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Is this how hell is suppose to be??

Moving towards the market , I noticed various fruit and vegetable vendors. It really seemed like a 16 century European market. Obviously I don't know what hell should look like but from my Earthly imagination it is quite different. Feeling a lot hungry , I went to a nearby fruit vendor and asked for a fruit which seemed like an apple.Noticing me and after taking a long glance at me and my pocket which was heavy due to the coins patch he said " For you my dear first customer ,it is only 20 copper "

Following the answer , I was just about to take out a silver coin from my pouch when my bargaining instinct kicked in. I thought this is a open market and moreover the vendor is a hell's salesman and he glanced at my pouch for quite a while . This vendor must have determined that IAM new and have newcomer money.This is suspicious , may I should enquire about the price from other nearby stores. Putting, the coin back I was about to leave when the vendor stopped me and said"Oh dear customer, where are you going the fruit has your name engraved in it and it will be a waste to sell it to someone else so I'll give it you at today only bargain of 10 copper".

What ? just what?? my name engraved on it and moreover a discount of 50% without even asking. This is a little too high sale pitch even on hell. I said " oh, I remember IAM on fast, I'll buy it tomorrow, see ya.."saying that I dashed forward from that store.

Arriving at the next corner, I breathed a sigh of relief and thought " so they are hell vendor, oh well nothing different from Earth".

Taking lesson from this incident I thought that this place is too risky without any information , I need to know everything around here from currency to system . I need someone whom I can rely on but that is easy said than done, "This is HELL" shouting this I moved forward searching for my savior who will help me guide in this new world.

Walking further in the broad market I noticed a crowd was gathered across the alley.

Curious to know, what was going on , I too glanced from the crowd and saw a girl who seemed no more than 12 years lying on the alley floor with several bruises on her face and hands. She was wearing a one piece blue dress with no shoes. Three girls were circling around her. The girl in right corner seemed like in her middle age having a rough appearance with a sheath around her waist. The girl on the left corner was almost identical to the girl in right corner and I wondered if they are twins.

The girl in the middle seemed closer to age to the girl lying on the ground.

The middle girl said in a proud tone " how many times I have said that if I ever see you again I want my money back or I will kill you".

Suggesting to the middle girl, the lady on left said " princess why don't we sell her body ?"

Replying to her the middle girl said "But I don't think anybody will be interested in a smelly ugly little girl" . Both the corner girl started laughing after hearing the middle girl.

The girl on ground said " IAM sorry , but my employer cheated me and didn't give me any money , please mam give me some more time" Hearing the girl's reply , the middle girl wordlessly kicked the girl on the face . The kick was quite strong and the girl landed on the floor with her head and her nose started bleeding quite heavily. Seeing this everyone that was present was disgusted and wanted to refute but than the left corner girl immediately said " This is the House Dante's matter, if you interfere please be ready to pay the 50 silver owed by the girl".

Hearing this , everyone stopped and whispers could be heard in the crowd.." hey, house Dante aren't they the Noble here",. " IAM out , don't want to get involve with that dangerous family"..saying such things almost everyone left.

Noticing the crowd getting dispatched I also thought to go on my way but than I thought Hmm I have 50 silver to spare currently but that will take half my current money but this girl could help me in adjusting here..What to do , oh I would be only lending the money but there is no guarantee. Unable to decide I once again glanced to the girl sitting on floor while covering her nose with her left hand. Looking at the girl, the middle girl said in a hopeless manner " I am bored and done with you , I don't want money anymore, Alisha just cut her arms and legs and leave her, I am so done".

Hearing this the girl on right corner unsheated her short sword and moved towards the girl saying" As you wish princess".

Hearing this and glancing at the blood covered girl quivering in fear, I cracked and made up by mind.

Stopping in front of the short sword girl , I said " I'll give the money that she owes you, leave her". Saying this I took half the coins from my pouch and tried to give it to the girl.

Glancing once at me and than at the girl lying on floor, the middle girl said flatly " Lolicon.."

I so wanted to voice out " Noooooo" but I said nothing. After counting the coins, the right corner girl said " It's all here princess"

Hearing this the middle girl turner over to leave and said in a amusing voice "Newcomer's are so gullible , oh whatever I was bored of her ,let's go you two.."

Saying this she left.

After she left I thought what IAM left with is half my fortune and a Lolita, well not too bad.

I offered my hand to the girl lying on the floor and said in a worry tone " Are you ok?? "

The girl took my hand and said in a low tone

" thank you for helping me Mr., IAM Tanya ".

hell_employee hell_employee

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