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Arc 2: The Lanton Professor

Moving machinery and bustling traffic, this is the Lanton empire's capital city, said to be the most ambitious construction of its kind ever. It is a secret that will be revealed later, but secretly the machinery city is not just for show, it is a city that walk. And currently the populace down below the palace is unsuspecting of the secret that only the higher up know.

Currently the most populated place in the world, the memory of the empire's royalty being hanged up at the palace, being executed one by one are still fresh in the mind of its citizen, even though it happened almost two decade ago.

The palace is just a placeholder. It is a center of power fitting for a new government, a government that held progress in high standard, a government that place emphasis on its own people, and a government that is very, very ambitious.

An uneasy atmosphere is currently brewing among the populace.

Three months ago the united alliance of the South, led by the Mahaima kingdom has declared war with the Lanton empire.

There is a current underlying tension between the empire's citizen and the part of its populace that come from the South.

While the only Southerner who ended up in the Lanton empire are someone who has a grudge against the Southern kingdoms or was exiled, the deep seated animosity between Lanton Empire and the Southern kingdom alliance are too great.

The government has currently taken control of the situation, and performed public beating of those who crossed the line between deep seated animosity and outright violence. In the Lanton empire, everyone is a Lantonian. In fact, the Lanton government encourage southern dissenter who left their countries for Lanton.

Despite that, the tension still remain.

It was at night that that guy arrive, tall and lanky, he wore a long robe that concealed his body.

One of the thing about the Lanton empire Capital city is that, this is almost an altar to technology and machinery, you can find every rare metal or part here, provided that you have the money of course.

Being such a place, not only does Lanton attract those who has an axe to grind with the Southern Kingdoms, it also attracted a certain strange demographic.

There are scientists and scholars whose works were deemed too... unethical for elsewhere and look toward the Lanton government with an open arm. The government encourages those demographic. With the odd against them, any advancement in technological study that can let them even the odd is welcome. For the moment, those policy has sky rocketed the Lanton's machinery understanding and advantage them in war. That is why the capital city is the way it was, a place where you can buy any part for your experimentation, a place where you can buy questionable thing, no question ask, all in the name of science.

The tall and lanky guy steps to the counter, he speaks the Lantonian language with a deep southern Mahaima accent, demanding a list of parts from the government sanction shop.

The moment he opens his mouth with his Mahaima accent however, a portion of displeased Lantonian men hanging around the shop steps in front of him, their face telling him everything he wants to know.

"The fuck is a Mahaimian doing here. Shouldn't you be going back preparing for your country's inevitable destruction by us you traitorous dog?" One of the man speaks, a true Lantonian through and through.

"Fuck you pal. If you want to take issue with me, go outside and take a long line with the rest of the city and their racism bullshit. Now fuck off." The lanky man spits out every words, and rudely pushes the person blocking him so he can get access to the counter.

The crowd scattered a bit, everyone just raised their eyebrow, and went back to what they are doing. The person who was pushed away walked away sorely, but he kept his mouth after that insult.

The second thing about Lantonian's culture is that if you master the Lantonian language enough to swear, you are Lantonian enough in their book. It is a misconception among the new immigrants, Lantonian are fundamentally rude, but when someone can swear back at them and push them back, they would think you are an honest person, a true Lantonian.

"500 pounds of Platinum, 10 ounces of Mythril, 10 ounces of the new mixed anti magic alloy, and three experiment size cylinder of glass, and this list of chemical."

The man says, slapping gold on the table.

From beginning to end, the shop owner did not intervene in their little scuffle. He is a government agent, but he is also a Lantonian true and true so he just paid lip service to the new policy.

When he heard the order, his eyes lit up. Now that is a true Lantonian no matter where he comes from, only a true man would take science this far, no other countries would accept him what with their "moral" being an obstacle to the advancement of science.

The other Lantonian in the room has also come to the same conclusion, a rich scientist doing human experiment, a typical day in the Lanton's capital city.

It is a testament to the Lanton's education system that everyone in the room immediately realize what that list of materials are going to be used for.

"Ah customer, what about... organic materials. Our shop has a wide variety you can choose from."

"No need. I can take care of that matter... myself."

The previous trouble maker flinch when they hear that and make for the door. The other person is a very, very rich man, one of that type and story of poor ruffian disappearing off the street is not uncommon.

"May I ask what you are doing customer?"

For a moment they can hear the man smiles.

"All I could say is that it is going to defile the known laws of this world."

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