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8. First day at Yang Group

Waking up at 8 I got ready, I went to the Yang group, on the gate I met up with Mr. Gen and he asked me to meet him with my sketches in his office, I then went to the designers department to keep my other belongings on the desk on my way, I ran into two men in an elevator, they were non other than that two idiots who were there with Shu that day at the police station, I just decided to ignore both of them, but that kiton guy (Wei), recognised me,

You???, Wei said.

Yeah me, I replied.

What the hell are you doing here???

I never thought that you are not only an idiot but an dumbo too, isn't this a working where people are suppose to work, and so am I, Daiyu replied.

Youu...Wei replied irritatingly while pointing towards her

(I went near him and twisted his fingers that was pointing at me)

Do not dare to me, Daiyu said.

Ah...Ah leave my finger, you ninja, I am sorry, I said sorry now leave my finger.

Better, Daiyu said leaving his finger.

Ah, since when do you started working here.

I don't feel like telling you.


I suppose how the boss deals with both of you idiots.

Idiots!!! Wei exclaimed.

Boss?? aren't we the boss,Wei whispered in Hai's ears.

Anyways it's my floor, I'll take a leave.

Our floor is the same too, Wei shouted behind her.

Knocking at Mr Gen's office I went inside,

Sir, Daiyu said.

Yeah Daiyu have a seat I wanted you to meet your bosses Hai Yang and Liu LongWei.

Huh....what these idiots are my boss???

Gen was surprised to see her reaction as she was the first woman or one can say the first person who have insulted them, and just to make sure that Daiyu said idiots to both of them only, he asked her again,

Idiots...are you pointing towards these two?, he asked.

Do you see anybody else here, except the four of us, no right, and ofcourse me and you Mr. Gen are not idiots that only left these two.

Gen started laughing.

Yo! what the hell,Gen don't tell me you hired this ninja-girl, asked Wei.

Yes I did so brother, and it's her first day, Gen replied.

Oh is that so..Wei said.

Hey, Daiyu show us some respect both of us are your bosses to whom you insulted a minute ago.

Hey, Hai what are you flipping there on the desk, tell her something man.

Wait a minute if you and Vanquish are my boss then who are you Mr.Gen??, Daiyu questioned.

He is my younger brother Liu Gen who take care of law related things and the other idiot there is Shu's elder brother, Wei replied.

Do you know her brother Wei?, enquired Gen.

Yeah, she is the girl who saved our Shu that day.

Woah!!! that's what I was thinking that I have seen yet somewhere, Gen replied

Oh..okay I get it, anyway why did you asked me here Mr. Gen, she asked.

I am not your boss you can call me Gen because I was just duped by this two, huh... anyways I wanted tomorrow show your sketches to my brothers, even though you are hired but they are specialized in this field so you have to take their consideration first.

No need for that, I saw your sketches you are hired and you can work on the project that we are working on, Gen will take you to that department, ordered Hai in a bossy tone.

Ok boss, Gen and Daiyu replied.

After giving me a small tour of the department, Gen left.

While in the office,

Wei was having a look at Daiyu's CV.

Hey, Hai why did you and Gen hired her, she is not even a jewellery designer and she is not even an experienced in this field then why, Wei asked.

See this you will get to know the reason Hai replied while giving him the sketches.

She has potential, they both replied simultaneously.

Good than, let's go for the meeting on our upcoming new project, Wei said.

You go further, I'll be behind you, replied Hai.

Hai's POV,

I was surprised to see Daiyu at my office, and I don't know why, but I never allowed anyone to talk to me like this, but when Daiyu misbehaves with me I don't mind at all, when I saw the sketches, I liked her potential, I had a look on her CV, but something was missing, than I noticed that she never mentioned her surname on it, and I don't know why but I wanted to find out the reason behind it.

Daiyu's POV;

The day went normal, after leaving the Yang Group, I went to the boutique, after I was done I went home, mom was not there because of her nightshift( her mother is a nurse), and than I was about to pass out on my bed when I got a notification, it was a message from my mom saying,

"Dinner is kept in the fridge, heat it, I know you are about to sleep, so you better hurry and have it. Honey don't make me worry, and yeah your mom loves you."

okay, I'm having it, don't worry and I love you thousand, I replied.

And just like that, the day went by.

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