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Inside a Book Inside a Book original

Inside a Book

Author: Raz1450

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Bookstore

Silver ran from the crowd that was beginning to form. The bruise on her eye began to throb. She knew that the bullying would only get worse after she came out. Silver hadn't anticipated it to be this bad though.


She ran and ran and ran, until she fell, and her legs could not carry her anymore. Silver looked up and found that she was at a bookstore. Internally, Silver cheered this was the best place she possibly could end up.An oasis in a desert, was a bookstore to this girl, for she could feel as though she could be in transported to different worlds by opening the cover to a book.


Silver opened the door to and scented a pine aroma like her mother's scent. A bell chimed from somewhere inside the store. A sweet voice from the counter told her to, "Look around as much as you please, darling." A simple, "Thank you," is what Silver returned to the person whom the sweet voice belonged to. Silver looked toward the direction the sweet voice had originated from. She saw the woman, whom the sweet voice belonged, behind the counter, she had soft brown curls with her ears poking out on the sides of the woman's messy bun. Silver could see two cat tails, she took to note the lady was a twin-tailed cat, and continued observing her. The woman was curvy but slim and had light brown skin which complimented her features, such as her hazel eyes, perfectly.


"Miss, may I trouble you for your name?" Silver questioned the woman. "Adeline is my name but everyone calls me Adi," Adi told her. "Thank you," Silver called over her shoulder as she walked away to look at the love of her life, books. She walked towards the section that held her favorite genre, romance, Silver was a hopeless romantic. This was mainly because the right woman never came along, but also because when ever she found a girl to ask out they ended up only being interested in guys. So this was why she loved romance books. Silver picked out a book it was a Romance- Fantasy book called The Cube by xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx. "Adi I found myself a book," Silver called out. "I'll be right there darling," Adi called from a back room. Adi emerged from behind a stack of books and walked over to the counter. "That'll be 36.94, any thing else for ya." "Nope, that'll be it for me, thank you." "Okay there's your change darling." "Thank you, again." Silver then proceeded to leave the store and she walked home, she was late but her father wouldn't care. He hadn't cared about her, ever since her mother's death he'd been like this. It had changed him from a loving father to a lazy drunk slob. He hated everything and everyone. Silver worked a part time job to support herself and just enough for her father to live. Silver walked up to her room shut the door and opened her laptop where she continued browsing houses.


A few hours later Silver closed her laptop and got ready for bed. When she finished her preparation she crawled into bed Silver then picked up the book she bought earlier and opened the cover...

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