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5.Teasing the boys...

Goodnight she wished herself and went beneath her duvet.

( Let's see what happened in the police station after Daiyu left from there)

After messaging Daiyu, Shu went inside the station and wasn't able to stop her laugh as she saw her brother and Wei faces.

Sir, if all the procedures are completed than can we all leave? Shu asked the inspector.

Yes, it's all completed you can leave.

Yo! Wei, brother you both start the car I'll joint you in a minute.

Why what happen?, they asked.

Nothing I just want to use the rest room.

okay than come fast, said Hai.

( But naughty Shu had some other things going in her mind so she lied and asked the Inspector to give her a copy of the CCTV footage from the cafe, so she can rewatch it and find any suspect and the inspector allowed her to take a copy, but the main aim of her, behind it was to show it to her mom that how Daiyu helped her and to show her that she was the girl who talked with her stone-hearted son eye to eye without any fear. )

After a minute she joined both of them in the car, while Shu was trying her best not to laugh on both of the boys who were lost in their thoughts.

Awhile later, Longwei broke the silence in the car,

No one, you know no one dared to talked to us like this way as she did today, she even said that she doesn't know who we are, I mean come on every girl in NY die to see our faces and to have our attention but she didn't show any interest in us, that ninja-girl...What is her name?

Daiyu, Hai replied.

Huh...!!! Did he really said a girl name, Shu and Wei said surprisingly.( because it was the first time in their life that they have heard saying him a girl name that he actually remembered. Hai was always a cold-hearted man who doesn't smile or show any emotions except his family and the Liu's, he don't even show any interest in girls, as every girl try to cling on him. )

What are you both surprised at?? Hai asked them.

Nothing, it's just that we saw a 25 y.o cold- hearted man who just said a girl name, they replied to him.

I do say girls name, Hai said.

Who can you name any?? they asked.

Don't I say Shu name everyday?

(Author: 🤦‍♀️ Are you serious Hai)

That's a different thing man, Wei said

Anyways, that girl I mean Daiyu she didn't even knew our name, and who the hell was Brioni Vanquish ll and Kiton k-50?

(After hearing what Wei said, Shu started laughing so hard that tears started to come from her eyes and she had to hold her stomach.)

Oh my God! have you gone mad Shu why the hell are you laughing so much today?, Wei said irritatingly.

Wei you duffer, that girl Daiyu addressed us with the brands that we are wearing today, and you are the only one making Shu laugh by your silly questions, answered Hai.

Woah! but no doubt she is so cool. She don't know our names but knew what we were wearing, Wei said.

Yaa.. right I agree with you she is cool I mean come on no one has ever disrespected or talked like this to you and brother, but she did, she is something I must say that Daiyu has guts. And that's why as a souvenir on our first meeting with her I took a copy of the footage to show it to mom and Gen. By the way where is Gen he missed a great show tonight haahaa?, said Shu

I told him to stay with aunty, Wei replied.

As they reached the Yang's penthouse, Wei requested Shu that she can show her mother and his little brother the copy of the footage that she had bought, but not to open her mouth about how Daiyu warned him and Hai...

Do you think that I'll accept your request so easily???

I don't think so either but I tried, he said.

Shu than got down from the car and ran like a wind, in the penthouse.

How do you handle her? Can't your sister keep any of the secrets in her stomach, he asked Hai.

She definitely can't, replied Hai.

On reaching the hall she ran towards her mom, where her mom hugged Shu and bombarded her with thousand of questions.

I am all fine maa, just because a girl named Daiyu or should I say an angel named Daiyu saved your daughter. But where is Gen? he was with you right, let him come I have to share all the things that happen today with both of you.

Is someone asking for me?

Shu heard a manly voice behind her, which came from the balcony. That voice was of Liu Gen ( Liu Longwei's younger brother who is 22 y.o)

Hey come, sit here I have to show something to both of you, she than started playing the video of Daiyu protecting her with all of the men, and than told them the whole story, how she talked with the head inspector of the country and also how Daiyu warned her brother and Wei in front of everyone in the station. They were all amazed to see how strong and brave the girl was, and were excited to meet her in the near future if possible.

As she completed saying the last sentence, she saw that the two people who were sitting beside her listening to her story, was now glancing over the two man's who just entered the hallway when Yang Ming (Shu and Hai's mother) asked them:

Do you guys need ice, cold drinks or ice pack to cool down?

I am going in my room to change my clothes, and maa I don't need any of these things?, replied Hai.

What about you Kiton k-50? Gen asked his brother Wei.

Shut up you idiot!! he said and than went with Hai to his room.

After they left, all of the three started laughing like a maniac as they teased and

leg pulled them.

Maa , Gen I am so excited, for tomorrow.

Why, what's so special about tomorrow? her mom and Gen asked her.

Oh I didn't tell you both, outside the cafe her boutique's entry-card where she works I guess fell down so I kept it with me in order to return it to her but I forgot to give her, so I messaged her to send me the addressed to we can meet and I will personally return it to her.

Good, they replied. But why are you so interested to meet her again?

Because I like her and I have a feeling that we all are going to grow closer with her, mark my words, she said.

(After dinning) Gen and Wei also went to their penthouse.

Shu and and her mom went to their room to sleep as it was getting late.

(While Hai went to his personal office room in the penthouse, there he checked some business files and than he started to give a thought on today's incident and when he thought about it Daiyu popped out , he than smiled a little which he didn't realised)

Daiyu, you really are different, but what was the head inspector meant that it's her again, he asked himself.

Later, he too returned to his room to sleep.

aqsa14 aqsa14

Hey my readers, its your author here, I am sorry I kept you all waiting for almost a month as my exams were going on I was unable to write but now I'll try my best to publish atleast 3 to 4 chapters a week...I hope you understand ???

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