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Chapter 5: It is raining bloody!

Calming myself after I screamed . I asked Tanya " So how did you die? More importantly why is a little girl like you in hell?.."

To my question Tanya replied " Well I died during the epidemic and for why IAM in hell I don't know the exact reason but they say if young children die before there parents ,they end up in hell, what about you Mr. Danny?"

" Well I was Mudered in cold blood and for why I ended up in hell , I don't know?"

To my reply Tanya looked confused and asked " where you a thief or a bad person Mr. Danny". I flatly said " No..

I mean I didn't do anything particularly wrong. I was a orphan, grew up working and was a deligent store clerk . "

" Hmmm" Tanya pondered to my reply for a while closing her eyes. On opening it she said " that doesn't make sense Mudered people generally have long Karma due to leftover life and if you didn't commit any big misdeed, this is new.. "

Seeing her worry about this I asked " Is this a big deal , well now if I remember correctly just after I died I was told by the counter lady that I was pre registered for Hell"

Hearing this Tanya blinked a few times and said in a worried tone " Mr. I don't know much about it but from rumours and such and from my long time here I have heard that some people's soul are marked by the Satan himself , I don't know if you pre registered for hell mean the same but if does..."

I asked impatiently " what if does? what does it mean if IAM marked by Satan ?"

Tanya said " It is fairy tale of sort , long ago it is said that before everything there was hell and heaven , they don't know who created both but there was always a war among them to see who is superior? The hell was lead by the four princes of hell namely Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan and Belial. They fought the forces of heaven for Eons . Both the heaven and Hell loved war and were proud of their war achievement. Since both the forces we're equally matching, there was no end in sight. Feeling bored or for some unknown reasons Lucifer betrayed Hell side and killed Belial .

Moreover, in the aftermath Leviathan died fighting the heaven .With the last of his strength Satan made a deal with heaven and was banished to current hell . Lucifer being viewed as a disgrace from both heaven and hell was banished or killed and a mark was created on his soul which stated that All his descendants were destined to suffer in the Current Hell that he created due to his betrayal.Since than it is said that all the Lucifer descendants end up here as punishment and are marked by Satan."

This girl really like to explain things , she is really a old granny Lolita , well I said " Do you mean that IAM a Lucifer descendant or something"

She looked me at 4 seconds with penetrating gaze and than burst our laughing saying " weren't you listening this a old fairytale like Bible story , Moreover if you were Lucifer descendant you won't have been sent to Hell level 1" Don't worry it basically means that Hell is running low on souls and is randomly calling people here".

So you mean to say I was randomly sent to endless suffering in some kind of lucky draw or I mean hell draw.

" Hell is nuts " I said.

Lightly laughing she said " you can't do anything about it , let's go and find you a place to stay I think rain is coming"

"Rain" I said. " It rains here wow hell is really happening..oh shoot it started pouring already".

I placed my palm forward to feel the rain and felt some rain drops on my hand or so I thought. I noticed 2 -3 red drops on my palm and wondered from where did they fall and as if to answer my question , red paint drops started lightly pouring.

I asked Tanya " what is this red colour paint?"

To which she replied flatly " It's obviously rain..Ah you must not know ,this is Hell so here we don't have water rain, here the rain means the Blood rain"

"What..,you mean all this is blood whose??"

Tanya said " who knows ?. Well let's go it is difficult to get blood stain out of clothes".

Saying this Tanya started running towards the left corner of the market and I followed behind.

I thought seriously blood rain , who thought of that ? It is sick even for hell.

Unknowingly to me as I was running across the market to find shelter from the rain , 2 sets of eyes were currently following me from high up in the sky.

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