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Chapter 15

"Well, whatever their identities are, they did not seem like bad guy," said Dean. He went to the exercise room and started training his body.

Spring 16 – Month 4 – Year 2001.

Dean did not go to the first dimension for almost two weeks because of the slime hype. He stayed home training his body and also studying the high school syllabus by himself. He did not want to quit school but too many people hate him and his safety was more important to him.

It was morning and Dean was preparing to go to the first dimension to start hunting all the 7 new slime. The hype was still ongoing and it was becoming bigger when some people used their creativity to modify the pillow and many people loved the modifications.

Dean did not want to waste any more time and thus he decided to just hunt the slime. It will be a slow process to get all the core and soul to upgrade the slime but it was better than nothing. He also thought that if there were no slime, other monsters were fine to hunt too. He can update the system.

Dean used the face changing mask and changed his face. He used a hoodie to hide his face. Dean took the teleporter and arrived at his new room. He went out of his room and walked on the street. Dean was shocked to see so many people at camp 7.

Slime was actually a really common monster. They can be found anywhere in the wild but the prairie outside camp 7 was the place where they were most abundant. So, people from many other camps flocked camp 7 for easy slime hunt.

"Even if I am not changing my face, no one will recognize me with this many people here," said Dean while he walked around to reached the prairie. "The hype took longer than I thought to die," mumbled Dean.

After a few minutes, Dean was in the prairie and there were too many people there even the map function had a hard time to detect any monsters. When it detected one, that monster disappeared in a second because someone killed it. Dean sighed at what currently happened. He did not have any choice.

Spring 1 – Month 5 – Y2001

Dean had been hunting the new slime for 3 weeks. He managed to kill all the new slime and collected all the core, drop item and soul but it was still not enough to upgrade them to elite grade. Out of seven new slimes he created, only the brown slime and the white slime was upgraded to elite grade.

Thanks to the upgrade, people had started slowing down their hunt due to the elite grade slime ability at the peak of the grade. Normal grade slime was easy to hunt but the elite grade was smarter and it had skill too so, weak human won't have much chance to kill the elite grade.

For the past 3 weeks, Dean successfully absorbed 100 normal grade slime data. He still did not breakthrough yet to elite grade so, he cannot hunt elite grade slime yet. He also wanted to upgrade the slime first before he upgraded himself.

Dean current stats after absorbing 100 normal grades data and 10 normal grade soul.

Vitality – 3.7

Strength – 3.7

Endurance – 3.7

Agility – 3.7

Intelligent – 2.6

Energy – 2.6

With his current stats, he will have a hard time defeating the elite grade slime because the slime was at the peak of elite grade with maximum 7 stat point in each of their stats. Dean needed skills and better equipment to defeat the elite grade slime.

When Dean max his normal data, he thought he will unlock one of the new features of his creation system but he needed to breakthrough to elite grade first before it unlocks. Dean did not mind much about that. He already knew that it will be the fusion monster after this.

Dean went hunting for another 3 weeks and he finally finished upgrading all his slime creation into elite grade. During the time he went hunting, Dean also recreated the original slime and gained right to its creation. His drop rates increased and he succeeded in upgrading the original slime into elite grades too.

Spring 22 – Month 5 – Year 2001.

"Yea~ I finally upgrade all the slime to elite grade. Now, I can finally upgrade myself to elite grade and started collecting elite grade data," said Dean. He was really having a hard time to upgrade the slime due to too many people hunting the same thing at the same time.

Dean left the prairie and went back to his room. In order to breakthrough to elite grade, Dean needed to digest the data and it will take about 100 minutes to digest all the data. 1 minutes for 1 data. That was the standard of normal grade data. There were some people who managed to absorb and digest faster and there were also people who took longer time to do that.

While walking back to his room, Dean saw people were talking about something.

"Did you read the forum?"

"Yup. That guy is a freaking monster"

"We've been here for only almost 5 months and he already left us far behind"

Dean wondered what they were talking about. Before he went back to his room, he went to buy some food for dinner and everywhere he went, people were talking about the same thing. Dean arrived at his room and asked Sys to check the forum which Sys already done that the moment he heard people talking about it.

Dean sat down on his bed and read the forum. All the people in camp 7 was talking about Roarn Isaac. The same guy Dean saw a few months ago beating the other guys. Apparently, he had started hunting for mythical grade monster. That meant he already filled all his normal, elite and legend data and breakthrough to mythical grade.

For people in the first dimension, it will usually take them about two years to achieve that but Isaac did that in less than 5 months. Dean was not shocked by that as he knew someone from the Roarn family was more than capable to achieve that.

After he finished reading all that, Dean ate his dinner and sat on his bed to digest the normal data. He sat cross legged and closed his eyes to concentrate. Yellow fumes came out of his body and it circulated around Dean and bit by bit the yellow coloration of the fumes faded and after almost 90 minutes, the yellow fumes became completely colorless. The colorless fumes slowly entered Dean's body.

After all the colorless fumes went inside Dean, he opened his eyes and a question mark appeared in his mind.

"Hmm~ I don't feel any different?" asked Dean while moving around his body to check if there was any change to his body.

'What different do you mean?' asked Sys.

"Well~ I breakthrough, so should not I feel stronger or something? I feel the same as before," Dean wondered.

'There was no such thing. The digest was actually refining the data into your own data and when that happen, your data storage in your body is empty and you can fill it with new data, the elite grade data. That's it' explained Sys.

"I thought it will be like those in cultivation novel I read…" Dean was a bit disappointed. Suddenly, the system notified Dean.

'New monster creation feature unlocks. Mutation feature now available to use. Pet creation system unlock.' The notification read.

'Congratulations, you unlock the new feature, Mutation. Pet creation system was the one you got from the reward defeating the virus' said Sys. Dean was looking at the notification and was in a dazed. He did not even hear what Sys said.

"Sys? Where is my fusion function?" asked Dean.

'Fusion? There is no such thing' said Sys nonchalantly.

"Wait! You said that the next feature will be the fusion," said Dean.

'No, I never said that. You are the one who convince yourself about that' said Sys. Dean head went down. He was disappointed that it was not a fusion.

"Then Sys, explain what all this new feature use for? The pet creation too," asked Dean.

'Well, the mutation feature is just like the name said, mutation. You can make your slime went through mutation to become a different slime. All the drop item you registered before can be use in this feature. In a sense, mutation feature is also some kind of fusion function. It is not a fusion between monster and monster but it is between monster and item. For now, you can only use one item per mutation. When you become stronger, you can add more item in single mutation' said Sys.

When Dean heard that, his disappointment disappeared. The mutation feature was not that bad. He did not register much of the drop item but he was still happy that he can get more creative with his creation.

NewKiel NewKiel

thank you for reading :D

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