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31.33% Clover:The world of magic and its cursed path / Chapter 46: Chapter 45 Kin, a child of gold

Chapter 46: Chapter 45 Kin, a child of gold

One of the female royal attendants looked at him then nodded. He merely shook his free hand to tell her to proceed.

She spoke with a loud cheerful voice, "Hello everyone! All of you must be excited! Now, here at January second, the legendary quest of the Frozen ruins, are about to begin!"

The crowd roared in excitement. Applause and cheering filled the air. The woman smiled at their reaction. But what she said next ruined all the excitement. They just can't wait to start hunting.

"But before that, a challenge was made to determine whether who is better than these two groups!" Instead of cheering, the audience spouted complaints

By the mention of their name, the Silver serpents walked into the stage. The surroundings instantly became quiet. It made it all obvious that the people feared them for some reason. After them, more or less thirty young children came in the opposite entrance. The people were all astounded by this.

The announcer began to explain. The rules are quite simple. There is a total of five matches. Since the Silver serpents only have five men, all of them will participate. Meanwhile, two children will be battling each individual from the Silver serpents to make the fight fair (even if it will only make it more one sided). The Silver serpents also have the privilege to chose their opponents from the group, as both teams agreed to.

Regarding the fight, there are no rules. They can use whatever strategies they want; all is allowed to use whatever magic they possess; they can also bring weapons if they wish. Though, cheating is unallowed such as, asking or receiving help from team mates. If caught cheating, it will automatically be a loss and the team would be disqualified. And also, no one will be accountable for lives lost.

Emperor Reiji can only smile to himself. It all went just as he expected it to. Those little brats could really do nothing but cause trouble. What would their parents say if they found out about this?

After some while, the Silver serpents finally decided who should go first. Apparently, it was the guy with the big sword who came first. He walked closer to them then looked at everyone. They all remained calm and unafraid, some others even did nothing but their usual stuff without a care for what's going on. They appear rather confident for this kind of situation.

"You..." he pointed towards Kin, "golden boy, and you" he pointed towards Akame.

She however, didn't expect it then pointed towards herself while asking "me? Why me?

They guy didn't answer and just turned his back towards the center. Seeing her reaction, Kin sniggered then he told he

"Maybe because you look--"

But before he could finish, Akame bellowed "Shut it! That's not funny!"

The both of them walked to the center. The man bowed then introduced himself,

"Names Greg, from the Silver serpents"

"My names Kin and this is Akame, nice to meet you" Kin introduced himself politely

The referee looked at both sides then asked them if they were ready. The gong banged telling them to begin, but both sides made no movement. Greg's being polite waiting for them to take first move. Akame sighed and walked out, waving her hand at Kin

"Where are you going?" Kin asked

"You can deal with this yourself, I'm going" She answered

With that she left Kin behind. But since no competitor is allowed to leave the until the match is finished, she just went to the side and leaned on the wall.

Greg on the other hand, was surprised. He didn't understand what she was doing. He thought that maybe she was scared and cowardly left her friend to fight alone. He was unimpressed and just smirked.

"Your friend left you, if you wish to surrender, I'll accept it kindly" he said

"No need, like she said, I can deal with you myself" Kin politely declined his offer

"Fine then, shall we begin? Bring out your spirit"

Kin was bewildered. "What spirits?" Does he mean weapons?

"Don't you have any spirits?" Greg asked him

"I'm only first year in high school, I don't have one yet, or at least I'm not allowed to have one" He replied flatly

Greg was taken aback. Not by the fact that Kin has no spirit, but by the fact that he was already in high school. Judging by his looks, he should only be a middle schooler. He thought that maybe his age would be at least fifteen or so, but his figure did not look like it so he asked.

"Hey kid, how old are you?"

Kin smiled then answered "I'm only 12"

Then again it sounded weird. Is this boy really that great to skip middle school? He didn't ask any more question. As a matter of fact, he wanted to figure out Kin's ability by himself. He became more curious as of why would the girl just leave her friend like that and what made him this confident about himself. He found the answer soon enough.

"Anyway, enough with the talk and let's begin. The fight started quite a while ago, and were wasting a lot of time running our mouths" Said Kin

With that, Greg raised his sword in an offensive stance. Kin didn't move an inch and gave him a sinister smile. Greg frowned. He knew the boy was up to something.

The audience quiet down. The previous clear sky turned dark. Clouds formed and roaring thunders appeared along with flashes of vicious lightnings. The chilly breeze blew stronger, their hairs was flowing smoothly in the air. The temperature in the whole arena quickly dropped and the landscape turned into ice.

Utterly bewildered, Greg looked around hastily. He was slightly panicking. No magic could change the whole surrounding this much. Much less from a child! Even if it's only an illusion, an incredible amount of magic is needed to do this. He looked at other children and to his surprise, no one seemed to bother at all! He then shifted his gaze to Akame but like the others, she wasn't paying much attention and was totally in daze. All their actions were giving off the "We already expected this to happen", or the "There's no fun at all, it's all boring", or "we don't care".

What the hell is wrong with these children!?

"Your names Greg if I remember right? Are you scared?" Kin asked, still smirking. His golden eyes were glowing brightly.

This statement has brought Greg back to reality. He fixed his stance then forced a smile. "Scared? Get real kid. Why would I get scared by you?"

"Okay then, you said so"

The air around Kin grew stronger. His feet rose from the ground and started floating in the air. Five fire balls appeared and started revolving around him. The frozen floor melted and turned into a shallow pool, while the lightnings strikes and spread all over the water, electrocuting all those who are caught in it.

Akame was also floating above the ground. A beautiful pink magic circle and thousands cherry blossom petals under her feet. Greg on the other hand, used his sword to lift him off the ground. Since it was a divine weapon, instead of being metal, it kept him safe from electricity that was traveling on the water.

"Wind, lightning, fire, water, those are only four" Kin muttered "Mmm....What should I do with earth?"

Was this kid a monster?! What kind of magic is this?!

A sudden realization had struck him. There was a rumor going around. They say that the Sacred palaces is rising once again. Sacred magic, the most powerful kind of magic of all. He didn't believe it at first, he thought that it was impossible. There are five empires, and the Jade had distant themselves from the four others. The other one became the Forbidden empire. The three remaining had faced a great fall, especially the Enchanted empire. It was completely obliterated. Even the Celestial Kingdom had gone extinct and there is no news from the palace. The Life, and the Elemental only lost their palaces, but the kingdom of Rainbow and the four kingdoms of Elements have lost their power. Now however, he was seeing it with his own eyes. The power to control all five elements, a magic wielded only by the children of gold, the Sacred magic of the Elemental palace.

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