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First date...

When i arrive back home i prepare the tub and eat a little snack before washing myself. After i come out of the bath i look for the best clothes i currently own. Which was a tailor made daoist robe on which i put a lot of formations. It is incredibly durable and almost indestructable, It can't get dirty

and it gives better protection then steel armor.

("" This is how Thomas looks because he also asked to look like White. Which is awesome)

When my clothes are on i start preparing the food for our date because we won't be going to a restaurant or some other classic shit, NO!! I'm going to surprise her with a date in the clouds. Anyway, it's now 7:30 PM So i'm about to leave to go and pick up Mira. It takes about 15 minutes of flying to get to her place. But because of the cheescake that i am I'm first going to buy a rose for her. On my way flying over magnolia I stop at the nearest flower shop and quickly and take the most beautifull rose in the store. After 15 minutes i arrive at Mira's place. I wait there for another 10 minutes since i know ladies like to take time for preparing themselves and maybe i was to nervous to knock. When i finally gather my courage i knock on her door and after just a minute it opens.

When i saw what was in the doorframe my jaw couldn't help but fall. Mira was standing in the doorframe with a beautifull dress and a little bit of make-up which made her natural beauty stand out more. She was so beautifull That i thought she was directly created by heaven.

Mira: What's wrong? Is there something on my face?

Mira was already panicking that she made a mistake while applying make-up since it had been a while.

Thomas: No not at all! I was just surprised, you look so gorgeous that my jaw couldn't help but hitting the floor.

Mira: *blush* Thank you. You look incredibly handsome as well. What are the clothes your wearing.

Thomas: I had them especially made and i'll tell you more about them after our date.

I had already decided that i would tell her everything if our date went well because ever since i arrived in this world i had nobody i could talk to without holding anything back. It was starting to drive me crazy. Now since last year i have wanted to talk to someone even more because i have started forgetting about my old world which i didn't want to do. Even though this life is much better and more fun. I still didn't want to forget my family and friends from my old world. I had to leave them behind without any warning. The least i can do is to never forget them.

Mira: ok! So what are we doing for or date?

Thomas: *smile* That's a surprise.

I take my flying sword and enlarge it so that it is big enough for both of us to stand on. Then i take her hand and jump on the flying sword.

Thomas: Are you ready?

Mira: *smile* yes, of course!

We take of flying and mira looks around with stars in her eyes. The sun was already setting so the sky had turned orange. We keep flying until we arrive at a cloud that's 10 meters in diameter. I land the sword close to it while Mira has a look of confusion on her face. I smile at her and jump on the cloud without falling through.

Mira: AAAAAAAHHHHH!! How are you not falling through that cloud! Everyone knows that clouds aren't solid.

In reality i came here earlier and put a few formations on this cloud. the first one would keep the cloud in the same place and the second one made it possible to stand on it but keep it's soft properties so it's really comfortable to sit or lay down on.

Thomas: Don't worry i made a few... "changes" to this cloud.

Mira was a little skeptical in the beginning but in the end i managed to convince her that it was safe. I place down the foood i had prepared and we started our date officially. After a bit of talking for a bit i took her hand which she didn't reject and we watched the sunset together. After that we talked a bit more and when we were about to leave i tell her i have one last thing to say.

Thomas: Before we leave i have something to tell you...

Mira: What is it? This is the first time i've seen you with such a serious face.

Thomas: that's because it is really serious.

I started talking again. I told her about my past, that i was not from this world, how i died and met god who gave me a few wishes, about my powers and the fact that i know everything that will happen in this world because of one of my wishes, i didn't want her to know that in my old world her life is just a story for others to enjoy. I told her that i wanted to talk about it but i didn't know with who. At the end of my speech i looked at her face again. What i saw Whas not mirajane the she-devil but an angel that was shedding tears for me. I couldn't help but also let a few tears roll down my cheeks.

Mira: I'm sorry That That happened to you. I didn't know you had it so hard.

Thomas: it's okay. I have you now. A person i can share everything with and not hold anything back.

Mira: Thank you for trusting me with this.

Suddenly Mira remembers him saying that he knows everything that will happen in the future.

Mira: You said that you know everything that will heppen in the future, do you anything about my...

Before you could finish her sentence i answered.

Thomas: Mira... Lisanna is still alive.

When those words left my mouth Mira finally broke down in full on crying.

Mira: *sob*sob*I knew it the way her body disappeared was to strange.

I let her cry for a few more minutes before she calmed down.

Mira: Do you know where she is, can we go visit her?

Thomas: Sorry at the moment that's impossible.

I explained to her about edolas and how in a few months everyone in magnolia will be transported there and she will be able to see her sister again. While we were talking for a few more hours i also asked my library if it was possible for the people of this world to also be able to cultivate to which it gave me a possitive reation that it was possible. But in return all the ethernano in their bodies would be converted into spiritual energy and they wouldn't be able to use magic anymore. I also told this information to Mira and asked her if she wanted to become an immortal together with me. Mira was really interrested in this but had some doubts and asked for time to think about it. I guess she was afraid to loose her magic. We talked a little more and ended our date in succes. I dropped her off at her place and went back to mine to have a good night sleep.

Mountain_Of_Books Mountain_Of_Books

Longest so far with 1260 words. I'm sorry if this was a little to rushed. But it isn't to bad because mira has a really caring and kind personality and is quick to accept things and keep her friends secrets.

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