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97.95% Supreme Summoning System / Chapter 46: Talk

Chapter 46: Talk

Entering the room, Shen Yu's eyes were glued towards Huang Lihua who were also staring back at him.

Surprised were written all over her face, but her eyes, it shows many different emotions. Then, her eyes turned misty and tears started to fall from it.

Seeing Huang Lihua started crying, Shen Yu's heart was full of different emotions and said with a voice full of comfort, "Big sister, you finally come to see me"

As if his words were the signal, Huang Lihua's slender figure rushes forward and embrace Shen Yu tightly. Her tears were continuously falling and a sobbing sound came out from her mouth. After years of suffering knowing the Shen Yu was 'dead', Huang Lihua finally let out everything that was weighing down her. All the sadness and grievances that she felt in the past, was now being let out with Shen Yu in her arms.

With Huang Lihua's trembling body in his arms, Shen Yu could feel that she had experience many hardships in the past years. He could only let her let it all out while patting her back.

Fang Chen at the side had an expression on his face as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. The woman which he admire greatly was now embracing a young man in front of him. Just seeing this scene in front of him makes his blood boils in anger. But, as he was about to say something, he found that his body suddenly feel cold. He couldn't move even a single finger which makes his face pale. He then turned to Esdeath on the side and saw that she was coldly staring at him while releasing a cold aura around her.

He just now realized that he was inside a tigers den, he just now realize that Esdeath was not something he could fight. Because he was distracted by her beauty earlier, he failed to sense the terrifying power that this woman has. But now that he personally experienced it, he doesn't know what to do.

After several minutes of embracing Shen Yu, Huang Lihua just realized what she had just done and quickly separated from him. Hey crystal like watery eyes look up to him and saw that he was also looking back at her. Even though she was 12 years older than him, Shen Yu was still half a head taller than her. With their faces so close to each other, Huang Lihua like a frightened rabbit quickly steps back with her face filled with red clouds.

Watching the embarrassed reaction of her, Shen Yu say, "Big sister, i know you have many things to say to me. Why don't we move to another location and talk"

After speaking, Shen Yu give Esdeath a side glance hinting something to her. Esdeath seeing this nodded in understanding and already knew what she had to do.

Shen Yu then pull Huang Lihua out of the room and decided to go somewhere else to talk. From the moment Shen Yu entered the room, Huang Lihua seems to forget the existence of Fang Chen. She was just so excited seeing Shen Yu again and she has so much to say to him.

When the two left the room, there is a sudden burst of coldness that filled the room. This is not some ordinary change of the atmosphere in the room. this coldness even makes fang Chen's heart trembled and his whole body started to shiver. Not because he was feeling cold, but because of deep fear crawling through every fiber of his body. He just suddenly felt that his death was already here.


Shen Yu and Huang Lihua walk towards the courtyard of the mansion. The two sat on a chair but noo one was talking. Huang Lihua knew that she had many things to say to him , but she just didn't know what she would ask first.

Several minutes of silence had passed and the atmosphere around the two turned awkward. Shen Yu watch Huang Lihua who was looking around restlessly and decided to talk first, "Big sister, how have you been this past years?"

Hearing Shen Yu asking her, Huang Lihua's body turned stiff at first. But she calm herself by taking deep breaths and reply, "At first, I've been fine. But when I heard the news that you were dead, I didn't know what to do. At that time, I just felt that my heart has been torn apart and there's a heavy feeling inside my body"

Shen Yu didn't know what to say this time. His relationship with her was very good since he was a child. Understanding what she went through just by hearing that he was dead, was already a sign that he was placed deeply into her heart.

With Shen Yu being silent this time, a smiled formed in Huang Lihua's red lips and said, "But that's already in the past. Now that I know that you were alive, I just suddenly feel my whole body was very light"

She then turn to look at Shen Yu's eyes and asked, "This is the first thing I've noticed when i saw you earlier. Why is your eyes like that?"

'Huh' Shen Yu seems to be surprised by this question from her because the last person who ask him about this was Tu Xia which he saved from the bandits. After that, no one whom he meet ever asked him about his eyes. Shrugging his shoulders, he just said, "Something just happened in the past, that's the reason it became like this. But don't worry, although I looked like I was blind, I'm not and I can see very clearly"

That was the start and the two continues to talk with each other. There was like a permanent smile in the eldest princess face while she was talking with Shen Yu. On the other side, Shen Yu had a very relaxed and calm look on his face as he watch and listens to the eldest princess talking with him. At this scene, surrounded by a beautiful courtyard, the two look like 'lovers' in their own world.


"You said that you are a disciple from the White Moon Sect" Esdeath sitting on a chair was holding a whip in her hands while looking at the naked man in front of her. The man was Fang Chen who came with Huang Lihua in this place. Right now, Esdeath was gathering information that would be useful for them.

"Haaaa, Haaaa" breathing heavily on the ground, Fang Chen's whole body was covered in bruises. His eyes were crazed, and his tongue was hanging outside just like a dog.

"Tell me everything you know about your sect"


With a wave of her hand, the whip strikes Fang Chen's body ruthlessly creating a red mark on his body. Aside from the bruises, there were also several cuts covering Fang Chen's body, and his d*ck was even cut off. On its place, there was just an ice covering the wound preventing the blood for coming out.


In a certain dark alley inside the Spring breeze City, three figures were walking together. They were the three disciple that came together with Huang Lihua. All three of them right now is wearing a serious expression. Their eyes were restless as it was looking around them.

"Come out! I know you've been following us, show yourself!" one of the trio shouted and his voice echoed to the walls around them.

Without them even knowing how it happened, there was already an old man holding a cane in his hands standing not far away in front of them. He had black, shaggy hair, and his right eye was bandaged — concealing a something underneath. He also has an x-shaped scar on his chin He wore a white shirt, with a black or dark grey robe over the top of it covering from his feet, to just over his right shoulder and conceals his right arm.

"What do you want?! Why are you following us?!" the disciples of the White Moon Sect asked. They are all in guard because they had a very bad feeling just by standing in front of this old man. It was clear just from their senses that this old man is not an ordinary old man.

"My name is Danzo, as for why I'm following you three. I just want to invite you to talk about something" Danzo Shimura, Shen Yu's newly summoned group with his root ninjas.

"Talk about something? We're not interested in talking to you, quickly go away and don't follow us. Don't you know who we are? We are disciples from the White Moon Sect, offending us is equivalent of offending the whole sect. And i will advice you that you won't want to offend our sect" the disciple started to threaten Danzo using the name of their sect. They believe that with their sect being a high leveled one, the old man would retreat.

But unfortunately for them, it has no effect and Danzo just said, "It seems that you three are misunderstanding something here. I am not asking you, this is an order"




After hearing Danzo speak, the trio suddenly felt the whole area turned black. Then a very heavy pressure bore upon them making them vomit mouthful of blood from their mouths.

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