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System Cries, Female Master Is Too Crazed System Cries, Female Master Is Too Crazed original

System Cries, Female Master Is Too Crazed

Author: Erisyuki

© WebNovel

White Space

White. Pure white.

What a spectacularly immaculate and desolate place? The sky an eternally brilliant white hue. The floor, though felt like a layer of extremely thin cotton, was still a pristine snowy colour that gleamed and reflected a person's visage clearer than a mirror. There were no walls. This was a lovely vast white plain which stretched unrestrained and beyond ones vision. To add, the deathly silence gave comfort and aroused a person's sense of tranquillity. Ah, how wonderful this white expanse is?

"Screw that!" Chui Ya yelled out into nothing. The flattery of this strange white space were definitely not 'her' thoughts. "Where the f*ck am I?"

Still lying comfortably on her back, she turned her head from left to right a few times. Everywhere she looked was just white. There were no traces of any living or dead entity but herself. It was desperately a bleak scene.

"Hmm." Chui Ya now booted up her most trusted partner; her brain. [What? I only just woke up into this white space. At least give me a few seconds to coordinate my thoughts] she mentally defended herself from criticism. Though physically, there wasn't anyone or thing to mock her for being slow. Anyhow, whether she was truly sleeping prior didn't matter. Fact remains that when she opened her eyes and was conscious again, she was already here.

3 seconds of analytical thinking later, Chui Ya rolled over onto her belly. She had come up with 4 possible situations that would explain her current predicament.

Her initial belief was that she's in a queer dream. But knowing herself, Chui Ya can't possibly dream such devastatingly boring dreams. That simply wasn't how her brain worked. Her dreams were always 'eventful', always consisting of her favourite 'characters' from novels, games and the like. So this blank white space meant she wasn't dreaming.

Chui Ya then considered the possibility of being trapped in some sort of a VR (virtual reality) game. However, this notion was quickly dismissed. Regardless of whether VR was becoming popular or not, its technology was just nowhere near advanced enough. Chui Ya could physically feel the cotton-like ground against her skin. She didn't believe putting on a VR headset would create such realistic senses.

Therefore her next thought was that she had died.


Yeah, that concept was slightly harder to process. But if Chui Ya was dead right now then perhaps this was heaven. On second thoughts, this was definitely hell. Considering how catastrophically boring this place was, this is most likely Gods punishment for her.

"Tch! As if," Chui Ya couldn't help but click her tongue with scorn.

Nah. Chui Ya was certain she wasn't dead. Why? Simply because she didn't like this idea so it certainly wasn't true.

That only left Chui Ya with her final guess - system. You know, those systems that are recently becoming a very popular genre in novels. The more Chui Ya considered 'system' the more she was convinced she was in one. After all, she had read her fair share of system novels and about 99% of them had the main character wake up in a f*cking white space. Where's the originality or creativity?

Then again, what creativity can there be? Chui Ya rolled her eyes, sweeping in the whiteness around her. Who could've guessed those 'systems' in all those novels were actually real, and weren't just a fabricated fantasy of a bunch of prosaic authors. She should praise them for the dead accurate description of the white space too.

Assessing her situation to this point, Chui Ya was now extremely far from feeling pleased. Systems being real was acceptable. Not like Chui Ya can deny when she was 100% certain she was currently in one. 'Playing' the main character in a goddamn system like in those novels was fine too. What annoyed Chui Ya the most was;

"WHY IS IT SO F*CKING BORING HEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Chui Ya sat up and screamed out loudly.

(<???> GIRL, PLEASE STOP SCREAMING. I am now aware you are conscious.)

When a young male voice echoed through the vast white plain, a chuffed expression flickered momentarily upon Chui Ya's face. [Yep. This totally confirms my hypothesis. I really am in a system situation] she mentally noted. She cleared her throat.

"Your damn name," Chui Ya demanded. She was going to treat a system like a system. No need to be polite. She continued, "You're very rude not to introduce yourself straight away. Weren't you programmed to have any manners?"

(<???> *embarrassed* Err... no. No, you are mistaken. I do know of manners. My master-)

"Your name," Chui Ya demanded again. "You're not just rude but seriously dumb. I can't believe I had to repeat such a simple question. Honestly, who programmed you this way?"

(<XIV> *loudly* Don't call me dumb. My name is XIV! No one programmed me. Although I act as a system, I'm not those kinds of systems you are referring to. Please stop mocking me or implying that my master-)

"You're too loud, stupid system," Chui Ya raised her voice to complain, silencing XIV. "Now listen carefully stupid system," she continued to speak authoritatively. "Get me out of here. To be precise, I want to go back to where I originally came from. My own world and time."

(<XIV> *unhappy he was blatantly ignored* Girl, I have a name. It's XIV. And I'm not really a system. So please stop referring to me as-)

"Ah. Why do I have such bad luck?" Chui Ya let out a long deep sigh, once again cutting off XIV's words. "I actually ended up with such a rude, dumb and absolutely useless system."

(<XIV> *pissed off* I'll show you who's rude, dumb and useless....)

"Stupid system, I don't believe you are this hopeless," Chui Ya looked upwards. "Think hard. You must know how to get me out of here."

(<XIV> *ignoring Chui Ya* Hmph! Since you want to get out of here so much, I'll gladly help you. Not like I wanted you here in the first place. Good riddance….)

A minor tremor rippled throughout the White space, causing Chui Ya to shudder. Following the tremor, a dulcet euphonious voice began to speak. The voice spoke clearly: 'ANOTHER ONE'S WISH HAS BEEN HEARD. THIS GOD WILL ACCEPT'.

Bong... Bong... Bong...

At the queer sound of a bell chiming, a vermilion circle began to draw itself around Chui Ya. The vermilion colour radiated like blazing fire, giving off an uncomfortable wave of hot air that encircled her. Anxious, Chui Ya bounced onto her feet and struggled to barge out the circle. When her skin grazed the invisible barrier of burning air she had to quickly recoil back into the circle's space. She was trapped. "What is this?" Chui Ya shouted. "Stupid system, what have you done?"

(<XIV> *fearful* Err… that's not right… why has this happened….)

'WORLD LOCATED. INITIALIZING TRANSFER,' the voice that didn't belong to XIV continued to uncannily state.

"Stupid system, aargh!" Chui Ya let out a shriek.

Scorching air blasted at Chui Ya, causing her body to drop from piercing pain. Raw heat made her eyes close tightly shut and she choked from the imposing pressure. [What's happening?] Chui Ya wanted to scream. Though there was nothing she could do as she suffered from the burning pain her body was going through.

(<XIV> *frantic* Girl, listen to me… you have… do you understand….)

[F*CK YOU STUPID SYSTEM! As if I can hear you in this state] Chui Ya mentally scorned.


A rush of fresh air entered Chui Ya's body and she inhaled profusely from the precipitous change. Pressure lifted, temperature cooled down and the pain she felt was now completely gone. Instead, she just felt normal. [What just happened?] Chui Ya wondered, slowly opening her eyes.

"Shameless bitch," an angry female voice yelled.


The water bottle that was hurled straight at Chui Ya fell to the ground after hitting her arms. Compared to the blistering pain she felt only seconds ago, this really wasn't anything to be concerned about. Nonetheless, Chui Ya remained still with her raised arms in a defensive 'x' shape before her face. [What the f*ck is going on?] Chui Ya angrily thought. [The first thing I see after opening my eyes is a stupid water bottle being thrown at me and....] She shifted her face to peek at the tiny group of 2 women and 3 teenage girls. [Who are you bitches?]

"Stop acting like you're 'our' Weiting's girlfriend," the angry woman continued to shout.

"You don't qualify to be with 'our' Weiting," another teenage girl remarked.

"That's right. Stop hovering around Weiting like a ghost," the other girl yelled. "Don't you realise you're just getting in Weiting's way?"

Chui Ya's body shuddered. She didn't need that vermilion circle to generate heat, she was already burning with anger. "Weiting, Weiting, Weiting," Chui Ya burst out loud, dropping her arms to face these ridiculous women. "Who the f*ck is Weiting? What have I got to do with him?" She bent down to retrieve the water bottle. "If you bitches want to pick a fight with someone, at least make sure it's the right person," she glared before chucking the bottle back at them.

Seeing Chui Ya's sudden water bottle attack, the 2 woman and 3 teenagers scuttled apart.

"Y-you..." one of the woman began, pointing her index finger at Chui Ya. It seemed she was both angry and shocked at the same time to speak.

One of the braver teenage girls yelled, "Yin Qiao, with that attitude, it's no wonder you're not popular."

Chui Ya shot that girl a threatening glare. The girl instantly went silent. Before anymore interaction could take place, two security guards from the building behind came running towards them.

"Hey, what are you lot doing?" one of the security guards shouted.

At the sight of the security guards, the unknown group of 2 woman and 3 teenagers ran off. Chui Ya simply stood watching. She was totally unamused.

[Hmph. Don't let me see you lot again] Chui Ya thought. [Ridiculous bunch of lassies. They've all hit their heads].

"Are you alright Miss Yin?" a security guard asked.

"Looks like I'm out of that white space and back in reality," Chui Ya muttered, glancing at her surroundings. [Although, I still have no clue how or why I ended up in that system….] She gave a little shrug. [Not that I care now I'm back] she thought.

"Miss Yin?"

Chui Ya took a few steps forward and looked around her again. She frowned. Tall, glass skyscraper buildings surrounded Chui Ya. There was nothing else here besides the odd coffee and sandwich shops. Judging by the lack of cars and pedestrians at this hour, she guessed this was some sort of high-end office region. Chui Ya's frown deepened. She didn't recognize this place at all. [That damn stupid system. It sent me back to the wrong place] Chui Ya mentally complained [this isn't 'Elusive Nights' expo].

"AH!" With this realization, colour drained from Chui Ya's face. Her fangirl instincts had kicked in. "Elusive Night's expo," she exclaimed. That was where she was before waking up inside the white space. She was in the middle of battling for her favourite character merchandise. "How could I forget something so important?" Chui Ya panicked. She looked left and right. "Where? Which way back to Elusive Night's expo?"

"Miss Yin, are you alright?" the security guard who had been trying to get Chui Ya's attention ultimately shouted.

"Which direction to the Elusive Night expo?" Chui Ya quickly asked.

The security guard had an extremely worried and puzzled expression upon his face. "Miss Yin, I'll call secretary Huang now."

Chui Ya rolled her eyes in irritation. [If you don't know just say. Don't waste my time. Whilst I'm all the way out here, all my beloved limited edition character items will be taken] she worried deeply. [No choice. I'll just take a taxi there]. Chui Ya began to run towards the road, waving her hands to passing by cars.

Seeing this, the security guard instantly grabbed hold of Chui Ya's arm and pulled her back. "Miss Yin, please wait here. Secretary Huang will be down soon."

"What are you doing? Let go of me," Chui Ya shouted. She glared at the impudent guard. "I wasn't the one causing trouble."

"Miss Yin, please come with me," the security guard said. He kept a firm hold on her arm. "Secretary Huang will see you in a few minutes. Miss Yin should just wait here."

Chui Ya studied the security guard. She was finally paying attention to him, but the strong feeling that 'something' was off greatly irked her to no end. "What did you just call me?"

"Miss Yin," the security guard repeated.

He let go of her arm and motioned towards the revolving doors to a building in a slight distance. It was the building the two security guards originally came running from. The other security guard who had chased off the group of women/girls was already back in his position.

As for the one pestering Chui Ya now, he said, "this way Miss Yin."

"Miss Yin?" Chui Ya repeated. She had a bad feeling. [Mirror. I need a mirror] she desperately looked around. She eventually ran up to the building behind her and peered at her own reflection from the window. Sweat started to form on her forehead. [T... That is not my own face] Chui Ya mentally screamed. [Which means....]

"Miss Yin, I think Secretary Huang is in the lobby now," the security guard informed.

Only just realizing her situation, Chui Ya's body tremored in consuming wrath. She glared up at the sky. "You... MOTHERF*CKING STUPID SYSYTEM!!! JUST YOU WAIT!!!"

Erisyuki Erisyuki

Oh no, wonder where Chui Ya has been transmigrated to?!?

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