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22.22% Loving Embrace / Chapter 2: Chapter Two: Obsessive Kind of Love

Chapter 2: Chapter Two: Obsessive Kind of Love

Mei's P.O.V.

*One Year Later*

Colorado was as beautiful as I could have ever hoped it would be. Everywhere you looked you could see crisp blue skies and powdered covered mountain tops. Upon arrival I was greeted by the Alpha, Quinn. First impressions of him were great, he was absolutely handsome with his large frame and chiseled jawline, but I wasn't interested in any werewolf man that wasn't my mate. Instead we treated each other as if we were siblings, which just meant I had another protective brother to watch out for me now.

It didn't take me long to settle down really, I opened up a bookstore in the human town called Breckenridge and asked permission from Alpha Quinn if I could live off pack land in a house on the edge of a mountain. What can I say I enjoyed my privacy? I had also hired a young woman a few years younger than me to help run the store. Her and I soon became best friends. Her name was Jewels, and man was she a fire cracker! She was originally from Houston Texas, and had beautiful emerald green eyes and bright red hair that matched her fiery personality! The only thing I Knew was missing was a family, I hadn't quite gotten over Caiden and I was beginning to think that at age twenty five, I wasn't going to find my mate anytime soon, but Elijah took my mind away from all of that.

It had been three months into my stay and I was visiting the pack house to register my information with the beta so I could officially transfer to Quinn's pack. That same moment I had pulled into the driveway they were moving rogue prisoners that had murdered a few of the packs women and children just for pure sport, turns out that one of the rogues were Chinese and only spoke in broken English.

When she saw me she quickly grabbed onto my wrist before being pushed onto a bus and begged that I save her son who was only but four years old. It was the craziest notion I had ever heard but as soon as I looked down into those big brown round eyes I couldn't help but feel an instant connection. He looked as frail as I had felt on the inside but as far as I knew the only thing we had in common was our nationality, however for some reason he just felt like he was mine.

So I ran inside and grabbed Quinn begging to adopt the little boy, it was either that or deported to another over filled orphanage in China. Of course he was hesitant because he worried that the boy would grow to turn on us for revenge but I assured him that he would realize I could provide him a better life. Quinn being a huge softie towards me of course gave in and Elijah came home with me that day. It took Elijah a while to settle but I never pushed him knowing if I were in his shoes, neglected and starved, I would be walled in too, I guess my walls were for different reasons. 

Four months zipped by and I was finally able to get him out of his shell enough to attend pre-k. I gave him his own room fully decorated exactly how he wanted, and slowly, we developed our own simple routine. We would wake up and have breakfast together; I would help him pick out his clothes and do the little things with him like helping him brush his teeth, then we would drive into town and he happily ran off to his preschool eager to see his friends. Right after we say out goodbyes I go straight to the bookstore where Jewels was normally there with fresh hot coffee. Her and I usually spent most of the day reading books at the front counter and talking about the main protagonist of each story. Elijah was walked to the bookstore by one of the teachers on her way home and we would close up after he finished doing his work book activities. Life was just perfect!


Shortly after, I met Hunter closing up the shop late one evening. The streets were empty and the snow had started to really come down hard that night. I was lucky that he was passing by while out on patrol and saw me shoveling the snow away from my car. He kindly offered me a ride home and after that we would bump into each other often, sometimes on purpose.

Hunter was the devilishly handsome local sheriff of our town and of course everyone's golden boy. He had short dark hair that made his mostly orange and green speckled eyes shine bright and a body that was nicely built for his job. The only problem was Elijah and I were werewolf's and he was a human. Jewels knew about us because she moved here with her brother who had a mate in our pack. So if I perused this relationship with Hunter I would have to tell him the truth. Once he found out he would be sworn into secrecy.

It however, only took him two weeks to muster the courage to ask me out on a date even though I could smell his attraction towards me way before that... if you know what I mean... Me, I just couldn't help but to fall in love with his charming demeanor. We would face hurdles I'm sure because I would age way slower than him, I could find my mate, or he could hate the idea of me being a wolf.

I had time, or so I thought, which brings me to the next biggest thing that has ever happened to me in my life.

Hunter's P.O.V.

*Flashback of Their Meeting*

I was patrolling around town late during a snowstorm knowing that there was no one else remotely around. I had perfectly planned this moment so that I could approach the beautiful woman who had taken my heart at first sight. I had seen her one afternoon walking around with Mayor Quinn and assumed that they were dating, but after doing some asking around people told me that they were family friends.

My god she was beautiful; her hair look so soft and shiny and her skin so fair with not a mark to scar it, her lips were tinted like a pink rose. He had seen some beauties that lived up on the mountain where Quinn and his peculiar large family kept to themselves, but never had he laid eyes on someone like her. And from that moment on he had decided that's all that would be on his mind, Mei.

It was simple keeping track of her too really; she worked at her own shop every day after she took her son to daycare. Days off were null, but on the weekends her boy would hang out in the shop playing with the train set and reading the various children books while she and her friend joked and laughed the day away. All in all everything seemed pretty calm on the surface, he had secretly fallen way to deep for this one, and he was absolutely determined to have her, no matter what.

"Hey miss! I was doing my rounds around the town square and I noticed you were trying to dig out your car from the snow, would you like me to just take you home? I could also give you a ride back into town in the morning" I try to muster the warmest voice I could but I was so damn nervous I couldn't think straight.

"I would love that, but there are actually two of us." She shoots me a smile and I feel weak in the knees. "Of course miss that would be no problem, I'll even turn on the lights too." I kneel down to the little boys' level and hold out my hand, "The name is Hunter, what is your name?" I ask trying to make him feel more comfortable with me.

"E-Elijah sir," he replies in a hushed tone peering at my hand but too scared to take it. "Sorry, he is a little shy with new people at first. He had a hard life but we are doing much better now. Isn't that right little pup?"  She ruffled his hair and he gave her a wide grin. "Yes mama," he replied and gave her leg a squeeze. I smiled at the nickname she had for him, these two were the cutest pair and he couldn't help but to fantasize about coming home to her round with one of his children reading books on the floor in their living room, but he quickly shook the thought from his head.

"Well, I guess we should get going then so we don't freeze to death out here in the storm!"  I turned to open the back door for them both and they quickly climbed in for warmth. The car ride to her house though was the moment he officially decided that no matter the obstacle he would face it to have her be his and only his.


*Five Months Later*

"Will.... Will you marry me?"  I gazed up lovingly into her chocolate eyes that had so many emotions swirling around.  I couldn't wait any longer; we had been dating steadily for a little less than five months. It may have seemed quick to the outside eye but when you're in love none of those rational thoughts matter. Besides I was twenty eight and she was twenty five, I couldn't wait to settle down and start a family and I just knew she was the perfect woman for me.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize that she had answered me. "Hunter?"  She said snapping me out of it, "hmm?"  I responded a little dazed. "Did you hear what I said you big oaf?" she gave me one of those beautiful smiles. I shook my head lazily in response, and she huffed pretending to be frustrated. "I said yes Hunter. Yes I will marry you!" She tackled me to the ground which was covered in snow.  I wanted to take her hiking on one of the mountains nearby, I figured proposing on the peak of a mountain with snow was romantic? I don't know I wasn't good at grand gestures.

 I roll over on top of her pinning her arms above her head. "You're mine forever now," I hummed out in a satisfied reply not missing her core gently grinding up against me as she struggled to be set free. God the things I was waiting to do with her body.

"Alright, alright Hunter, you win! Now kiss me you big oaf!" I chuckled at the nickname she calls me and gently press my lips against hers. I have dreamed of this moment for months now and it had finally happened. No one could take her from me. Not even her dirt-bag of an ex she was with for years could take her from me... god help any fool that tries.

Author's Note:

Thank you again for taking the time to give this a read!!! There are a ton of things already planned for this book. I apologize if it feels like it's going to fast this chapter, however I promise it will come together nicely! ;)

I introduce to you Hunter, the obsessive lover. Also would like to state that obsessions start slow.... So don't underestimate any character or character progression in this book!

-Boogie out! └(^o^ )X( ^o^)┘

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