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75% The poor cute little Empress[BL] / Chapter 45: Women are truly something else!

Chapter 45: Women are truly something else!

"I'm not cute! That's beside the point!" Chi shouted.

"Chi, your gonna get over your fear of pretty women, one way or another," Izzy replies.

"I don't wanna! I'm fine with us staying away from women!" Chi shouted in response.

"Izzy, what's wrong with Zen, he's hiding behind you?" Qiang asked.

"He's lost his memories and apparently he's afraid of women, Your probably the cause of all those years of bullying him, now he can't even stand next to you," Izzy explained.

Chi hugged Izzy harder, "Izzy, can we move away from her! It's too scary!"

They all pitted poor chi, not only did his head get real hurt the day before, now he can't even stand two feet near women, poor guy!

"Chi, You'll be fine, I mean this is way worse than your fear of dogs," Izzy muttered.

"No way, I love dogs! I hate those cats! Evil I tell ya! Evil!" Chi shouted.

"Zen, You can't live the rest of your life afraid of women." Qiang said, "How about you become friends with me again, then we can try some other things."

Chi moved farther away from her, "Never! I'd rather be in hell!"

"What's all the Rucus caused in here?" The teacher asked.

"Zen's afraid of women!" They shouted.

"I see, this is a problem, though we only have one girl so it should be fine, on with the lesson!" He shouted.

Chi sat next to Izzy, While Qiang was rather puzzled, [He used to be in love with me, no matter how many times I beat him up, and now he can't even stand near me for any reason at all, does that mean, I have to chase him, to make him fall in love with me again, just so I can get Izzy? Ah! This is terrible!]

It was the end of the day, "Zen, You wanna go home with me? We can stop by the cake shop you always love?"

"Ah...I should get..home, I mean if you want us can..go.I really don't know." Chi spoke.

Although he was hiding behind Izzy, He was talking to her and that progress itself.

"Chi, You really wanna go? I mean, I'll come with if you want?" Izzy asked.

"Sure.." chi replied.

[Note-The school was previously an all-boy school, till it turned Co-Ed, so now some girls are going to there school]

"Good then we can bring my new friend, Her name is Xi Yun," Qiang spoke.

Xi Yun walked a little closer to the group smiling, She was the Prez, of the school, high social class, Like Izzy, but she was blunt and arrogant to most but sweet to Chi, she was here to make him fall in love with her, so she could use him on Qiang.

"I..Hi...My name is Chi! Izzy, I can't do this! I can't!" Chi shouted, "This is too much!"

Xi had heard about Chi's being scared of women, but had no idea, how much?

"Your okay, Your okay, How about we get some ice cream, then I'll take you home," Izzy said.

"Okay." Chi smiled.

They went and got ice cream, then Chi went home had dinner with the old man, hit the hay afterward.


Chi had woken bright and early so he could get his paperwork done before school commenced when he noticed a job request.

'Go up in the peaks and kill Zhang En, reward 20,000' He would do it after school, say it's a club thing. He was in the 'Make money club in your own ways' club.

So he went to school, dealt with girls, and went to the peaks killed a man got his money then went back home, "Achoo!"

"Man, I got a cold, Achoo!"

"Chi, I can't believe you got sick, where did you go? The peaks?" Izzy questioned.

"No, I think I dipped my toes in the cold bucket for too long." Chi replied "Achoo! The girls didn't come with ya right?"

"I tried, but they insisted on coming saying they would help you get better," Izzy replies.

"I already sucky as it is, now this happens, I'll just go to sleep, then I don't have to worry about anything," Chi muttered.

Both girls came through the door, seeing Chi half asleep.

"Chi, I made ginger soup," Qiang said.

"I got your snacks so you wouldn't have to go to the shop," Xi said.

"I just wanna sleep, let me be in the piece, *cough cough* you'll bring trouble," Chi muttered.

"But we wanna help you get better." They said.

[For our own reasons not cause we're nice people]-They thought.

"Remind me to never injured on one of my jobs ever, again," Chi muttered.

"Thanks for getting the snacks, Even though I could've walked to the store," Chi replied.

[Because the poor guy is so tired and had a really bad cold, he can't even "act" like he has a fear of girls, we'll just pretty ones that can kill him!]

Chi's phone rang, "Hey. Oh, well can we take a range check on that, no? I mean this isn't the best day you could. Alright, give me ten."

"Something came up, I have to go, Sorry thanks anyways." Chi replied, "I have to go."

Chi had quickly changed his clothes in another room, had walked out of the house, the girls followed him, running to catch up with him, till they met in a big courtyard, "So? What's a low level causing trouble?"

Chi's eyes glowed, "Me? Nah, it's you, king class! Always treating us like we're dirt, we're far from it!"

"Now what's that got to do with me, I ain't even a kind class, so speak up, or forever hold your peace." Chi replied, "If you have gotten something with somebody else don't bother coming again, here, got that."

[Note-The girls are humans, But Izzy is human as well, but higher-ranked in social in the human world]

"Well then, I'll fight ya, here and now." He said, "Better get ready."

"Pressure come forth to your master," Chi muttered.

The poor thing was on the ground, couldn't even stand two minutes of it, the thing passed out in a matter of moments. Chi had "passed" more like he was too tired to walk back.

"What was that? Did Chi do something without him knowing?" Qiang questioned.

"I don't know." Xi replied "We should get him to a hospital f—"

"Don't bring me to a hospital, I'll just go home. There's no point, I'll be fine in a couple of hours." Chi muttered.

"But, but you just did something unnatural, we should at least check if you're okay," Qiang disputed.

"Let's just do what he says, besides his cold probably got higher that's all. The poor thing probably couldn't handle standing near him, that's all." Izzy replies.

Izzy had carried Chi, home, while the girls followed. The girls tried to take care of him, but neither of them knew how to cook, anything at all.

"Here I'll just do it." Izzy muttered.

Izzy has the skill of cooking in which most if not all people had no idea he did.

While Chi was laid down in the living room, His family was out at a restaurant for a couple of hours so it's fine.

"Izzy, You didn't have to cook for me." Chi muttered.

"Hmm, I'd feel bad if you were hungry, plus I didn't want you to try their cooking." Izzy replied.

"What did you say about my cooking? Fuck off." They said.

"Thanks Izzy." Chi smiled.

[If only he didn't fear us, then we could get that same exact smile! Ah fuck!]

Chi slowly fell asleep, "I hope I don't meet him again, this world I wanna live in peace."

This scared them, quiet a lot. I mean he was half asleep, maybe he was imaging things?

"Don't mind Chi, he's asleep and has a bad cold, what he mutters in his sleep is probably a bunch of random stuff, ya know." Izzy explained "His family will be here in like five so let's go, I already cleaned up."

They left, after a couple of minutes his family came in seeing Chi asleep on the couch, made some food, for them as well.

"He hasn't changed on bit, Though cooking for us is new." The old man spoke.

"Big brother has a cold, So Izzy took care of him, I got a text." Ni said.

"Izzy? That kid always werid, I will never understand why this kid hangs out with him so much, perhaps it's love." The old lady said.

"Big brother and love are two things that never be in the same sentence ever." Ni replied "But Anyways we should let him be, I'm glad big brother, started to smile again, and got over his fear of dogs."

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