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40% The poor cute little Empress[BL] / Chapter 24: 24[The chick came back again? For more? Alright I’ll give it to her!]

Chapter 24: 24[The chick came back again? For more? Alright I’ll give it to her!]

I woke up the next day dressed, as I wasn't allowed to leave the house turns out she's my caretaker, makes sure I do things I'm supposed, at least that what she's supposed to do.

"Hey! You! Stop making a mess!" She shouted.

She grabbed me and threw me to the ground, slapped and kicked me. Leaving marks all over me.

I let her be this way till I could hurt her "persona" for now, I let it slide a little, just a little.

At the end of the day, he came back from school, seeing me on the ground lying there as she sitting in the other room, watching TV like she wasn't supposed to.

"Why's he on the ground? I thought I said he can sick easily? Was that clear enough for you miss Qi?" He asked with his cold voice.

"I..I had no idea he was on the floor, I checked five minutes ago he said he went to get a snack." She said.

"Also why does he have marks all over him, I told you to make sure he didn't trip." He spoke again a little angrier than before.

"I..I made sure then when I went to go look for first aid, he fell so I did the best I could and some of it hasn't healed yet I don't know why though." She lies to his face again or rather tried to.

"Master there's a video we servants would like to show you." The butler said.

"A video? What video?" She asked.

"The thing is master orders us to have a recording on the young madame's things he does every day, as you can see he's very irresponsible and doesn't know much so we monitor him in order to see what he does and sees if he remembers anything else, or comes up with something to do for that day." The butler explained, "But since your his caretaker we just see what you do, depending on how good you are that's your pay, as well."

They played the video, as he rests me on his lap, to rest for a little while. I could tell he became angry, I slightly opened my eyes to see his blazing eyes become firey with anger. It scared me for a moment or two, I would say.

"Yu, don't be so mad. You are a good boy alright." I whispered.

He calmed down, as he gripped his hands with mine and sighed, "Being too nice to your enemies with being your downfall."

"But I'm being nice to you, not her. There's the difference." I reply softly.

Had I been the empress in this world, she would be pleading for her life, but nope I'm here, the future wife to my husband in the past, beside me once again.

So in this case, as he has told me to spare no mercy I shall not spare anything to her for this crime she has commissioned against me.

I stood up straight and sat, "You, Qi Wen have committed a crime, for deceiving one of that of higher status, alone my future husband, there is also another you have done, you have used your position in my moment of weakness to bully like a mere labor slave, I'm nothing like that or shall ever be. There fore, how do you plead for these things, as I a witness and victim as well as a recording or record of crime committed, will you plead the right or wrong you choose wisely." I say.

To most, because of this body, I don't look scary, but in reality, I quiet do look scary.

"I..I plead innocent, my crimes..could have been made up or forged..therefore..there's no reason to believe these accusations that stand before me." She says.

"But you're saying that I would lie, simply no way, I'd never dare, also their evidence clearly in front of you, as it stands you lie." I say "Do you plead anything else, all words may be used against you in the trial is what I believe people to say."

She didn't say anything else for a moment, a mere moment, "I still say I didn't lie, nor am I guilty of what you claim I have done, nor shall I believe in this none sense."

"I shall say, your words mean nothing no more, I shall relieve you the fact I spare you this once, so shall you not take this chance I shall not spare you again," I replied.

She cowered in fear, as if her actual life was in my hands, in reality, it might have been.

"I shall be grateful for your gift of sparing and shall take my leave." She spoke.

She left, I was rather bored now that I think about it.

"Your really scary, for someone so short." He muttered.

"Not my fault you tower Over everybody else," I reply back.

He sighs, "Maybe it's better if I have some tutor try to teach you, whatever family rules or customs your family taught is gonna get you in trouble someday."

"Nope I got the Plot armor, I'm fine for now. While you have them coming back to life every single time not knowing why thing." I explained vaguely.

I look to a certain window and notice her standing there with what seems like to sketchy men, I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed my "phone" I believe is what's it called.

Dial the number and wait till someone on the other end answers, "Yo, Boss what's up?"

"There's this girl, she seems to be with two sketchy guys, don't know what's up with it though? I wanna have you do an Info check for the name Qi Wen, for me, I'll pay you the normal amount, tomorrow at the same place as usual." I say.

"Kay! Boss, you're in a good mood, I'll do the thing for you, bye, I'll tell you about the person who wants to be our a business partner as well."

I hanged up the phone as he snuck from behind, "Who was that? And what business partner? Why the background check for our new neighbor?"

"Ah...That's was one of my guys, I for a company I manage of sorts! I..have someone who interested! And a..cause she looks like someone I've seen before that's all, I swear my stuff clean!" I shouted.

"Hmm, I was just joking, but since you have a job of a "company" you run, tell me what stuff do you sell? I assume it's legal of course." He said.

"I...thats none of your business! I...should get going, or I'll be late, see you later!" I shouted frantically.

I ran with the money and went to the park, near the tea house.

"Here's the money, Aki," I reply.

"Kay, here's the stuff boss, oh and I did Info for the partner you wanted to know about, us the second folder, just so you know. Don't pay me extra, I'm fine with the usual amount." Aki replied.

"Kay, see you Friday, Aki," I replied.

I left and opened the door, to see him standing there in anger, as well as annoyance.

"So tell me, for the folders, I presume background checks are accurate considering the 100 yen you spent." He said.

[For all that don't know, that's 92 cents in American money.]

"It is, I'm sure of it," I replied.

I walked in sitting on the couch, reading Qi Wen's file.

Qi Wen


Born in Kyoto, Japan

Family-Mother-Qi We-Dead

Father-unknown? Had no record of him what's so ever.

Brother-Qi Wi-Alive-Works in Tokyo for police work, homicide.

Height-5'2 exact height without those heels.

Dated-Five guys, all the same names, but how they died inconclusive as of late.

Works as a news reporter, for the X global news on XXXX near the xxx street.

Known for her beauty, also for working in night clubs, for most of her teenage years, illegally at least.

No known connections to Yakuza or mafia, good news for your boss!

Anyways other than that there's nothing else I could dig up for you, except this...

It said that last year she had gotten into a car accident with her mother, according to everybody she had the worse relationship with her mother cause her mother was reminded of her father who apparently didn't have a good thing for the two, that's all I could get, sorry boss!

Huh? This is interesting. Indeed it is.

"It's not nice to read over people's shoulder," I replied.

"It's not nice to keep things from me and you do anyways what for? I have no idea." He replied.

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