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If I was to resurrect the dead...

If I was to resurrect the dead

Varsas almost chokes on his own spit the moment he saw the title. That book isn't supposed to be here, in the Gungnir's territory.

Lufa was curious. It's a book that can garner such attention as to be banned. At the same time it was a book that she did not know about even with her future vision so it may have not been that important. She asked Varsas about it after his slip in persona since he seems to know about it.

"What is this book?"

Varsas looks at her in a daze before gathering his thoughts. He speaks clearly and carefully with the butler in the room.

"It's a book from the Lanton empire. Currently our neighbors are at war with them, even though my father claim neutrality, we are still providing supplies to the war effort with trading. A portion of our populations are also from or have ties with the other kingdom so it is to be expected that a book from there would not be well received."

The little girl in the guise of a servant give him a look that says that is not what she meant. Both of them know of the event of the future, he is from the future in fact and seems to know about it, Varsas gives her a warning glance looking at the butler in the room, yet she looks at him as if saying he knows full well that both of them could have dealt with that easily.

Not knowing the full exchange between the young master of the house and the powerful being from Lan Sphere, the butler chooses that moment to cut in.

"It is also a heretical book." He says angrily.

For a moment Varsas remember the origin of the word heretical. There used to be religion, however for one reason or another, the ancestor of the various nations have abandoned it all together, at this moment, nothing is truly heretical anymore. It is just cultural inertia for the meaning of the word, people has forgotten what that word really means.

But it was not the wrong usage of word that causes Varsas to cut in. Using the choice of word the man had used, he says

"And what part of it is heretical?" It was a simple question, though Lufa caught up on it and looks at him questionably.

"Perhaps it is because of the necromancy content?" She asks.

"There is not a single mention of necromancy magic in this book." Varsas returns.

"Aye, but it involves raising the dead using the science of the Lanton empire." The butler explains.

There is not a single mention of necromancy magic in the book, true, at the same time the book went on about how the author of the book, as a man utilizing the technology of the Lanton empire would go about resurrecting the dead with those technology. It is the first book of a trilogy, and for the opening book, it details the preparation of the human bodies and the process involved...

The numbers and actual method was fiddle with of course, however scholars and scientist from both the Lanton empire and other nation agree that it was plausible and the man writing the book has a detailed understanding of the human body as well as extensive knowledge in technology.

What is less mentioned of course is that the method used in the book was uncomfortably similar to the event that turned the world against the Lanton empire years ago.

The rule of nature is against raising the dead, the author explained. Necromantic magic has a reputation of being dark and taboo, not because the user was dark per se, it is just that a "successful" necromancy ritual always result in something going wrong. The reanimation of the body is easy. The binding of departing soul into those bodies can be done.

It is just that always, seemingly without fail, those souls would be twisted beyond anything. The one who was brought back would always go mad or has a really questionable personality, a perversion of that person's actual personality when they were alive.

It is as if magic itself was against the resurrection of the dead.

And that is why the author argued that if magic was against the resurrection of the dead, remove magic from the equation all together, in fact, one has to isolate actual magic from the proceeding if one was to resurrected the death.

Yet one problem with that would be it is hard to actually do something like that without magic, there are no precedent about resurrection without magic.

That is where the technology of the Lanton empire comes in. In recent years with the advancement of knowledge about the human body and how it function in the Lanton empire, it was possible to do something that is akin to magic, using technology.

The problem was the details in the book was uncomfortably similar to the human chimeraic experiment that turned the world against the Lanton years ago.

"Did that person actually resurrect the dead?" Lufa says with wonder and intrigue. Such a fascinating thing yet it never comes to her knowledge. The human world is really fun, Lufa decided.

"It is only the first book of the trilogy. That say the title is 'If I were to resurrect the dead'." Varsas emphasizes that.

"The various respected person says that thing is propaganda from the Lanton empire and should not be distributed. It is rumored that that thing seduced many a scholar from their home and made them leave for the Lanton empire." The butler says in hushed whisper, switching to gossiping mode.

Lufa glances at Varsas, if that book can seduce the reader and make them leave their home, what about Varsas reading it? However at the moment, he is not reading it, he just glances at the cover in deep thought. In the first place, he did not have any intention whatsoever to read it. He is more interested in the unfolding situation, that is getting a bit out of hand.

It confound Lufa even more, she can't see what that guy is thinking whatsoever, despite both having the knowledge of the future.

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