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Settling in hell

After running around in blood rain, we finally found some shade in what seemed like a rundown inn. Tanya told me that this is the most cheapest place to stay here with rent being 5 bronze coins a day for room and there is a separate price menu for food and bath.

After paying 50 bronze for 10 days , I was shown a room on 1st floor facing the road .The room was simple with only the basic things like a plain simple bed with a simple cabinet along the wall.

Seating down the bed I asked Tanya " so where does you stay".

On hearing this she said with resolution " Mr. Danny how can I leave you without returning your money, I will stay with you as guarantee until I return you the whole money with interest." I immediately replied " So you are homeless ". Tanya flatly voiced " yes".

" please I will do anything, please let me stay with you and I will help you with my knowledge of more than 100 years in here".

To this I thought She has been living here for more than 100 years and she is homeless .Is she fine? Should I ask someone else for help. I hope I have not taken on a big problem by helping her. Oh my 50 silver coins , IAM SORRY...

"Leaving aside you living here what is the value of money that IAM holding here"

Tanya said " Everyone starts with 100 silver and people generally spend it frugally but still end up in debt like me. Here work is limited so it is difficult to get steady work, moreover sometimes they feign ignorance about your payment so it is difficult. Well 100 silver is a big amount , with this you can comfortably live for 1 year without working".

On hearing this I panicked " So I spent my 6 months living allowance on you."

Hearing this Tanya gigged but this was no funny matter I don't want to die in Hell of starvation. Thinking about it now I haven't eaten anything . So I went downstairs and ordered the cheapest meal set from the menu.

My food arrived fast and on seeing me eat, Tanya started drooling with shiny stars in her eyes. To this I said " You hungry?"

She reverted back to her normal state and said with maturity " No IAM not and I don't need you to feel sympathy for me I can manage myself ...." She was rambling about herself when her voice was interrupted by the sound of her stomach. Hearing that sound I felt pity for her and ordered another meal set.

After finishing our meal, as planned we decided to go to see the hell bulletin board in the 'Hell section B center building ' to see the listed odd jobs or any labor work that we can get our hand on. We exited the inn and were walking on our way to Hell center which was around , 2-3 km from the inn. It was a long walk but there was nothing that can be done.

After walking for roughly 20 minutes we reached a dome shaped building which seemed out of place in this 18 century setting.

On getting inside , we went to the reception and registered ourself to the ' Hell Center" which took 1 silver for Registration. Tanya was already registered so I only took the form and filled all my general data after that I was asked to place my hand on a globe shaped device. On asking I was told that each hell resident has a level based on their soul power and for particular jobs I need to have basic Soul level. Feeling amused by this adventure world like setting I asked what is the maximum level and Is there a way to increase it ? To my question the employee smiled helplessly and replied that " mostly people have soul level 1 but rarely some people come here who have beginning soul level 3". She further told me that the highest soul level here is of lord Dante with soul level of 65 . You increase your soul level my practicing your martial arts or by enhancing your magic.

On hearing the word magic I was super excited and asked " wow magic exist here wow, how does it work?". She told me only

soul level 50 or more can use magic and also they are limited individual and only a few exist in this section and for this you have to have an incoherent magus ability in your soul.

Well there went all my dream of using magic like in fairy tale and movies. Feeling lathargic at this discovery I placed my hand on the globe and than there was a crimson red spark in globe for a second and than it stopped.

Noticing this the employee said " Well this is strange, generally we get blue light , oh whatever so your level is .. minus 1 what??..Oh there must be some error in it's setting .well your level is right , the minus must be malfunctioning , so your level is Soul level 1 ok!" After telling me all this she handed me card listing my level and name and I went to check the bulletin board.

After Seeing Tanya standing front of bulletin board I also started searching for any available job.

"Hmm so it is right, the information is correct "

said a man sitting on a sofa while adjusting his glasses listening to other person on some kind of communication device.

" Observe for now and only join at your discretion in emergency and such , that's all goodbye". After finishing that last line he cut the communication and whispered " how long has it been?.."

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