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92% Clover:The world of magic and its cursed path / Chapter 137: Chapter 136 The chosen prince of Life, Livius

Chapter 137: Chapter 136 The chosen prince of Life, Livius

"Just an ant you say?" He spoke with his playful voice. "Kneel."


Everyone who heard was stunned. Judging by his looks, he couldn't have gone to the wrong room. With that in mind, he must've been a new student that would be joining E-class in their second year.

But for a new guy like him, he's quite bold as to suddenly make him kneel. What's more it's Akamura. He might be arrogant, but that's because he grew up in high rank, as one of the princes to inherit the crown, the possible next king of the Scared kingdom of Rainbow, the family whose magic is colors.

For that unknown boy to suddenly order him like that, he must've been an idiot who thinks so highly of himself and did not know the school's rules. Or perhaps he's not an idiot.

"Didn't you hear me?" he asked. "Should I repeat myself? Go drop down in hands and knees, kneel to me and apologize."

For once since he appeared, the smile on his face disappeared and he looked at Akamura with piercing cold eyes.

His eyes were full of cruelty and murderous intent, Akamura can't help but shudder.

Akamura felt cold sweat trickling down his face, but he was determined not to yield. However, without his understanding, he suddenly felt being pulled down.

He unwillingly kneeled down in front the boy who's four years younger than him as if he's being tied in several chains. It was the first time he felt it. He was so shocked his eyes were wide open. But he was not dumb, just with that, he figured who this strange looking boy is.

A smile on the boy's face appeared again. "Good boy!" He chuckled happily. "You should know not to mess around. Your behavior is so disgusting you're disgracing me. Oh, and be sure to clean yourself, you stink."

He then took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead that bumped in Akamura earlier. After cleaning himself, he carelessly threw it on Akamura who was still kneeling in front of his feet.

What he's doing is totally savage. Not only did he forcibly make him bow down, he even shamed him, and acted as if it was nothing. It seemed that he's now making Akamura understand who the real ant between the two of them is.

To break the silence, he looked at everyone with a playful smile and spoke. "What I just did here was against the rules if I'm correct. But since it's the first day, I hope you guys will let it pass and forgive me. After all, I'll be the number one."

He was indeed very bold for a newcomer. What he just did was challenge everyone in the very first day. Even worse to think that the rank one was owned by so many; the school can't decide who real king is.

Being crowned the King would not that be difficult since Kishi and Kira were out of the question ever since they became the prince and princess. That leaves only Red, and perhaps even Airi, but the latter already gave up on that a long time ago.

If he perhaps became rank one just as he said so, all he needs to do is challenged Red and won to be the King. But that's clearly not what he wants.

He wanted to become the number one, and being the king won't make him so. He has to become strong enough to win against all rank ones and even Kishi if he wanted to be the number one student in magic high. That kind of task just ain't that easy for him suddenly declare.

The other's thought that it was impossible while the other's think he was interesting. The ones he got the most attention though, was Kishi, Kira, Kin, and Red.

The four of them were deeply astonished, not by his bold declaration, but by his actions and the shocked Akumura who was still kneeling on the floor.

To Red, even though he hated the poor guy, Akamura was still his half elder brother. He noticed right away that the unknown boy used his authority as Higher Sacred royal to force him to yield. And as a prince of the rainbow, he ought to be careful with his words or actions around him or he'll face the same faith as his stupid brother.

The twins were interested in him because he actually used his authority when neither of them dared. He sure is gutsy. They don't know if it's because it's Airi or they're just chickens to do that. For one thing they do know, being forced like that is not a pleasant feeling and they did not wish their dear Airi to experience that unless truly necessary.

That was the same for Kin. He may not have the authority at the moment since he still has his father but one day he will. And just like the twins, he liked to avoid doing that as much as possible.

"Alright, that's enough." Amili wearily said as she entered the door and leaned on the desk. She was followed by Celes but she stopped and faced everyone.

She looked around and noticed the mess. She shifted her gaze at Rex, Yin, and Yang but they avoided her gaze while smiling, acting as if they're innocent. Then she looked at Akamura who was still trembling as he kneeled down to another white-haired boy that is neither Kishi nor Yin.

"Didn't the letter you received instructed you to meet the dean first?" Amili questioned him suspiciously.

The boy chuckled and lifted his feet off the ground, crossing his legs. "Sorry." He said cheekily. "I got too excited I forgot."

Amili stared at him and sighed. "Come here, the two of you should introduce yourselves."

"Okeydokey!" He cheerfully floated and landed carefully beside Celes.

"Well then, let's start over. Do you perhaps need help?" Amili asked him in concern.

"No need, unlike some others, I could introduce myself." He confidently said, looking at Kishi from the corner of his eyes.

This guy really likes to pick fights.

He chuckled and floated in the air once again. "I'm the chosen prince of Life, Livius. Livi's fine though so you guys can call me that."

He was like the polar opposite of Kishi. Kishi's frosty and aloof. He's usually quiet and doesn't talk much unless necessary. He not good with socializing and doesn't get along well with everyone. He also hates being called anything aside from his given name.

Unlike him though, this boy Livius seemed really friendly, smiles a lot and easy to approach. He's talkative and mischievous. He's clumsy and likes to keep things simple. He made an impression that he likes to pry in other people's business and he's really bold.

The only thing the children could say that are similar about the two of them is that they should never be pissed.

It their morning on the day they came back to school, things have turned out full of interesting events.

Just like a year ago, when Kishi first joined in, everything was beyond everyone's expectations. No one could've have guessed that three of Harmonia's Scared empires would gather in one place.

The prince and princes of Enchanted empire, the prince and the last survivor of the Celestial kingdom, the crown prince of the Elemental palace, all the children of the kingdoms of Elements, two of the red bearers of the kingdom of Rainbow, and last but not the least, the one and only prince of Life palace. To think all of them would gather in E-class, that's one thing no one would expect.

Kira kept staring at him as she pondered. He then noticed her and their eyes met for a moment but she quickly averted her gaze.

He smiled then turned his attention away from her. Noticing that, Kira turned to look at him again.

He was really an interesting and a mysterious fellow. Taking a closer look, a blue crystal earing hung lightly on his left ear. He doesn't seem lying about being Life's chosen prince.

But since he appeared, it would mean that they'll be having so much interactions later. After all, Life and Enchanted were the twin palaces and their places were right next to each other.

"Seriously, is white hair a new fashion trend lately?" Aster sighed that brought Kira back to reality.

"Is there something wrong with it?" Kishi asked.

Lune closed his book and lazily rested his head on his arms. "Of course there is, white hair is still very rare you just don't notice it."

Kishi looked at Airi bemusedly and latter sighed as he begun to explain. "Hair colors are usually influenced by our magic" Airi said as he fiddled with his pink hair. "having white is very rare since only white mages like Yin, a very few numbers of assassins like the Sword slayer, and sometimes unnaturally by excessive stress or caused by magic. Seeing someone walking around with white hair is really uncommon. That reminds me, do be careful with your hair."

Kishi looked at Livius again and wondered. "Myth's hair is white too."

"Not really. Myth's hair goes by the color or the clouds. You might notice it that her hair changes color. It turns gray when it's going to rain, turns red when sunset, and you get the idea."

"In short, Myth's hair is the best weather forecaster, right Yang?" Yin sniggered.

"Stop it!!" Myth shouted angrily.

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