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Professional Hunter VS Kids?

After a quick change into their combat clothing, Ivy, Lilith, and Rosalina were ready for the Sparring period. Though, from what everyone else has been saying about their Sparring period is that they are going to quote "get their asses handed to them" by Scarlett's special guest.

Ivy wonder who was this special guest was. It would make sense if it was an experience Hunter but that wouldn't entirely make sense since Hunters' daily lives are to eliminate monsters and protect any civilians from being hurt. They're kinda like Freelancers?

Entering the Main room floors, the students could see Scarlett chatting with some man that was at least five inches taller than her. Hearing the students' chatter, Scarlett ended her conversation with the man as she turned to face the crowd of students.

"Everyone, today's period will be different. I would like for all of you to get together with your teams before I explain today's plans," Scarlett shouted as she held her hands behind her back, her attire was different than her usual clothing. A cinder colored dress along with heels, her hair was wavey and she didn't look like she had any make-up. An elegant woman.

Ivy's teams was the first to be assembled, Rosalina started a conversation with her brothers as she was suggesting that the man was a trained Hunter. It would also explain why most students that already have their Sparring period were so bummed out. Lilith stared at the three having a conversation while Ivy continued to stare at the man, although she may not know much about Ivy: she had a feeling that something either interesting or there was something odd about the man.

"Ivy, do you know what we're doing?" Lilith suddenly asked Ivy, she stood beside Ivy as she started to analysis the man.

"Simple, we're fighting him today," Ivy's response was very bland, uninterested and uncaring. She started to stretch her back before summoning the gun-blade she used during the break-in of the monsters.

"Say, do you ever name your weapons?" Lilith questioned.

"No, why should I?" Ivy reply was somewhat cold but she didn't mean it to be like that.

"You should! It would be nice!" Lilith exclaimed before facing Ivy, she lifted Ivy's hand that held onto the gun-blade. She examined the weapon before coming up with a name. "How about OathKeeper? Or Wrath's Fury?"

Hearing the word Wrath made Ivy wince in a little headache. Ever since she had that weird demon relic inside of her inventory, she's been sensing Yuki's powers starting to grow a little more. She shook her head before looking at Lilith who was quickly got concerned.

"I'm fine, don't worry," Ivy's voice was a little horsed, she retracted her weapon as she took a deep breath. "I'll take Oathkeeper as the weapon's name, what oath should this weapon keep?"

Frowning at Ivy, Lilith didn't try to persuade her into not fighting today. She leaned in and gave Ivy a passionate kiss on the lips before smiling. She didn't care if people judged her for liking a girl, she loved Ivy so much that she would never care about anyone else's opinions against her. Lilith pulled away as she could see Ivy's face beet red with blush. So adorable.

"The oath you should keep is to remember me whenever you use that weapon," Lilith said before hugging Ivy, she was happy to be with Ivy and she will always be.

"I will," Ivy's breath gently brushed against Lilith's clothing.

Hearing footsteps, Lilith let go and patted down her clothing before facing forward. Ivy followed her but couldn't hide the blush she still had. York and Eden, however, could even fathom what they witness with Lilith and Ivy. But Rosalina was cheerfully smiling at the lovey-dovey scene that occurred.

"Alright, today's plan is for you to fight a trained Hunter. Students, may you please welcome Ian Ahri," Scarlett formally introduced the man beside her.

Ian bowed down as a gesture of humbleness. He had board shoulders, a strong chest, dashingly forest green eyes that go along with his short black hair. However, what made students confused was that he didn't wear combat clothing, instead, he was wearing the academy's uniform.

"Where's your combat clothing?!" a male student shouted not too far away from Ivy's location.

"Heh, well that's an embarrassing story. It got ripped during a battle with a Geist, very annoying bugger," Ian replied to the student's question, he moved back as he let Scarlett take the lead from here.

"You will be put up against Ian in a four versus one combat except for Team RILEY. Now, whoever can survive ten minutes against Ian will get an A at the end of the semester," Scarlett said the instruction clearly before pulled out a gray Scroll tablet. She opened the Scroll before tapping a few times, the screens behind her lit up as it showed a team called BOOP.

Hearing a residential sigh of relief from many of the students, Team BOOP was not so lucky. The crowd of students scattered as most went to the stands and watch as the team was soon about to be defeated in a matter of seconds.

Glancing at Ian, Ivy felt as if there was something odd about the man. She could feel Yuki raging something in her native language but she couldn't understand. Ivy followed her team but then took the closest seat to the arena as she paid very close attention to Ian.

Seeing that the two sides were ready, Scarlett started the count down as both sides prepared to fight.

"Let's fight!"

Team BOOP immediately rushed towards Ian, taking full advantage of having more numbers. However, that was short ended as Ian's figure disappeared before reappearing behind Bob, their leader. Swiftly knock Bob off his feet, Ian started with the closest person nearby, sending multiple images of himself towards the poor girl who tries as she might, was ultimately knocked.

The match finished with just nine and fifty minutes left. Seeing how quick the match was over, the other teams hoped that they weren't the next one. However, Ivy's eyes weren't easily tricked unlike everyone else. From the looks, he used his Semblance to trick people in a certain radius. How far does his Semblance reach is the real question.

"Team RILEY, you're up," Scarlett announced.

Rosalina was the first to get up before her brothers, then Lilith. Ivy was still in her seat, smiling to herself. She pushed the thought away as she followed behind Lilith. Rosalina knew that Ivy had an idea, from the intense stare that she had on Ian, she knew that Ivy had something up her sleeve.

Stretching their bodies, Team RILEY was preparing themselves to hold out as long as possible. Ivy unsheathed OathKeeper, Rosalina transformed her tiny boxed into its scythe form. York and Eden prepared themselves together while Lilith only had a blade and her M6G magnum. Smart move since she would barely have any time to find her target.

Scarlett started the countdown as she was happy and disappointed. She was happy since she could see where Ivy's limits reach but she was disappointed that her team was called upon the second roll, meaning that she has to watch eight-teen teams miserably fail.

"Let's fight!"

York and Eden rushed forwards while Rosalina supported created a smokescreen to cover the two's movement. Ivy flicked upwards where the safety of her gun would be and changed it into its gun form, she fired three rounds into the smokescreen before flicking the safety up and slashed three times were her bullets came back at her.

Watching as the smokescreen faded away, York and Eden were down on the ground while Ian held a long-barrel pistol. There were dark circle marks on the ground which only meant that there were explosive rounds inside the pistol.

Bang bang!

Lilith fired two rounds before swiftly charging up at Ian, she flicked her blade upwards towards his neck but just missed him by his Adam's apple. Ian immediately wrapped an arm around the arm with the blade and flipped Lilith over.

Ian quickly dodged two sniper shots before meeting up with Ivy's lighting fast speed. He blocked Ivy's attack with his gun but he could feel her weight countering his. Feeling the pressure by Ivy, Ian turned his gun sideways so that Ivy's blade wouldn't come near him but he was sorely mistaken as Ivy's blade changed into a gun and fire three point-blank shots at his stomach around. Which made it better was that Ivy was using the wrong rounds as purple harden glue immediately form around his stomach.

Unable to move, Ian was forced to accept defeat as he couldn't move his waist at all. It was an extremely smart move as preventing the rotation of a human body would lead to their demise.

"Ian Ahri has lost."

Shocking the class and Scarlett, Ivy unclipped her magazine and check the rounds before shooking her head. She forgot that she used the hardened glue during teaching with Lilith and York. 'Damn, and I was hoping I could have a bit of fun. DAMN YOU AUTHOR!!"

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