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100% The Long Journ / Chapter 1: Prologue
The Long Journ The Long Journ original

The Long Journ

Author: The_Anime_Legends

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue

Eragon Yeager slowly opened his bright green eyes and stared up at the cieling far above him. He had been having such a weird dream but it was useless trying to recall it as the memory was already fading. He couldn't garner any emotion from the dream aside that he hadn't exactly disliked it.

Pushing himself up into a sitting position, Eragon looked around as he stretched his arms while giving a loud yawn. He was in an enormous room that was almost pretty much bare aside from the king sized bed he was in and a gigantic oak desk in the corner of his room. A dresser with a mirror rested to the side beside the window which was wide open and blowing in a rather strong winter breeze with snow lying by the foot of the window.

"G-good Morning M-m-master Eragon," A voice said, interrupting his thoughts. He had been trying to remember the dream but the voice caused him to simply give up as he looked towards it. "B-breakfast will be ready soon so p-please allow me to h-help you get dressed."

Standing in the corner of the room visibly shivering was a girl dressed up in a maid outfit. She was around 140cm tall with bright orange hair and bright blue eyes, she wore a collar around her neck and chains on her hands and feet. If anyone else looked at her, they would see nothing but a slave with no privileges. However, when Eragon looked at her, all he could see was a little 12 year old girl he considered nothing but a cute sister.

"Amya, I told you not to come in and wait for me to wake up," Eragon said gently as he threw his legs over the side of the bed. "You have to watch your health and stay out of the cold. My room isn't somewhere you should stay as you know how freezing it is in here."

"Y-yes master, but Jalon is h-h-harassing the slaves a-again so I was told to h-hide out in your room," Amya was shaking like a leaf but she didn't move from her spot beside the bed.

Eragon frowned as this piece of information hit his ears, a feeling of frustration and anger beginning to come over him. "That idiot is at it again? Ugh, can't believe I have to deal with this crap today, so stupid!! Even after I let him know how the guards are supposed to operate. Are the others holding him back like they're supposed to?"

Amya nodded without answering, her whole body shaking and her breath could be seen in the cold morning air. It wasn't until Eragon went into his dresser, pulled out a large coat and placed it on her shoulders that she managed to stop her teeth from chattering. Eragon had his reasons for leaving the window open so he always felt bad when the maids would come in to clean his room as they weren't allowed to wear coats unless given permission by one of the family.

"Follow me Amya, we're going to have a talk with Jalon real quick," Eragon said as he threw open his door. "When we're done, you can gather up the other maids and tell them to meet in the dining hall. We'll have hot chocolate as a reward for everyone's hard work."

"Sure thing Master," Amya said, immediately perking up as she ran to catch up with him. "Will there be marshmallows in it like last time?"

Eragon smiled as he walked into the hallway. "Of course there'll be marshmallows in it, I'm not a savage. Hot chocolate without marshmallows is a crime in my book."

Eragons room was located near the end of the Yeager family's large 3 story mansion, a room that was plenty large enough to easily hold 13 people without too much trouble. The guards barracks were located at the other end of the mansion and was situated only a few doors down from the slave rooms. This had never been a problem before as all the guards were aware of what would happen if they tried anything with the slaves.

Recently though, a few new soldiers had been recruited into the ranks and though Eragon had taught them the rules, there was one that still refused to follow them and that person was Jalon. Apparently the guy was an ex-mercenary team leader and was used to doing whatever the hell he wanted so Eragon had given him a few more privileges then the others to keep him in line. However, even with all of these precautions, the cocky bastard insisted on breaking the one iron clad rule that Eragon had set in place. Treating the slaves like objects was prohibited, end of discussion. No beating, harassing, badmouthing, or killing of the slaves was permitted under any circumstances. Anyone caught or told of doing so would be handed out a punishment by Eragon himself.

Eragon sighed as he reached the other end of the building and stopped by the door leading to the barracks. However, just when he was about to open the door, Eragons lead butler Marcus came barreling down an adjacent hallway, covered in blood and tripping over the chains on his legs. He seemed panicked and scared as he ran up and stopped by Eragon, out of breath with his hands on his knees.

"Master Eragon," Marcus said once he managed to slow his breathing. "Jalon is currently attempting to r*pe one of the slaves. Please come help us stop him sir!!"

Eragon frowned and sighed again before raising his foot and casually slamming it into the barrack door. The door flew off its hinges and straight across the room before hitting the ground. Far in the corner of the enormous room, 8 guards sat around a large table playing cards, but they had stopped the moment the door had been broken down. All of the men hurriedly stood up at attention without asking a single question.

"You morons better follow me," Eragon said, his green eyes now filled with an intense anger. "You have a blood bath to clean up."

Eragon broke into a run, sprinting down the long hall Marcus had came from. After running down for a bit, he could clearly hear multiple shouting from numerous people coming from the womens slave room which was normally prohibited for anyone to enter. Without hesitation, Eragon slid to a stop and, raising his bare feet, he kicked at the door, blowing it off the hinges. The door once again flew forwards before hitting the floor, and what the young man saw made him seen red.

Jalon, a tall muscular man standing at 193cm, was surrounded by unconscious slaves while hoisting up a slave girl by her chains with a sadistic look on his face. Blood could be seen on most of the slaves and some even looked as if they werent breathing, it was as if a bomb had gone off in the room.

"Oh, boss, your here," Jalon said with a smile as he glanced at Eragon with his golden eyes. "Just give me a second and I'll be right with you. Also, don't even think about interrupting my fun as your parents allowed me to do this. They also told me that I'm allowed to fight back if you do interefere so stay back sir. Your a rare specimen who can't use magic so I wouldn't try anything if I were you!!"

"I wouldn't say that if I'm being honest," the lead guard Hugo said as he made his way into room after Eragon. The rest of the guards followed in as well, all dressed up in their standard armor. "There's a reason we all follow his orders down to the letter. He may be a super nice guy most of the time but when he gets mad...well just keep holding that slave and find out."

Jalon snorted. "What can a weakling with no magic do? With all due respect sir, I'm gonna have to ask you all not to interfere. However feel free to watch if thats your thing."

Eragon slowly made his way forward and the room became completely silent other then the gasps of pain coming from the slaves on the floor. "You think I'm weak? Is that your excuse for doing what your doing and nust doing what you want because my parents allowed it? My rules are iron clad and my parents know this. They probably wanted to test you to see what your decision would be. Now that I know, your no longer useful to me alive now are you?"

Eragon looked up, his eyes filled with anger as he pulled back his fist. "Set the girl down and I'll make your death painless. This I swear....your death isn't preventable so just do yourself a favor and go out like a man of honor."

Jalon laughed a little as he dropped the girl onto the floor, throwing her down like a ragdoll. He stood up completely straight, his steel armor shining under the ceiling lights. "Go ahead and take a punch, I'll allow it. Once your done I think I'll play a bit since your parents gave me permission. As long as I dont kill you I should be fine."

Eragon didn't respond as he thrusted his fist forward at a speed so fast that there wasn't even a blur, it was as if the fist and the arm had simply vanished for a split second. Jolan was sent flyin through the air before slamming into the concrete wall, making a sizeable crater which he stayed in, his head rolling to the side. Anyone could easily see that he was dead, a gaping bloody hole in his armor that went far deeper then just a flesh wound.

"Wow," a gaurd said in amazement. "I always forget just how insanely strong he is.....magic or not, he's definitely nobility for sure."

Eragon walked over and knelt down next to one of the slaves, checking for a pulse. "Lets move people. I want you to save whoever's alive and tend to their wounds. Hurry up!!"


I wanted to add a prologue to show you my writing style and Eragon's general personality. Though I still have to work flushing out his character a bit more so have no fear.

I can't write a chapter every day, but I'll write when I can...hope you enjoyed the chapter

Let me know whatcha think and if you'd like another chapter.....have a great day

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