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Back to Marineford

Two days passed,

Rey was training on the seashore, trying to find out the abilities of the Nine Heavenly Gate technique as said by the Old man Nile.

Suddenly, he spotted a small ship in the distance and quickly discovered its none other than Marine ship.

'You finally came, Old man Garp!' Rey thought.

Within a few minutes, a small rescue boat appeared to pick up Rey from the Island. When he arrived at the Main Marine ship, he heard a loud boisterous laugh, "Bwahaha, brat, how was your stay in the Island?"

Rey responded to the inquiry with his fist, he used 'Soru' and appeared before Garp punching his fist with full power.

Garp grinned and countered with his own fist which created a shock wave across the Marine ship and made countless soldiers drop on the ground.

"You stinky old man, how dare you to throw me here without asking my choice?" Rey spoke.

"What? Stinky Old man? Brat looks like I need to first teach you how to respect your superiors!" Garp's 'fist of love' struck Rey's head.

'Ah!' Rey cried out in pain.

"Come, show me how much you improved in this one year", Garp said.

Soon, both Garp and Rey began to fight on the ship, making many marines soldiers to sweat. As the battle continued, Garp was surprised by the strength, Rey displayed.

'It's unbelievable! His strength improved to a whole new level while his combat skills advanced by leaps and bounds!' Garp mused.

Rey found out his strength is not even enough to make Garp serious which frustrated him a little even though he knows Garp's strength.

"Old man, I will show my true strength. Energy Burst!"

A silver-white aura began to leak from all over Rey's body which turned Garp's face little serious. "What is this brat doing and what is the white energy coming out of his body?"

A fist suddenly appeared before his face but it was easily blocked by him. But Garp was astonished by the strength Rey displayed which is at least two-fold higher than before.

Even so, Garp was easily able to block all of Rey's attacks with ease and wondered, 'Is that brat ate a Devil fruit? No, it doesn't look like that.'

In his long years of Journey, he hasn't seen anything like this and he was even more surprised knowing it's not because of the Devil fruit powers.

Rey was disappointed by finding his energy burst mode is not enough to make Garp use Haki. He sighed and dispersed the pure energy in his body.

"Oi, brat, what kind of ability is this?" Garp asked, curious.

"It's my secret ability!" Rey weakly answered as the use of this technique weakened him a little. Garp also noticed this and thought, 'It looks like a short time power up but it's incredible. He will surely grow as a formidable Marine in the future.'

"How was your Rokushiki training going?" Garp asked. Rey told all about his experience in the Island and how far his techniques improved.

"Good! In one week there will be an assessment in Marine Headquarters to determine the rank of recruits and you will be promoted according to your strength and abilities."

"With your strength, you will easily rank at the top", Garp said.

"How are the other recruits?"

"There are some formidable recruits who have devil fruit powers and also extremely strong. Even your friend Mia's strength increased by another level under Tsuru-chan."

"Oh?" Rey didn't think there are other recruits as strong as him and also happy hearing Mia was okay and her strength increased.

"What is that, is that a weapon on your back?" Garp asked, noticing the silver black colored staff weapon on Rey's back.

"I thought you only use fists..."

"Yes, but it came as handy when encountering creatures, with sharp claws and it also saved my life many times," Rey spoke and handed it to Garp for inspection.

It looks crude and rough so Garp guessed Rey built this on his own. "Leave it with me, I will contact someone I know to make you a better staff."



Three days later,

Garp and Rey finally arrived at the Marine Headquarters. As always, Marineford is bustling with soldiers, marine recruits, and marine officers.

Garp went to see Fleet Amiral Sengoku while Rey wandered around the Headquarters. After talking with few recruits, he found out Mia went out with vice Admiral Tsuru and hasn't returned yet.

"Oh, isn't that Rey, who's Vice Admiral Garp Student!" One of the Marine exclaimed and spoke with others.

"Yes, I think he came back for this year's Marine recruit assessment which is going to be held in 4 days. It's going to be exciting this year as many powerful individuals appeared this time."

Rey shook his head hearing the soldiers babble. Even so by wandering he heard some useful information about Marine recruits with devil users like X-Drake, Hina and Smoker.


Fleet Admiral Office,

"Garp, How is that kid, Rey?" Sengoku asked.

"You will be surprised if you see how his strength improved in short one year. He will become a Wonderful Marine if overseen properly." Garp grinned and spoke.

Sengoku nodded, "We need such strong marines in the future to bring justice and peace. Don't teach him about your moral justice, otherwise, I won't be responsible for any outcome."

"Wahaha, Sengoku, You don't need to worry, that Kid has his own temperament; No one change that even if want to." Garp laughed. From his interaction with Rey till now, Garp figured Rey's temperament which is like his own.

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