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95.45% For Every Rose / Chapter 21: Man Made the Monsters

Chapter 21: Man Made the Monsters

Chapter Twenty

Man Made the Monsters

Beeping. Dais could hear beeping all around him, making a mechanical symphony for the ages. It was very distracting, especially since his head was pounding away its own version of the cursed song. He moved his arm, trying to stretch the muscles that were cramping up. Neither arm nor hand moved, which was very alarming. Looking over, he saw that his arm from the elbow down was encased in some sort of cylindrical cuff. He hung down slightly, his legs stuffed into a larger version of what held his arms, both arms pulled from his sides.

Faking sleep, he looked at his prison through his eyelashes. The glass was tinted slightly, and seemed to be placed in a large corner of the lab in which he was being held. Below him stood two people, an older woman and a young girl. Head swirling with whatever drug they had used to put him out, Dais felt he knew the young woman but just could not place her. The older woman walked by, and Dais recognized her. Short red hair cut to her head, blue eyes sitting under half rounded glasses, it somehow struck a cord with Dais as he stared at her. This woman was someone he knew from long ago. Maybe another lifetime, yet it was still there. He knew her. A flash ran through his mind from some long forgotten memory. A face, younger then, less aged and more caring, eyes staring at him as steel doors closed in front of him. Then a shaking arm clutching him tight, whispering to him.

The pain hit fast and hard, knocking the wind from his chest. Another flash came into his mind. Needles, so many needles in his skin, poking and sending burning liquid into his veins. The pain was so real he screamed out, hoping it would go away. It did, only to be replaced by the sensation of Deja'vu.

He knew this place, and he knew it well. This was his own personal hell.

A small scream came from Dais's seemingly unconscious form, scaring Briar as she tried to pull herself from Bluue's grasp. She wriggled, trying to free her arm but to no avail. The older woman had Briar locked firmly within her grasp.

"Let me go!" she screamed, tearing at the hand that held her arm so tightly. "He's hurt! Let me go!"

Bluue looked down at Briar, a cold and quizzical look in her blue eyes. "Calm yourself my dear. The Experiment is fine, his wounds have been treated and his tests came back clean."

At this Briar stopped her futile struggle for but a moment. "What does that mean?"

"It means my dear, that all of his results came back negative. There has been no erosion of the bones, no unraveling of his patchwork DNA. He has become the perfect war machine. Here we hold the secret to make more and more just like him! It means the method used to create him works, and shall be implemented to create others like himself."

Staring at Bluue as if she was mad, Briar stepped back as far as she could go, trying to put some distance between herself and the crazy woman. " Others like him? What happens to him?"

Looking at her with no emotion, Bluue bluntly tossed the fate of Briar's friend into the air. "He will be destroyed. As of now, he is obsolete, and a new better version will be constructed using the method he was crafted from." Shocked at the look of terror on Briar's face, Bluue looked at her with a slight frown. "What? Do you think I am happy about this? After all the years I spent trying to find him, all the work I helped put into making what he is today?! Well I am not! Once, along time ago I held a soft spot for this creature, but that was long ago and a different Sylvia Bluue."

They stood, Briar's eyes wide as she stared at the woman before her. How could she say something like that so calmly?

"You helped create him?" she choked out, glancing at Dais's slumped form.

"I was an intern at the time, but yes. I did help create him." she smiled, clapping her hands together. "You are so lucky my dear."

"Why is that?" Briar could barely keep her voice from trembling with anger.

"Had you stayed with him much longer you may have been maimed or worse." Briar glared at her, eyes narrowing at those words.

"What do you mean by that ma' am?" she spit the final words. They seemed to leave a damnable taste in Briar's mouth.

"I mean who knows how long it would have been until he tore you too pieces. It was just a matter of time." Bluue ignored Briar's venomous tone. "Those claws were designed specifically to snap bone and tear muscle."

The snap of skin bouncing off skin resounded around the room. Bluue's head snapped sideways from the force of the impact. Eyes watering slightly, she stared at the young woman before her.

"How dare you!" the words flew from Briar's mouth before she could check herself. "How dare you say such awful things about him! You don't even know Dais, yet you judge him to be some...some monster you can brush off to be a piece of trash beneath your boot! He... he is a poet and a scholar! This man pulled me from the depths of death twice now, and here you are telling me if was only a matter of time before HE killed ME? He had more than once chance, god dammit. There were hundreds of times he could have killed me, and two times he could have just let me die! Yet he put himself in harms way and rescued me! What monster could do that?"

Hot tears leaked from her eyes once more, as she yelled at the stunned woman before her. How could these..these people not know? How could they not see what a kind man he was, what a gentle soul he had trapped in a body built for chaos? How could they not see?

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