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55.81% The cutest omniversal shopkeeper. / Chapter 24: Pissing off batman.

Chapter 24: Pissing off batman.

[Currently 3 years after first customer sale. Also

its the day of the Particle accelerator explosion]

I then went to find Kaitlin snow in star labs. When we arrived. I Send out my nanobots to get a sample of the black matter. As it explodes, I use my chikrana [A/N combo of chakra and chi]

to contain it in a energy capsule, that I made with yin-yang release. I then had my reality bender suck in the extra energy. Hoping it would allow me ,to be able to disable metahumans powers. Like the blade in the show. I leave after collecting blood samples of course. Eobard Thawne didn't notice, as I put genjutsu on my cloaked drones for extra measure. I then feel a connection I'm my sword, that didnt use to be there.

'Interesting I can see with the rinnesharingan the dark matter infuses with the DNA, then uses the data contained within the strand; to pick out a suitable power. However it can be effected by outside forces. <Shadow clone jutsu> I give my clone the samples and they take off to the shop.

"Is project cupid done?" I asked jeeves my Ai in my holo-phone

*Yes it has been done for a while, I have created a 50 barrel full.I have also created 300 canisters ready for dispersal.*

"Time for madara to shake a world once more kuku, Also release the drones, to collect samples of all aliens and powered beings on earth. Make sure to have them ,cloaked from detection and sight." I say as I transform into him. I then head out into the world of dc. Towards a certain prison full of bad souls to collect, and people that deserve death.'Time to make another omnifarm.'

(Gotham City-Arkham Asylum)

I flew through the halls this was a place designed to hold Gotham's most evil and devious of criminals. To be sent here because the system wouldn't allow for them to die , as they could be rehabilitated. As for their crimes it varies from killing hundreds of people in the city to theft on a grand scale with some killings. The criminal justice system, is currupt thinking they could cure these monsters. Give them another chance, and a means to reintegrate with society they said. Lethal response to their crimes is wrong, unless all else is exhausted and is an extreme circumstance.

I disagree.I know when you take enough innocent lives ,that it taints your soul to be negatively karmic... but they cant see like me. If you get to that point, I beleive since you seek their lives;your putting yours on stake . Look no further then Joker. Scarecrow, Deadshot, Deathstroke and ra's al ghul. Like the saying goes their wolfs wearing a sheep skin ,living only because society refused to eliminate them. All due to the fear that such a thing, would make them look bad. Bull they just want no death to come to them ,when they are corrupt as shit. How many lives would be spared pain, suffering, and death. If the Joker were killed, rather then being allowed to live? How many people would Not be assassinated, if Deadshot and Deathstroke were dead in the next 10 seconds? How many lives did the Scarecrow torture and ruin, with his fear inducing hallucinations? Way too many than should be counted. They needed to be held accountable for their horrors. Nevermind the fact that, some of the guards here were just as bad.It is a case of Corruption=Evil. Bribed by inmates themselves, just to give them what they desired. Sometimes they even looked the other way, when the more vile convicts wanted out of the asylum. They just gave them the means to escape the infernal place, for a price of course. Information on security codes, and guard rotations.Their favorite information, and what they needed to know for said excape. Sometimes the guards even stooped so low, by editing their parole file.This allowed them freedom, and It wasn't just the inmates who bribed them either. The underworld peoole or groups like Cadmus contributed as well. Recruiting some of the worst this place had to offer ,for making "Suicide Squads" to clean up the messes they made, but didn't want anyone to know. All the while, the guards at this asylum got a nice big secret free untraceable check. That was entirely anonymous.

Which was why the guards were the first victims, to be reaped for their evil souls tonight. Using my reality bender ,morphed into a scythe to decapitate them. In my hand was a scythe, with a black deathlike aura surrounding it. As I added the destruction aura of death to it. It was dripping with blood, all because I willed it to. Otherwise it would have already been vaporised. The reason no alarms were raised, was due to the shift of said corrupt guards monitoring the insane in this place ;were dead. Only the innocent guards were spared. They were knocked out or hit with a sleep induced Genjutsu, which caused them to fall over flat on their faces; almost at the exact same time.

Normally, such an act of the guards being disabled, or killed would have sent all of the prisoners into a frenzy. This would normally be a chance for them to escape from prison, and cause chaos among the masses of Gotham. However, they felt the death like aura and none dared to move. When all the guards were dead or incompacitated, I gave off an aura of death that send shivers up their backs. All the convicts here could sense it in the air, and many of them huddled in their cells shaking in fear.As noone before felt this feeling of malice, and it was calmly walking the halls of Arkham Asylum. Even the most evil scum among these halls, felt my presence and shivered in fear of me. What was my first stop, the insane clown himself The Joker.

Normally, the insane man dressed in clown makeup would be grinning over his next big plan to break out. Then kill Batman in some convoluted plot, for the public to see. Then he would announce his plan in detail, and call it his best devised joke he had made yet. Not anymore on my watch.

"So this is the infamous Joker. People speak your name, like it is something that is to be feared. They then cower and hide from the mentioning of it ,as if you would manifest yourself like a bloody Mary. What I see is a pathetic pale faced man, trying to get his jokes off of hurting innocents. Disgusting!" I said in a ghostly magical voice.

"Is this the part where you kill me? We both know you won't, regardless of the feeling of dread you're giving off." remarked Joker in a serious tone.

"You have been institutionalized by the society, and that's why you think that ;your used to their ways. Well if you think that way, and it's so ingrained, what's the point in talking. Goodbye joker! Your soul will provide me sustenance. This will be the only good you have done." I said

"You heroes are all the same. All bark and no bite. Do you really want to kill more of us and be hunted like a dog by Batman? By the Justice League?" said Joker with a slight grin on his face at the joke, he considered behind the twisted way the world worked.

"Enough talk, only action will matter now." I said

"I see. You aren't like Batman. No. Batsy won't cross the line of ending a life out of some fear, of becoming the very monsters he faces. You will. You will cross it, blur it, and even rewrite it. I don't find that the least bit amusing in the slightest." remarked Joker.

"Enjoy your new home." I say swinging my scythe at his head. Knowing this was his end, Joker's laugh echoed throughout the hall for all the criminals to hear. It then ended abruptly, scaring all inhabitants. Even Scarecrow, who was considered the Master of Fear ,for use of his fear inducing hallucination. He also assumed this "hero" was one of those ,who didn't cross the "no killing" line. Thinking this samauri armoured man was bluffing. But being in a cell across from the Clown Prince of Crime ,allowed him to see in a first class seat to the truth. Death was approaching him and quick.

When it was over, the Joker was but a head and a corpse had not even ashes remaining. When I turned around, i seen the one and only Scarecrow. I laughed and said "Nice another soul to collect, got to love this world it's full of evil to vanquish and souls to eat." I then saw Dr. Crane was terrified, he was shaking and pure white..

"D-Don't kill me. Please! At least spare my soul!" begged Dr. Crane ,as he seen me pull out his soul and I used a genjutsu to look like I ate it.

"No. I don't think I will kill you just yet. I have something else in mind. tsukuyomi!'" I said with my rinnesharingan hidden by genjutsu. I plunged the evil doctor into a world of, what could be called his own personal Hell.

All the people Dr. Crane tormented, hurt, and killed were brutalizing him, in the brutal fashion imaginable. They would do every evil thing you could imagine to him ,and show him true fear! He would die and come back ,till the year but a second outside was done. I then used a time-space seal to send me his soul when done.I then moved on walking past Two-Face, my future pawn after using tsukuyomi to mentaly help him;in the future that is. This would be used ,to make the two halves whole again. I walked by the Mad Hatter after observing his hat. 'Interesting it's a magical item, easily recreatable. I then passed the Riddler, giving him a impossible riddle to solve or I'd come back to say hi. I was Lying of course ,then I finally at Victor Fries chamber.

Ripping the cell open, I ignored the bitter cold the room with inner firebending.This was generated to keep the man inside alive. As for the man imprisoned here, he was Emotionless, Empty, ready to die should death come. In fact, it looked like Fries's was waiting for death to come, and welcome it with open arms.

"Ahh the soul reads Victor Fries," whispered I while Victor Fries nodded.

"And I presume you have come to kill me assassin," replied Fries while standing up and made no effort to defend himself, as he knew he was outmatched and he wanted to die.

"You presume too much Victor Fries. I'm not here to kill you. I am here to help you," I said while Fries frowned slightly.

"You cannot help me. My condition cannot be reversed," replied Fries before moving to sit down again.

"What if I told you I could cure you? What if I told you I could make you normal? What if I told you...I could save your wife and you could be with her again?" I inquired, as he saw Fries's head snap sharply in my direction, and glared even harder.

"Do not test me assassin. If this is some means to goad a response of violence from me, you are well on your way there," said Fries with me holding up my hand.

"I am not testing you or your temper my friend. I meant what I said. I can help you more then what your thinkinf."I replied using a new technique im still working on. I made true shadow clones that live in the shadows, to finish the rest quickly. Unfortuneatly I can only make 10 so far, but maybe learning more about the shadow diemension would help. While Fries was a bit curious now and daring to think with hope.

"How?" asked Fries while i stored my scythe.

"Through my own means that are beyond you my friend. But for this to work, I need to know the location of Nora Fries. I know you know where she is ,and it is somewhere cold. I will take you to her. I will take you both to a location where I can cure you both. But I need your trust. Do I have it?" I said as Fries was staring at me for a long moment before nodding.

"You do. All I ask, is you save my wife from the prison I was forced to put her in ,and to save my precious Nora from death once she is removed from it. I do not care about my condition. Only hers." said Fries in a tone filled with passion.

"Very well. Once I take you to said location, i will begin the necessary healing process of saving her first. After that is done, I will work on you. Agreed?" I said with Fries nodding.

"I am ready. Though I am curious how you will get me out of here, knowing the outside temperatures of this cell; will kill me within a matter of minutes." remarked Fries skeptically.

"That's easy, just gimme a second" I put a harashin marking, then made a clone to grab him and teleported to his wife's location using his teleport spell. As for the original, he had to stop hugo strange from making more minions.

[A/N His spell worked like this [Teleport global position]

[The office of Dr. Hugo Strange].

The man had been working late again and it was nighttime. Working on his experiments into the deep dark corners of a prisoner's mind. To see what made them tick. To see if he could mold them to his liking. To see if he alter a person to the point, where they could become the very opposite of their true self. The man wanted to play God and loved doing it on his patients. I was not happy with this evil fellow.

"What are you doing here?! Get out before I call security!" demanded Dr. Hugo Strange while I walked into the room. "What?You say something?" I said tilting my head

"Oh the security guards on your payroll ,are all gone never to live again. Don't bother using the silent alarm, under your desk. They are all dead. Every single one. I know they pulled a lot of strings, to get you back in here Hugo. To study the criminal mind. Find out what makes it tick, function, breathe, or just plain live. I know they want you to find a way ,to make criminals here controllable. To make them into your minions ,or should I say Cadmus minions. All for their inevitable war with the Justice League. Am I wrong?" I elaborated while seeing the shocked look, on his face.

"How do you know that?!"he demanded while I chuckled.

"Its not hard to figure out. What Cadmus wants, and its a war with the Justice League. They however are not quite yet ready for one, the organization is using everything and anything they can get their hands on.This means they are desperate, using all their resources. Just to be able to counter them, with their dream of defeating every League member on the planet. Who better to add to their ranks for the war when the times comes? Who better to fight them, while still covering their tracks. Then the villains themselfs? Who better, to convert them then you, so they can be loyal expendable soldiers for Cadmus. While your their expendable man in charge of them? Before you deny, do you think they would tell you if your expendable. No they won't ,because you would plan against it. I may not be Batman, but this much is clear and easy to see. I know what Cadmus plans, just your presence explains it." i retorted knowing Hugo Strange's appointment here ,was strictly on the quiet side of things. As Cadmus put in a great deal of effort to make sure, even Batman didn't know of the doctor's involvement here again. This will make them conspire, to find the non existent mole.

"You won't kill me. You would risk Cadmus coming after you, because of my position in their ranks. The Justice League will also come after you, for ending my life. No one can hide from one of these organizations, much less two of them; when they are hunting for the same person." countered Dr. Hugo Strange while I chuckled.

"They can try to find me. But in the end, how can your find a face that doesnt exist." I said morphing my face, through the same faces koh the facestealer uses. I then summoned my scythe ,and looked at him backing up in true fear. Then I swing at his head slowly, but adjusting if he dodges.

"You fool! My death will accomplish nothing!" exclaimed Dr. Hugo Strange while trying to stop the scythe gripping the hilt. I let him push it back a little, then struggle as it came closer and closer.Just like cat and mouse.

"Actually it will. Your death leaves a blood trail for the Dark Knight to follow. A blood trail I can control and make go around in so many circles, the man will be too dizzy to see what else is going on around him. Goodbye Master of minds doctor of evil!" I replied before blowing black flames ,to burn all but his head then disappear in 10 min.

Which made the fire alarm go off ,as this time I let the unclean air hit the detector.The entire building from top to bottom, went into lockdown. I then teleport to Victor.

(Arctic-Unknown Location)

Victor Fries watched with curiosity and a hint of impatience, while watching me do what I considered to be my "mystical work". After creating a dome of energy, that would keep the cold around Nora from hurting her. Of course Victor had to stay outside of the dome, of energy in order to live. But he didn't care, about his life as Nora was his life. Without her, he was nothing but Empty, and Hollow. He might as well be soulless as he considered Nora was his soul. Victor had never been what you call a handsome man. So finding his a woman that would genuinely love him, would be impossible for him early on in life. Never mind while dedicating himself, to his scientific research.

However that became false when ,Nora appeared in his life. She was a ballerina performing at the Gotham Center for the Musical Arts, and instantly took Victor's breath away. It was as if God had made an angel and sent her from heaven to the Earth, to show mortals the beauty of the light. To show him the beauty of the light. It took some effort, but he finally got a chance to meet the woman who had stolen his heart. Despite everything, Nora had loved him almost as quickly as he did her. She wasn't a shallow woman. Her spirit was as beautiful, just as the way she danced. Her smile lit up a room, and all basked in the warmth she generated from it. When they married, Victor vowed to love no other. He worshiped the ground she walked on. Her every command, every request, everything she asked of him he obeyed without question. She was his Queen, his Goddess, his entire Universe, and he vowed to let no evil in this world, take her from him.

Not even death. Or the illness that would cause it. He was thinking of it all.

'Nora, I have done horrible things since becoming this way. I tried to avenge you, but I failed. When the time comes, I will get on my knees, and beg your forgiveness for not only becoming this monster, but for the things I have done following it. I only hope that I am worthy of it and above all else...your love,' thought Victor while he clenched both of his hands ,at seeing me open the cryo tube. Despite knowing it was necessary, given what the longhaired armoured man had told him.

I know you fear for her Victor. What I am doing, will no doubt make you feel this way. What I am about to do ,will cure her. I'm sure of it, if not I have many methods to try. I'll even lay my life for forfeit. I am bound by honor, to do no wrong to those I seek out to help.

Those had been my words to him. Yet until Nora was healed. Until victor could hold his Nora in his arms again, or at least see her stand without fear of the illness claiming her life...he would fear. Yes, for the first time since the accident occurred, Victor Fries would allow the emotion known as fear, to creep into his heart and mind.

(Gotham Police HQ-Commissioner Gordon's Office)

"It was a bloodbath pure and simple Commander. Never seen anything like it in all my years as a cop. All the Rookies lost their dinners in there ,when we stormed the place. Even the veterans like me puked at least once. I can't remember eating half the stuff, I wretched up back there. After I saw the carnage sprayed all over the place, in some of the cells it was unspeakable." said Detective Bullock, who had a paled face, and surprisingly slimmer stomach.

He had to have alot of breath mints, to get the smell of puke out of his mouth. Not to mention the man wanted, to take a super long shower at his apartment. So he could finally get the smell of blood off of him.

"Security footage?" asked Commissioner Gordon since he had been sleeping when the call came in, as it was near midnight when it happened. His old buddies even told him it was best not to see it in person, they didn't want him to suffer the same fate.

Judging from the photos taken of the place...they were right.

"None. Some of the guards were dead too. Butchered like most of the convicts, who were slaughtered in their cells. Security cameras were turned off. All of them. The witnesses not killed were other inmates, who spoke of some long haired demon , reaping the souls of all those deemed evil.We looked up his face and... Nothing absolutely nothing. This has never happened before, it's like he never existed to begin with." answered Bullock with Commissioner Gordon frowning.

"What about the guards not killed? Not all of them were butchered from the report I got earlier, right?" asked Commissioner Gordon with Bullock now scratching his head in frustration.

"That's just the thing Commish, none of them remember anything before it went down. One moment, its business as usual that night guarding the inmates, the next...BAM! They suddenly fall over unconscious ,without a reason and wakeup to seeing us storming the joint demanding answers. However, we did get a sketch, but with no results it's as good as a trophy." answered Bullock with Commissioner Gordon frowning.

"At the same time?" asked Commissioner Gordon.

"Yeah! Its like someone turned off a switch in their brains, and made them fall over into dreamland. I thought they might be in on it, but they all gave the same story. Also all of the guards were on different levels, at the time of the event. No way they could all just fall over at once in perfect sync Commish. The timing of it unnaturally perfect." said Bullock, who despite his eating habits, lack of tact, language, and occasionally crude humor. Was actually quite sharp in sensing ,when something was amiss.

It was why the man was a detective after all. Not the greatest detective, but you definitely could rely on him to have your back.

Speaking of the greatest detective to ever live.

"Thanks for your help Bullock. Go home and get some rest. Hell, take the next few days off. You deserve it. Lord knows half the precinct at this point, deserves the next few days off" said Commissioner Gordon with Bullock nodding.

"Thanks Commish. After tonight, a few days off doesn't sound so bad right about now. Not for nothing, but this incident might scare the criminals; into not committing crimes. If they fear something might happen to them that is." said Bullock before he left the room.

"Your thoughts?" asked Commissioner Gordon to the shadowy corner where Batman was listening in on them.

"A new player is in town. One who came into Gotham tonight, from the sounds of it.Just like you, even with all my resources I have nothing. If an attack on Arkham was going to happen, someone would have known about it before now. This was done for a reason, but done at the last minute, or on impulse. The sheer brutality behind this attack ,suggests the attacker does not believe in redemption or rehabilitation;for those he killed. In his mind, they deserved to be delivered to the reaper. He even made ghostly wails of his judgment for christ sake, hes trying to make a point. That hes not afraid, and hes coming." said Batman while he walked over to Gordon's desk, and looked at the photos taken.

"But what about the other inmates this new guy spared. The Mad Hatter, Two-Face, the Riddler, and even Killer Croc were all there watching him walk by. Yet only the hatter was looked at for a while and the riddler messed with. He still wont speak anymore, as he said hes got a perfect riddle to solve.He wouldn't tell us what the riddle was either, it's like his prized possession. Why spare them? Why spare them, but not the Joker, or the Scarecrow?" asked Commissioner Gordon curiously.

"Because none of them have a higher kill count or enjoyed the torturing of their fellow man. One of the few things Joker and Scarecrow have in common, is their love of hurting others in their own unique way. Crane used fear inducing gas to make people suffer their greatest fears, to the point of dying from it. The Joker uses laughing gas and other "jokes" forged from his sick mind, to make people die horrible deaths while smiling in the end. As for comming back for the riddler, I think he just used it as a ruse. Perhaps hes an admirer and gave it to him as a present." said Batman with Commissioner Gordon nodding since he saw what the Dark Knight was getting at.

"That still doesn't explain the loss of Mr. Fries. His cell is empty, yet we haven't found his body. No blood. No corpse. No sign of him being killed or even a struggle within his own cell. We know he couldn't have orchestrated this because no one has communicated ,with the man since being in it. The man kept to himself. For all intensive purposes, he is the one inmate who has been a model prisoner." countered Commissioner Gordon while Batman frowned at the mention of Mr. Fries.

"I'm unsure about how he escaped. Or how this supposed samurai demon ,got him out alive. That's if he got him alive at all. If Fries is alive, I will find him, and get my answers. Once I have more pieces of the puzzle, the picture behind it will become clearer." said Batman while Commissioner Gordon sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"I just hope this demon samurai, or Mr. Fries aren't working together. The last thing this city needs, is some plot to possibly destroy Gotham." said Commissioner Gordon before he looked up and saw Batman was gone.

He hated it when the man did that.

(The Arctic-At the Moment)

"Nora," whispered Fries when he saw the woman was freed from the illnesses as a holy light decended on her.

When he first saw the light and it covering her, Fries had banged against the barrier screaming her name. The idea of his beloved wife, his treasure, his star, and soul being obliterated by this light. Brought the fear he felt back, a thousand times over. He then fell to his knees when she was, taken by the light. He was thinking emotional not logical.

But now? Now she alive and better then ever. He saw from the rising and falling of her chest.

"I told you I would help you Victor. I am not a liar to those I help."I said while he ran a medical scan over Nora Fries ,to ensure it worked.We were both pleased to see the woman, was one hundred percent healthy again.

'Not to self angelic healing light cures even incurable things.' I thought

"Forgive me. I had feared the worst. Without her, I am nothing." remarked Victor while seeing his wife now on a table, Madara had somehow conjured seemingly out of thin air.

"Well she is alive and healthy now. Sleeping for the most part. I placed a special seal tag on her forehead, to keep her that way for now. The last thing she needs, is to wake and see you here like this." replying with Fries nodding, but frowned all the same.

"Please wake her up. I need to tell Nora ,what I have become. What I have done. I will not hide anything from her. I will either have her forgiveness or scorn. So long as she lives, I do not care which." said Fries

I looked at him for a second before sighing.

"As you wish.I hope she is understanding ,and if she is not; I am not going to be the one to kill you." I replied before walking over to the tag on Nora's forehead and removing it.

Nora Fries then awoke from her long slumber. Frowning, she looked around to see a red armoured samurai man. Then seeing him turn his head to the right. She followed his sight, Nora gasped at seeing, her loving husband standing outside of a barrier. In clothing of an prisoner, and in temperatures well below zero.

"Victor?" asked Nora with Victor Fries nodding.

"Nora. My love, My life ,My wife and My treasure." whispered Victor happily while seeing Nora rise from the table ,and was held carefully by me as she was unsteady.

"What has happened? Where am I? Why do you look different?" asked Nora while she was helped by me ,to the barrier to see her husband still on his knees.

"I have done horrible things my Nora. After you were put in the cryo tube, an accident occurred. It was from an interference of a third party, and it resulted in what I am, now. I thought you had died after it happened ,and as such I became a monster fueled by vengeance. I vowed to avenge you, and destroy the man who ruined everything. Only later did I find out that you were alive, still in your cryo tube. Preserved. Protected from the disease, that would claim your life. I tried to gain the funds needed to continue my research, to cure you of your disease. There was only one way to do it, and it was taking the money through crime. Thus hurting all those, who stood in my way. I am not worthy of your love my Nora, and can only beg for your forgiveness of what I have done. If you do not wish to be with me ever again, to scorn my existence, I will understand, and accept it without question. My only wish, my one true desire above all else, is to see you happy, healthy, and to walk in the warm sunlight. To dance as you danced all those years ago, when I first saw you and stole my breath away." said Victor, as he stared into Nora's shocked eyes, and she knelt on the ground so she was eye level with him.

"Victor, you know I have always loved you. I have loved you since the day we met. Your smile, your shyness, your devotion to me, and your work in wanting to save lives. You didn't have to do what you did, to avenge me. Even if I died, we would have been together again one day in the afterlife. Surely you believe that?" replied Nora while Victor nodded his head.

"I know. But the idea of you dying so was an injustice in my eyes. You deserve to live a long life my Nora. So I chose to combat ,the disease and death itself. My own physical condition, is the result of my war with it. I willed myself to live through the pain ,that came from becoming this with the desire to avenge you. To make those who hurt you ,know what it means to be hurt beyond measure. In my nightmares, I saw you staring at me behind a frozen prison walls, begging me with frozen eyes to save you. And in those nightmares, I was powerless. You are what matters most to me my Nora. My love. My sacred treasure." said Victor with his eyes showing emotions ,he had long since buried deep within his nearly frozen heart.

"Oh Victor!" exclaimed Nora as she cried at hearing his words.

"Do not cry! I beg of you Nora. I deserve your scorn. Your rejection!" replied Victor with Nora smiling at him while she cried.

"I love you Victor. I always will love you. My only wish now, is for us to be together." said Nora with Victor touching the barrier ,and saw her doing the same.

"Nora." whispered Victor while he saw her love for him in those eyes.

"I wouldn't worry about that. Victor, I can do the same for you, as I did for Nora here. It will be different, but in the end, I can make it happen." I said

As to see such a person become monster like this driven by vengeance. When he used to be a kind,smart,caring, and good person.

"Thank you my friend, but you do realize that I am still a wanted criminal because of my escape by your hands. I will be pursued by Batman and possibly the Justice League." said Victor while Nora looked worried ,since she didn't want to lose him so soon.

"Leave that to me. When you touch this paper it become a tattoo, you can use it to go to Novaveraels utopia. Its filled with people ,that were restricted by their governments from being who they are. Some might call them freaks but some heros, although there are some villians there. However there are rules their as you will learn. You will follow them, and contribute to its society. If you want to gain currency used there, there is a currency exchange aswell. Now to get this done."

[Wayne Manor A few days Later]

"Is something on your mind ,Master Bruce?" asked Alfred while Bruce Wayne ate his morning meal and drank his coffee, with the morning newspaper in hand.

"Just thinking Alfred." answered Bruce politely, but still serious all the same.

"About what happened at Arkham Asylum a few days ago." surmised Alfred since he saw the news report on TV, and the papers were still buzzing about it.

"Yes. Countless dead. Inmates and guards alike. One inmate missing. Not only that, but I just learned Dr. Hugo Strange was working in Arkham at night; thanks to Cadmus." said Bruce with a frown on his face ,becoming a deeper looking scowl.

"Disturbing. Given Dr. Hugo Strange's skills in manipulating the mind and twisting it, I fear he was doing something worse besides treating the inmates that were under his care." concluded Alfred with Bruce nodding.

"That was what I concluded as well. I would have accessed the files in the his office, but it was destroyed along with him. The only remains was his head and burnmarks , for this to happen to Arkham." said Bruce while wondering who had been the mysterious demon samurai, that made so many inmate within Arkham fear him over himself.

"Could he be from the League of Shadows? An agent of certain leader, you don't wish to be spoken?" asked Alfred with Bruce not liking the idea of that man doing something like this, in his city.

"No. Its not his style. He gains nothing from killing so many. Even if it was to make me look bad, the man doesn't work that way." concluded Bruce while Alfred nodded.

"Some new assassin. Apprentice of Deathstroke? Or Deadshot?" asked Alfred since he knew his Masters past and all their run ins with them. Perhaps a apprentice of some sort.

"It is possible. But I would have heard of either one, taking on a student by this point. One hasn't taken an apprentice since his failed attempt, with that geomancer named Terra. The other uses guns and is not into the whole samurai or demon field. No. This is an entirely new player, and has no ties. This is a being of pure darkness, born of the shadows at a level beyond my previous foes. So much so, it's like he never existed before." concluded Bruce while Alfred made a noise.

"Speaking of former students, how is Master Grayson?" asked Alfred since he missed the young man, who left to form the Teen Titans. After Bruce and his scuffle.

"Fine from what I have been able to gather. We aren't on speaking terms Alfred. We have not been talking for a long time, since that night he punched me right in the face." replied Bruce while he glanced at his oldest, most trust worthy friend.

" did keep Barbara Gordon's identity as Batgirl a secret ,from him for a long time. Not to mention you didn't go to his graduation.Also you gave him the stick, alot more then the carrot. Is it any real surprise he took such actions personally?" questioned Alfred with Bruce making a noise now.

"I was busy Alfred and it wasn't my place to tell him. He also needed to grow as he was too immature. Plus Barbara could have done it too." said Bruce while Alfred sighed.

"Master Bruce, with all due respect, you are a Master of many things in this world. You are a Master of martial arts, science, psychology, the occult, the understanding of magic, and the super natural that goes beyond imagination. But the one thing you have yet to Master and still a beginner at a family man." said Alfred before he walked away ,to handle the now empty plate in front of his Master. Bruce went brooding at Alfred's words and hated the fact the man was right. He also hated the fact Alfred got in the last word, so it could hit hard. It was time to go to his study room, especially made for when he broods.

Wrathos Wrathos

I choose to mess with batman as, superman gets boring even when mad. He is more challenging, to get him to give up. I am not, going after all powers from dc verse. As they are too plentiful, and why go after minor powers. When Creation,destruction,time-space,

nature,light and darkness are the major ones. They can be transformed into the lower ones. I will try to have him leave, while not being too op.This is a mix of various dc verses, like The flash tv show, and a few movies exct.

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