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80% Loving The Wrong Mate / Chapter 4: Chapter 3- Question

Chapter 4: Chapter 3- Question

"Do you think Jake's mad?" Rosie shook her head, she was driving to school with Anna. "Jake probably shake it off pretending he doesn't even remember it is. That's how he is." Rosie sighed, "Which is actually you shouldn't even be interested in a guy like him. He's not worth your time." 

Anna scrunched her eyebrows together, "I wouldn't be wasting my time if my mate would just show up." Rosie hid her smile. "You think your mate's hiding from you?" Anna nodded, "I've been waiting for years for him and not one sign. Nada, nothing, zilch."

Did she just say zilch?, Rosie thought.

Rosie turned into the school parking lot struggling not to laugh at Anna's seriousness. She shut off the car turning to Anna. "Anna finding your mate is not the most important thing in the world. We are still only 16 we still have time. Your mate will present themselves when the time is right."

Anna just scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Yeah Rosie, whatever." Anna opened the car door hopping out and grabbing her bag. She was wearing a jean dress with a red maroon dress and black choker. Rosie got out and walked with her to their school lockers. Their lockers were next to each other courtesy of Rosie's mom who was the school principal.

They grabbed their books saying goodbye as they headed to their own classes planning to meet at lunch.


Rosie was smart, smart enough to actually skip a grade. But she never did, mostly because she wanted to stay closer to Anna. They were both junior's already and had spent every grade together. Rosie didn't want to ruin that cycle.

In each class Rosie always knew the answers, whatever the question was. Everyone at school knew too, whenever they didn't know something they would come to her.

Rosie even thought about charging for answers, by thought against it in the end. She had even tutored some other kids just for the fun of it. Some even said she had it gifts, one for her strength and for her smartness. Rosie never bragged about it though. She always stayed quiet unless she really needed to speak.

Like now, she was in her math class and it was going impossibly slow. This was the class right before lunch and they were serving pizza today. They always ordered form some fancy restaurant and it was to die for.

In her class the teacher had asked a math question and it seemed like no one knew the answer. Everyone was avoiding the teacher's eyes looking every else around the room.

Rosie shook her head sighing. She raised her hand and the teacher's eyes seemed to brighten at her favorite student.

"Yes, Rosie?"

"The answer is 46," Rosie dated hurriedly. She noticed everyone was paying attention now and looking at the front. Well, she thought.

"Correct!", the teacher said just as the bell rang for lunch. All the students ran out the door heading to the cafeteria.

Rosie was the last one out heading to put her books in her locker. Just as she put her books away some called her name.

"Morris?" Rosie knew that voice, Dylan.

She turned looking at her mate standing a few feet away from her. He was wearing a red varsity football jacket with jeans. His brown curls were messy in a nice way. He was carrying a textbook in his hand and there was a pencil behind his ear.

Rosie always noticed that pencil. He always had one there. Her eyes traveled to his eyes shocked. Dylan never talked to her, ever. Well, not since kindergarten, but that was along time ago.

Dylan was supposed to be a senior but him mom held back a year making him stay at home a while longer. It was common in the wolf community. Mothers always wanted more time with their pups before they sent them off to school.

"Yes?," Rosie said.

Dylan was smiling nervously, "Um.....this is embarrassing. God."

Rosie faced him waiting. "So.....I'm failing math and everyone knows you're like a math whiz and the teach said I needed to find a tutor or she'd fail me for my final grade." He paused. "So this is me asking you for help."

"Please," he added.

Rosie was surprised that he was asking her for help even if she was smart. Dylan was average in his smarts but she didn't think he would be failing math of all things.

Rosie was on the verge if saying no but something stopped her. She suddenly had an urge to say yes. Maybe with the tutoring she could finally get some answers out if him.

Maybe he will finally notice her. Rosie didn't even know he knew she existed before this. This was her chance that she just couldn't miss.

"Yes," Rosie finally answered after being silent for minutes.

Dylan's smile widened into a real one looking happy. "That's great. We could start maybe Wednesday after school." He turned to leave then stopped, "Oh and please don't tell anyone about this. Let's just keep it between us, yeah." He touched Rosie's arm causing thousands of sparks to travel through it.

He left heading to the cafeteria , leaving a frozen Rosie. Rosie heart was beating fast that you could probably hear it for miles. She started walking toward to the cafeteria but changed her mind heading outside to the younger kids playground.

Also the place where she first saw Dylan.

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