. This one is sentient and will attack those who bring it harm. It could take your place so you can travel around. It will make sure ,that the earth has the amount of plants it needs; without going over the limit. All beings will benefit from this, as it will increase their energy reserves. In fact you could even use the tree, to keep up Mount Olympus. Giving poor atlas a break. Also it wards away mortals with magic ,so they wont notice it even with technology. Unless they are magicians that is."

Her eyes goes wide and so does the others.

"Impossible you dare lie to godess gaia!"Zeus yells holding his thunderbolt ,which I then study with my rinnesharingan.

"Unbelievable!! Its real!! My goodness ,I thought there was only one seed of the tree ; to exist!! Where did you find this?!"

"The shop creates the items itself, as for how; I don't know but I think its creator does it. Anyways as for a payment for the seed, all I seek is knowledge on anything pertaining to what you do ;as your status of god of the earth."

Then a magical circle glows, she humms and says "Alright its not like you couldn't figure it out, in a few million years." she places her hand there ,and I am invaded by innumerable amounts of knowledge on natural energy. Although this happened in a few seconds, it felt like countless millions of years. As that was how plentiful the knowledge was.

"Y-you had knowledge of ki!!!!" I exclaimed almost fainting at this.

"Oh you mean the bodies full potential, yes that took quite a while to learn. Say you do learn fast, was that time energy I sensed. Makes sense, otherwise you would be frozen for a few million years." She said intrigued shocking all the other gods to their core!!

'Time energy!!!! We only have enough to live forever, but to use it so frivolously!!' They thought.

"I'm guessing this is what Hercules uses unconsciously." I made an assumption.

"Oh goodness no, well yes he did but that boy didnt access even 1% of his potential. Atlas even has only 5% of his potential unlocked. Now potential is a tricky thing as it always changes, if you always train it skyrockets. For that you must always push yourself to your limits. I sense your using the suns energy, to create a gravity-solar based energy sheild around you; to increase your physical attributes. I recommend you turn it off, but I'm pritty sure you cant ;or you would have filled your cells already. If you want, I can seal it away till you're ready. For another item that is." Everyone was shocked by this statement and thought 'Ruthless bartering strategy!'

"Very well, the next item I'd suggest is this magical item, it will allow you to change your form however you wish. Now let's say you already have this ability, it also implants an identity for you to use ;in what ever planet you visit. So its quite useful." I explained and she nodded "Yes I can alter my form however I wish, since I'm made of natural energy. However, I cant do all that you said. This would help me in my interactions with mortals alot easier."

She said

"But I feel like this is not enough." she continued causing us to all stuck in cold air and think


"Oh then I have no choice ,but to warn you of certain beings ;should you want to leave this planet." I said while everyone was impressed how I turned this around.

"Hmm that's acceptable as it will help my survival, it's a deal!" she said placing her hand in the circle then she said "No wonder I had lapses in memory ,during those times. Frightening beings they are, do be careful shop keeper ;I dont wish for my favorite shop to dissapear." She said then disappears in a bright light.

'We wanted to ask what she was told about!!!'

they all thought then looked at me in hope.

"Nope, to be honest she wouldnt even have been told half the stuff, if it wasnt for her immensive knowledge. Also I dont think zeus would exchange his bolt for said information"

They all took in a breath of cold air and thought

'Hes worse then hermes!!!'

"Now do you wish for a suggestion for an item?"

They all nodded as gaia got something good, so why wouldnt they.

"Hades for you I have this enchanted stone it has a dragon carving on it, this can be a weapon on par with zeus bolt of lightning. It can launch blasts of hell flames at you enemies, these flames never go out and you will have full control. Now before you object and say my flames are just as good ,look at this. I used the item and out comes flames, that even made zeus break a sweat. He wanted to throw hades out of the place, but he didn't dare too in the precense of this high god. I then made them disappear.

"I'll take it no matter the cost!!!" He said while everyone looked at him as if he was insane.

"Very well I want your knowledge ,on how to teleport to the souls of people. As I assume you can do so since you manage the underworld."

"Yes I can do it but it drains me greatly. That's why i made a magical circle to do it for me, it makes the cost alot less." He explained.

"Aphrodite I want your charm so that people stop looking at me as cute and more of a potential mate. However not guys as I'm straight. As for the item this is a chastity seal, if someone tries to r**e you they will lose what makes them a man." I said she smiled and blushed then placed her hand in the circle; while smirking at zeus. He huffs angrily and thinks

'I'm your king, of course I am allowed to pillage you when I want. Even if your tired, damn you shop keeper. Maybe I should remove the law, against sleeping with mortals. hehehe.'

"May we both have this seal." Hera and Athena say while glaring at zeus and Poseidon a bit.

"Very well from you athena your wisdom and you Hera your blessing, so the amazonian dont dispise me for being a man." They both nodded and thought he let them off easy expecially hera.

"Poseidon you will get a blessing ,so that your water can disable zeus lightning bolt momentarily. Also put out hades new flames, this will only be usable; when your in the karmic right for the situation." I said and he understood it's meant for defence and balance of the others powers. "In return your knowledge on how to manipulate the ocean like you do, who knows maybe I will learn something I didnt from gaia. If not, the payment will be if you try to r**e again your d**k will fall off. Do you accept?"

He reluctantly agreed and hoped that I learned something new.

"Nope, it's the same as gaia I wish you luck with finding a willing partner."

Zeus and Hades chuckled at this getting his ire.

"ZEUS as such a disgusting powerful being praying on the weak such as you. I don't even want to sell you an item, but I am forced too. So my suggestion to you, is this book on how to treat a woman right. Also access to divine tribulation, to use whenever one of your two brothers does something unjust. No I'm not going by your definition." I said gaining his full wrath and anger. He knew he was outmatched and gritted his teeth and said "What's the payment for said item?" he said growling.

"Knowledge on your element of lightning and how to control it that well. Gaia knew of this but not as well as you I assume."

"Surley this is worth more then that." He tries to haggle.

"Follow me." We get transported to the testing world. Where I reenacted sasukes kirin.

This made zeus gape in shock, at me using the lightning like this. I notice this and say

"Please dont tell me, you couldn't control lightning at least this well." I said while his wife answers "Well his lightning had divine energy in it, so although it cant do massive damage like this. It can effect the soul." she elaborated getting him to puff his chest in pride and say

"Yes, although that would injure us, we would heal quickly. With my lightning you cant heal, even after a long time. It would take eons." He said.

"Let me try something." I did it again but infusing divine energy inside. Leaving them all pale and shaking white.

"T-this even my lightning bolt cant compare."

Zeus said in despair.

"Payment changed to having to take the book seriously and follow it." I said.

He grumbled but after his wife persuaded him, he reluctantly agreed.

"Very well." Zeus said as we were transported back he payed for his item and left.

*Notification from my creator "WHAT IS THIS! Your not running a brothel, so I will have to seal that new blessing till you leave the shop. I hope you enjoy your other spoils though, good luck." That's all he said.*

I look down as my hope was shattered before it started and yelled "WHY!!!!"

'I wonder what the clones are doing.' I thought afterwards.'

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