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100% Sorrow Severing System / Chapter 2: Cultivation Is Awesome!

Chapter 2: Cultivation Is Awesome!

After looking over my high school diploma, I have no worries about my future now! I should probably check out the cultivation technique that the system gave me. And so without further ado here we go!

From the knowledge I've gained from this technique, there are twelve stages. Mortal Body Tempering, Blood Purification, Marrow Cleansing, Qi Field Establishment, Dantian Rush, Qi Explosion, Semi-Mortal Body, True Qi Birth, Dantian Cyclone, Immortal Body, God Qi Establishment, True God Realm. These are the twelve steps toward breaking through to godhood and beginning my life as an immortal true god. Time to begin cultivating!

Hours trickle by as I sit in a lotus position performing complicated hand seals and chants. Before long it's already the next morning when I open my eyes in excitement. I cultivated the first level of Mortal Body! Feeling immense strength rushing through my body, I clench my fist and give a mighty fist pump. I then cheer like a complete fool until I hear my neighbor banging on my wall telling me to shut my chunni ass up. Hah... I'm not chunni I'm a cultivator! Right let's ignore that guy.

Getting up, I head into my bathroom for a shower and quickly dried off. Damn I look too good! Down boy! No narcissism allowed! After smacking my cheeks I put on my game face. Now to find out where I am. Luckily I found a smartphone belonging to me, so I check my location data. It seems I'm in... Huh?! It says I'm in Tokyo, Japan but wasn't my neighbor speaking English? Wait no, now that I think about it he wasn't. Full of excitement I pull up a Japanese manga app that's full Japanese and attempt to read it. I'm not let down, because I can read it! Not only that, but I know I can write it too somehow! Ha ha ha! No more waiting for slow translations for my favorite light novels or manga, I can read them raw!

After the initial excitement I managed to calm down and looked at my diploma again. Starry High School, Boston Massachusetts, USA. So, I'm American in this life too but I moved to Tokyo after graduation. It seems this is my first week in Japan based on my calendar. Taking that in consideration, I breathe out a slow breath to calm down before getting dressed in a pair of white jeans, a white tshirt with golden letters on it, a white trench coat with a silver dragon drawn on the back and some fingerless white gloves. Slipping on my white combat boots, I take a look at my reflection and give a hearty laugh at my over the top appearance. Taking a combat stance, I stopped in shock as I realized something: I don't have any martial arts techniques!

See, I can be as strong as hell, but without techniques I'm basically just a useless meathead. And so my first mission in this new life is to get myself into a really good dojo, preferably one with multiple masters teaching different techniques. Pocketing my phone, wallet, and keys I head towards the door. After getting out, I pull out my map app planning to set my location as home, but it already is. This is good. Once that is taken care of, I memorize my apartment number 4 on the 10th floor and take the elevator down to the ground floor.

A short minute later I'm now standing outside and realize that I'm in the heart of Tokyo. Billboards everywhere, and thousands of people swarming the streets. I've made it to the Holyland! I did it! After having a moment, I cleared my throat and began to set off in a random direction. Along the way I noticed people with vibrant hair and eye colors however, I noticed something a little embarrassing. The average looks are the same in this world as my old world! That means that I massively stand out! In fact high school girls, and women in their 20's and 30's are blushing and excitedly taking my photo. Crap they think I'm an idol; how embarrassing!

Taking off running down a random alley, I stopped when I suddenly heard a woman's scream. A cliche encounter has appeared! Running up the wall of the two story building next to me, I crouched down and looked at the scene below.

A group of 7 punks were surrounding a Japanese school girl with a guitar case on her back. With a sigh I dropped from the roof with a loud boom doing the classic super hero landing and cracking the ground a good bit. Surprised, the little punks turn around and look at me in surprise before smirking. "Are are! What do we have here boys? This idiot actually wants to take us on alone? Very well little hero, let's rumble!"

Charging at me armed with steel pipes and chains, I shook my head as I lightly shifted my body around and glided through all of their attacks unscathed. Remembering a move from an anime, I stomped the ground heavily and used the force to launch myself into the middle of the punks. Performing a move like 8 desolate palms, and 8 trigrams, I rapidly sent out palm blasts before flipping through the air and standing with my back to the girl. Needless to say, they all went flying through the air. It seems that my stats are truly monstrous after all. Suddenly, I was surprised by a ding.

[Ding! Michael Silverman has obtained 70 hero points for saving Suzuki Miyu of the Dragonfang Dojo. Reach 1000 hero points to attain Little Saint rank, and develop a slight holy and righteous aura. More ranks shall follow.]

The system is still around after all! Yeah! Cheering inside, I turned around to look at this Miyu girl and introduced myself. "Hello my name is Michael Silverman, I'm glad that I picked this random alley to walk through and was able to help you. May I know your name?" The girl looked at me with a light in her eyes and said, "Suzuki Miyu, my friends call me Miyu. Since you've rescued me, please allow me to thank you by taking you to meet my father. He's the Grandmaster of Dragonfang Dojo and would properly reward you for helping me. Please follow me." With a light bow, Miyu began to head out of the alley and I hurried after her.

After half an hour of walking, we finally arrived at a badass looking and gigantic set of giant doors. I'm getting KTMD feels. There were golden dragon statues at the best gate and boy were they epic. One next to each giant ass door. Miyu hit a buzzer by the the doors and yelled, "Dad I'm home! I've brought a guest with me! Hurry out here now!" I lightly chuckled inside at her way of addressing her father. Before long I heard a loud boom and the doors quickly opened up. Standing inside was a Yakuza final boss. I mean her dad. Wait what?! This guy looks like a final boss character like for real! I actually feel a little pressure from him. No way is he a cultivator too? If so this will be perfect! I have so many questions for this senior!

Looking at me with slightly raised eyebrows and letting out and interested sounding, "Hoh..?" Miyu's dad finally ushered us inside. Following the two of them through a monstrous training field, we finally arrived in an office. They both took a seat and so did I. Miyu explained to her dad how I rescued her, and her desire that I be rewarded. Nodding his head with a big smile he looked me in the eyes and said, "Michael it seems that you're an aspiring martial artist. How would you like to train at my dojo? As thanks for saving my daughter, I'll personally train you free of charge. All you need to do is put in great effort and show up every day. Can you do this? Oh and I'm called Touya by the way. Suzuki Touya."

Clenching my fists in excitement, I bowed my head and said, "Disciple greets master!" before standing up and cupping my fist and bowing again. With a hearty laugh Touya got up and slapped me on the back. Dang that's some strength! With a huge grin on my face, I filled out the paperwork for discipleship and read over it carefully. It's truly free, and he'll really personally train me. Alright! Mission complete, I found a dojo to learn martial arts in! I'm looking forward to my first day of training! Let the training arc commence!

Sladervau Sladervau

A little over 1400 words. This is an extra chapter, I'm still releasing one today. Thanks guys! Enjoy!

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