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5.26% Painful Love : A Blessing In Disguise / Chapter 1: Successor is born
Painful Love : A Blessing In Disguise Painful Love : A Blessing In Disguise original

Painful Love : A Blessing In Disguise

Author: Shenazard_Zen_6748

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Successor is born

The day on which the dark clouds were scattered all around the sky , there was an enormous villa from which screaming voice could be heard that can cause chill to ran down through spine .

A woman with sexy body yet exquisite facial features was laying on king size bed and beats of sweat were dripping from her forehead .

From this anyone can understand that she was experiencing continuous torments and beside her was a handsome man in his 30's who was holding her hands tightly , sometimes he would even speak some words of love in order to relieve her pain .

He turned his head towards two women who were preparing for a new child to be downloaded and asked them in worriedly " How much time is it going to take . She is suffering a lot of pain and agony" .

The woman in white suit answered without turning her head said as if she expecting this sentence from him "Your child is going to be born soon Mr. Shenazard , please be patient and quickly leave this room immediately " .

She came to the woman who was laying on the bed and said with relaxed tone " Now you have to push your child with maximum power you have " . After speaking she commanded her to push .

Hereafter a series of screaming noise could be heard and about half an hour later a cry of an infant can be heard which indicated that the child was born .

The handsome man in black attire came inside and said excitedly with beaming smile to the woman who was fainted on bed " The successor of Shenazard International is born today and he is going to be the future crown prince of the business world whom everyone will respect ".

He kissed forehead of his child and told both women who were preparing to leave " You have done your job well but both of you are not allowed to reveal this because I personally want to see their fucking shocked faces when my child will overtake this company " .

He turn around and took the suitcase full of money and while passing it to them he again reminded " This information should never be leaked because in the business world people with extraordinary background can remain at the top " .

While playing with his kid he said in stern voice " I do not want him to grow in this messy atmosphere where he can be killed anytime and if anything happens to my child because both of you then I will be the first one to become yours worst nightmare regardless of our friendship ".

The women in white suit took the suitcase and said in somewhat unpleasant tone " You bastard , do you not consider me your friend ?? Hump... I know that because of your wife you never loved me but at the very least you can trust me and beside I want you to repay me by marrying your son to my daughter and we can call this even ".

@$??#....Mr. Shenazard suddenly chocked and didn't know whether to laugh or cry . This women sure was crafty and she even set her eyes on his son . Thinking for a while he said with uncertainty " Suzen even though I will be sending him to a remote country but I will never decide who he has to love or marry ".

He came closer to her and said in low voice " Your daughter is six month older than my kid and do you know that capacity of your husband is really great ".

" Holy Fuck " She thought in her mind and with an embarrassed face she glared at him angrily .

She seems to be rather cold and arrogant from outside but she has a kind heart and she was also a beauty just like his wife . Both of would have ended up together if she had taken the initiative to propose him but due to her pride she never did that .

After listening to his lame excuse a hint of furry arouse in her heart and she said angrily " Stop shitting your dirty excuses and answer me seriously . Even though I was not able to marry you but I seriously want our children to get married in coming future ".

His heart suddenly became soft after hearing what she said and even without thinking he said with a slight smile " Ok but I will seriously not interfere if he chose any other girl . Let's see that whether our child's fate are interlinked or not ".

Just as he finished speaking suddenly he felt a chilly gaze from behind and only one person came to his mind that he had ignored , while sweating profusely he turned around and ran towards her wife , while grabbing her hand with his he said lovingly " Sunita , my darling wify we were only discussing our child's marriage and I was truly not flirting with that old and ugly lady ".

Suzen thought "@$??#.... This dammed bastard when did I become old and ugly I am clearly in my 30's ."

Without blinking his eyes he continued " You do not have to over exhaust yourself so please do not worry about me , I your husband is not going to cheat you and beside we have just got married one and a half years ago " .

He quickly supported his wife to sit and gave her medicine . Sunita's eyes became gentle as she said with great difficulty " I just want you to give name to our son " .

She almost used up all of her energy to say just these few words which shocked Shenazard and after thinking for a while he said while his eyes were sparkling brightly " His name will be Shenazard Zen and he will someday shock the whole world by his deeds " .

These full of confidence words made Sunita burst into tears and with a light smile she closed her eyes as if she had found peace .

Suzen who stud in the corner of the room was watching all the scene going on in front of her made her eyes somewhat red as if she was recalling the scene of her past when she has giving birth to Sneahit's child.

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