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Chapter 8: 7. Hired...

After that little talk with Meixiu I went to the 8th floor, and soon my name was called out.

Knocking the door I went inside the cabin which said on the door Liu Gen,

May I come in, asked Daiyu.

You may, Gen replied.

After placing my CV in front of him, he went through it and after a minute or two he looked at me and than at my CV, questioning something in his mind.

Miss Daiyu, I can't see your surname written anywhere in this, he said.

I just don't like to put it, with my name, Daiyu said, (she knew that this question is going to be asked as she had experienced this in all the interviews and the owner of the boutique was okay with it. )

(Gen ignores that situation)

Nevermind let's start, as you know we are looking for a professional designer to design jewellery and I don't want to brag but the Yang group is world famous for its jewellery designs, so in order to hire you I will have to see your works if you have??

Sir, just to let you know I am still a student in Parsons and only 6 months are left for me to be a fashion designer and my interest is in designing clothes, not much in jewellery though and I didn't knew about this job , it's someone who sended me this address an hour before because there is designer's job vacancies available in your company and I thought you needed a clothes designer but actually it was vice-a-versa and I need a job, but you see during free time I do design jewellery designs in my sketch book that I have it with me right now, if you want I can show it to you? she said.

Yes please, he replied.

I gave my sketch book to him, and when he was looking at my jewellery designs he was smiling and I wasn't able to figure out that whether he was smiling because he liked it or because it was very bad and not upto their companies standard.

He took more than 5 minutes, with my sketch book and I decided to ask him whether he liked it or not.

Sir, I know my designs are not so good, it's fine....

Huh...miss Daiyu your designs are not good.

What ???, questioned Daiyu, she thought how could he directly say her like that, even though her designs were not good.

No I don't mean it like that way, you see it's one of the best designs that I have seen till now, you should not degrade your capability or your design, you should sit more during your free time and sketch more.

Thank you, I truly appreciate your comments...So...anymore questions Sir, Daiyu asked.

No more questions, and listen you are hired you don't have to wait for a call,he said and handshaked with Daiyu.

Thank you, Sir, I'll try to put my best, she said.

Okay and I am hoping for it and your tomorrow's schedule will be emailed it to you by tonight, he said smiling

Okay sir.

Liu Gen's POV;

Brother Hai and Brother Wei had told me to take care of the interviews, as they will come late and I gave in to help them, it was my first time taking interviews and I thought it will be a piece of cake for me but who knew that I have been duped by both of my brothers, this shit was way more irritating, than those business clients of whom cases I had solved, I mean since 10 a.m. I have been stucked here, interviewing all these clingy species of koalas dressed in a women clothes that too in the size of a handkerchief.

Ahh...(he scratched his head), both of you, I hate you, I can't do this anymore, he said.

However, the next interviewee who entered my cabin was very different, at first I thought she was a model, she was dressed simply but her entire attire was black in colour, her presence was different than those girls that he had interviewed today, she was not clingy and koala type, she was a straightforward and sincere girl came for a job and not a typical one who tries to be flirty, when I saw her CV, I wasn't able to see her surname when asking about it she gave me an answered that kinda surprised me, upon hearing her answer I understood that she might have a past and should change the topic, she even cleared out the things that I was about to asked her without giving a thought that after saying this she might lose this job opportunity from her hand, later the sketch book that she handed me amazed me, I mean how can she design something so beautiful and rare, and that too when she is not specialized in.

Daiyu was a talented gem that our company needs, and if I let her go, without hiring her than their company will lost a precious gem, he thought.

Without giving any more thoughts to it I hired her, though this is not the procedure their company follows where they directly tell the interviewee that she is hired, normally they call the interviewee by their assistants, and let them know regarding their jobs, but this was the first time that someone from the company has ever did so, and I was confident about my choice.

After she left, I was sitting at my chair smiling like a fool and busy in thoughts that how can there be so much difference between Daiyu and other girls.

Daiyu's POV;

I never thought that I'll get the job so easily, but I was very happy about it, because I can't wait to complete my year at my school.

Later, I picked some snacks on the way and went to the old age home, where I usually visit whenever I wish and only my mom know why do I go there, and I am thankful for her that she never stopped me.

After enjoying my time with Grandpa Lei and other people, I left for the boutique. There I designed some clothes, while doing so I didn't knew when time passed by and it was already past nine, I left for my house after freshing up myself and dining, on my way to my bedroom I received an email regarding my new job schedule and according to it I have to reach the Yang Group by 9 in the morning, due to which I went to bed early as I didn't want to be late on my first day, as even though I am not an experienced designer in jewellery designs, but still I was given an opportunity by Mr.Gen and I am grateful for him.

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More secrets.......

Dear readers,

Everybody has a past either it changes you in a good or a bad person, and you have a choice between these two and you chose it, but if your choice destroys and affects your present, than you must let it go, I know it's easy to say than to do, but try it and write a beautiful story of yours, focus on your present.?

And don't think that no one loves you, because I LOVE YOU ❤❤!!! and you all means alot to me.

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