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33.33% Loving Embrace / Chapter 3: Chapter Three: Sibling Kind of Love

Chapter 3: Chapter Three: Sibling Kind of Love

Mei's P.O.V.

*One Month After the Proposal*

To say that I was stressed was an understatement. 

It had been a whole month since I had said yes to Hunter, and the thought of telling him who we were was weighing heavily on my shoulders. I haven't been able to tell him; one, because I haven't asked Quinn and two, because I haven't talked to my brother since I left China. I really had dug my grave and now I had to lie in it.

How would Hunter react to the possibility that my mate might come along and want me to leave him? How would he feel about me marking him? Will we have children, and if so will they be werewolves? 

All these questions have been bouncing around my head ever since yes flew out of my mouth, but the look on Hunters face in that moment, and all the small intimate moments we had shared  since the beginning had done something to me. Without realizing it I had fallen in love with him. It wasn't hard when the only love I've known is one where I was always left heart broken and disappointed. 

No, Hunter was good to me and Elijah; he was always there when Elijah and I needed him no matter what, he was incredibly kind to everyone he came in contact with, and he was literally the symbol of protection! Apparently this had been enough to woe me and somehow all the stress seemed worth it.

I looked down at my engagement ring and bit my lip like I always did when I was deep in thought, I guess it was time that I called Liam. I reached for my phone on the kitchen counter, I had Hunter take Elijah to daycare this morning and the book store was closed on Sundays due to most of the towns' love of going to church.

My phone only rang through once before I heard my brothers voice.

"Nǐ hǎo, zhè shì lì yǎ mǔ," Liam immediately answered the phone. "Hey Gēgē, I know it's been a year but do you have a few minutes to talk?" I asked trying to sound confident, but their was a long pause before he spoke. "Mei, it is good to hear your voice again my sweet song bird. What would you like to discuss? Your return I hope?" He finally replies sounding a little sad but I shake it off. "Well I guess you could say a few things but first I want to apologize about not reaching out sooner. I was afra...." He immediately cuts me off, "nonsense, don't apologize. I know why you haven't called, you probably don't want me going into details either but lets just say he has been an even bigger thorn in my ass ever since you left. I wont let him leave to search for you, I did, however, let him know that your safe and that seems to get him off my back from time to time. As if i wouldn't have Quinn keeping tabs on you anyways!" I snicker under my breath but I figured he had been asking about me occasionally, I swear Liam had a minor sister complex.

I take a deep breath, "I guess I should just rip this off like a band-aid then." I realease the breathe and tell him everything that has happened over the past year leaving out no detail. Somethings he already knew but other things I was glad Quinn was ignorant of... like my relationship with Hunter. I had almost forgot who I was talking too when my brother ruined my happy moment.

"Shit," He replied under his breath, but I was able to catch it. "Excuse me?" I reply slightly offended. "Wait Mei, I didn't mean it like that, but you know how Caiden will take the news that you found your mate." I suck in air, I forgot to mention that slight detail. I guess Liam just assumed that it was my mate. "Uh, well... He isn't exactly my mate; there is a bit more to the story."

"Gǎo shénme guǐ Mei!" he cursed at me, "Forget that you adopted a boy and I had to hear it from Quinn, but now you're engaged to a guy who isn't your mate!? What if you find your mate after you get married. He. Would. Kill. Him." He continues to lecture me further by adding, " what happens in ten years when he has aged and you still remain the same? When you turn one hundred you will still look twenty!" He was so angry with me and it hurt, but he wasn't wrong and that is why I confided in him because no matter what, he would tell me like it was.

Silence had hung in the air once more as I was trying to find a reasonable response but Liam always knew how to soften me up after the blow. "Look Mei, let me come down for a visit huh? I haven't seen you for over a year now and I would also like to meet nephew." He suggests with a hint of excitement. I let out a sigh, "fine Liam, but make sure that Caiden does not think you are coming to see me. I know his stubborn ass would try to tag along even if it meant tying himself to the wing of the plane. Plus there won't be a wedding if the groom just 'happens' to show up dead." I let a nervous giggle slip imagining Caiden pulling Hunters heart out of his chest. "On second thought, maybe you should just stay there and I come home to you?" He snorted which was something my prim and proper brother hardly did. "Just be at the airport to pick me up, I can take care of Caiden song bird." The call ended and I still didn't feel any better than I did before, if anything, I had even more things to consider.

Liam's P.O.V.

*After phone call*

I felt bad about lecturing Mei, but I knew that's why she always sought my advice. I was very straightforward with people. I saw no point in wasting time because time was currency and my time was expensive. You don't get to lead a Chinese empire of werewolves without being ruthless, that didn't mean that I couldn't love but it surely made it hard. I had room for two people in my heart and that was my sister and my future mate.

"I'm Coming with you." Caiden spoke as soon as I hung up the phone. He had been pacing the floor since the moment she had called during a meeting. I felt slightly guilty that he had heard the whole conversations but I also feel guilty for lying to my sister about not telling Caiden where she was. However Caiden had been wearing down on my patience as of late. "Now you know damn well I can't let you do that Caiden." I growled getting in his face, "I told you were she was months ago because I was just getting so fed up with you but if you come with me she will have both our balls on a pike!"

Caiden matches my rage, "I just want to talk to her Liam! It has been over a year!" The Alpha male snaps in me, I grab onto his shoulder with my claws slightly creating tears in his suit jacket. A small smile creeps the corner of my lips and I cock my head to the side. "Caiden, need I remind you to whom you are speaking to?" I say in a dangerously low tone, "That's my sisters heart you broke, and don't think I fucking forgot all the other times she ran to me crying about you. You are over eight hundred years old, pull your fucking head out of your ass AND ACT LIKE IT." I roar and he glares at me but takes a few steps back.

A cold wind blew through the room and all you could hear was the sound of the both of our breaths coming to a calming rhythm. 

"If it wasn't for the fact that I loved your great great grandfather," Caiden spoke up breaking the silence, "I might just have ripped your head off years ago." He huffed. "I'd like to see you try," shooting him a smirk. "Look Caiden, I need you to stay here, I will talk to her about you possibly visiting. You heard her on the phone; she has moved on and is happy with this man. Something you couldn't give her, and knew, but still played your sick games anyways. Her forgiveness? That is her choice as well as seeing you, you owe her that." Caiden looked broken but quickly hid the pain in his eyes. "You're right. I just want a chance to let her know what I was truly thinking. My cruel intentions were... inexcusable and unnecessary, but you are right. I'll wait for her to let me back in, I have all the time in the world... unlike that human."

I slightly shivered at the last statement he made but he loved my sister too much to be that brash as to kill her fiancé. Nope, Caiden was immortal eternally and that meant that no matter how forbidden the love, unless someone else came along, he would always be there waiting for her. "Thank you old friend, she will come around. However I don't disagree about the dislike towards the human male. She has years to settle and have a family with her true mate. Go figure though she is a little..." "Capricious." Caiden pipes in, "exactly, but we love her." We both snort in laughter, "Yeah, we love her," He said low.

Author's Note:

Thanks again for reading! This was meant to be a short chapter but important in the grand scheme of things! You will notice that I have gone back and done final edits, that also includes add in and fixing plot holes that make the story easier to read. If you find something that I didn't catch that says final edit on, please let me know through a message and not in the comment section!

We already met Liam briefly in the first chapter but I figured if we are covering types of love, a sibling love is just as important!

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