Li Xinwen walked over to Mu Bai who were currently talking with the other survivors. All these while, he didn't stop assessing the survivors to see if any of them has potentials. He remembered Li Jinghua saying that if he could find anyone with potentials, he should try to get them to their side. The earlier they could increase their group's strength, the better it'll be for their livelihood.
If it were not for the unpredictable demonic qi inside him, Li Xinwen would be confident that he alone is enough to protect them. About two years has passed and An Wuya is still being a thorn to Li Xinwen. At times, it made Li Xinwen irritated but he quickly calmed himself down. The more you are in emotional distress, the easier the demonic qi would take advantage of you.
"Da Bai!" Li Xinwen called out once he was close enough.
Mu Bai turned to face him and greets him with a small nod. "Senior Li."
"Da Bai, I'm a bit worried about manager Su's condition so I want to bring her out of here. This place is not safe to stay in. There are a lot of zombies downstairs and once they ran out of food there… they will naturally come here," Li Xinwen told him. "You should follow me."
Mu Bai was surprised at how straight forward Li Xinwen was. He glanced over to the person he was talking to earlier and saw that his face had already turned ugly.
"This place is the safest place in this building! If you want to go, then go alone! It'll be even better if you bring your manager away. A pregnant woman like her is only a burden," the man said in an annoyed tone.
Li Xinwen only narrowed his eyes at him for a bit but after that, he paid him no more attention. Instead, he looked over at Mu Bai once more. "Da Bai. We filmed together and coincidentally, the scene in that movie is exactly the same as our situation now. What do you think is the best course of action?" Li Xinwen asked.
He knew Mu Bai is not an idiot. In addition, during filming, Mu Bai was given information about the zombies. If he could make him follow, then it will make the journey out of the building easier. But if Mu Bai did not join, then he has no choice but to use more of his ability.
"Senior Li, earlier you said that rescue will arrive in around ten minutes. But how long will it be until they reach this floor?" Mu Bai asked.
"En. If I have to estimate, probably around an hour or two," Li Xinwen replied after he faked himself into thinking for a bit. "It's okay if you want to stay but when the rescue arrives, the zombies might get scared off and they will run up here. Who can guarantee that the door will hold until the rescue team clear up all the zombies?"
Mu Bai understood Li Xinwen's meaning. If they wait, then when the zombie arrive at their floor, the only exit will be blocked by them. If the rescue team couldn't get to them before the door gave way, they can only surrender their fate to become meal for the zombies. But if they make their escape now, the zombies would still be scattered and it'll be easier to kill.
"I will go with you," Mu Bai finally said after weighing the pros and cons.
"Excellent. Then let's leave now," Li Xinwen said to him. Then, he glanced at the survivor who was standing beside Mu Bai before scoffing. "If anyone else wants to follow, then prepare yourself. Grab something as a weapon. It is better if you can get something that is long and sturdy such as a broom or a steel pipe," Li Xinwen said out loud for everyone in the room to hear.
He walked over to the sofa where Manager Su is now sitting up. He helped her stand and saw that none of the survivor made a move. 'Well, I did try to give a hand. Since they didn't take it, then they are responsible for their own life,' Li Xinwen thought to himself.
Li Xinwen, Mu Bai and Manager Su left the room and the survivor didn't even waste a single second before slamming the door close. The sound of the table scrapping against the carpeted floor can be heard and they knew that the door was once again barricaded.
"I doubt they will let us enter if we ask again," Manager Su said with a sigh.
"We don't need to," Li Xinwen said to her. "Da Bai, since I will be responsible in supporting Manager Su, you will be the vanguard," Li Xinwen told the giant man.
"Alright," Mu Bai agreed without even questioning Li Xinwen.
"Before we go down though, we'll need to get you a good weapon. Fortunately, on my way here, I saw an intact emergency box with the fire axe still inside. Coincidentally, it's also close to the emergency exit."
"If there is such a good weapon, why didn't you get it first, Senior Li?" Mu Bai asked.
"It… slipped my mind," Li Xinwen replied. He didn't expect Mu Bai to ask this question. Though he have a certain degree of trust on Mu Bai, he still can't let Mu Bai know that he has a gun. How was he supposed to answer if Mu Bai's next question was about how he possessed a gun illegally?
Fortunately for Li Xinwen, Mu Bai didn't press him anymore. They walked towards the emergency exit and sure enough, the emergency box was still intact. Li Xinwen walked over to it and easily broke the protective glass that was keeping the fire axe.
"Senior Li!" Mu Bai was clearly surprised by Li Xinwen's action. Both of them are actors and their body are their source of income. He couldn't believe that Li Xinwen would easily let himself be injured like this. "Are you hurt? You should've at least cover your hands with your coat! What if it leaves a sca—" Mu Bai's word trailed off when he saw that Li Xinwen's hand was unharmed. Not even a single scratch was present.
Of course the glass can't hurt Li Xinwen. After all, he is a cultivator who had already transformed his body. Unless the glass is imbued with spiritual energy that is stronger than his body's strength, then it's impossible to even leave a small mark.
"Here," Li Xinwen said as he handed the axe over to Mu Bai. "Just like in the movie, the zombie's weakness is their head. Just smash their head open whenever you see them," Li Xinwen told Mu Bai.
Then, in a slightly lower voice, he made sure to warn Mu Bai not to be soft-hearted: "Remember, they are no longer human. They are even less than a beast who can't even control themselves."
Mu Bai grip on the fire axe tightened and he nods his head. The axe felt heavy, much heavier than a prop. If it was a prop, he could easily swing it but the real one is different.
Li Xinwen noticed this and he told Mu Bai to swing it a few times to get a proper feel to the axe's weight. He also gave a small advice so that Mu Bai won't accidentally hurt himself. After awhile, Mu Bai finally felt ready.
"One more thing. As soon as the axe made a hole in the zombie's head, make sure to pull it out quickly," Li Xinwen reminded Mu Bai.
"Understood. Senior Li don't have to worry. I'll make sure that everything is will be done cleanly," Mu Bai assured him.
"Good. Then, let us proceed," Li Xinwen then turned to Manager Su, looking slightly worried. "Manager Su, if it becomes too difficult for you, then just tell me, alright? I will carry you."
To this, Manager Su only shook her head. "It's fine. Though it's a bit uncomfortable, I can still walk," she said with a smile while one of her hand went to rub on her stomach.
Li Xinwen saw the loving look on her face and his mind can't help going back to Mother Li. Although he knew that with Li Jinghua and Sun Xiao with her, no harm will come to her. He still feels uneasy until he can see her.
"Then, let's go," he said as he went over to support her. "Da Bai, lead the way. The earlier we depart, the earlier we can rendezvous with the rescue team."
Good day to my dear readers!
Yes, I am still here. I'm still around, it's just that my day job is killing me.
Just tired from work these past few months (actually almost a year now)
Sometimes, I can only write for 15mins after work before I submit to sleepiness and exhaustion. Sometimes when I got back, I'm already too tired to even sit in front of the computer.
So now, I can only focus on one project at a time. And that project is unfortunately, not this one.
Blame me for having multiple project up during my NEET time so now with work, I cannot cope. I apologise for that.
Would like to quit my job to keep writing because I love it. But unfortunately, I need money to pay bills orz
Maybe one day, once I have a company of my own, everything will be easier and I'll be able to write as much as before.
PS: In case you guys want to read my other project that I'm currently focused on, it is available in Chrysanthemum Garden called, 'The Emperor and His Thief.'
Also, if you wish to give some support, you can check out this link:
I'm going to try writing this again soon since I am close at concluding the first arc of 'The Emperor and His Thief'. But don't hold my word to it because at the same time, I'm also joining a writing contest. As I've said, need money to pay bills. Wherever I can grab some side incomes, that's where my focus will be.
Once again, I apologise to every reader for the long wait.
I also long the day for when money was not an issue so that I can write whenever I want.
Lin Xiaolong
Mu Bai walked few steps in front of Li Xinwen and Manager Su. Within the emergency staircase, only the three of them are present so each step they take reverberate through the concealed room.
Their journey down didn't meet any mishap. No zombies wandered into the emergency staircase, and they were able to reach the bottom floor without meeting any obstacle. There were several non-intact corpse lying around and the few that was slightly intact has their head smashed open. "It looks like those people are doing alright," Li Xinwen said. "I do hope nothing will go wrong once we meet again..." he added in a low voice as he exits the emergency stairwell.
"Don't worry. I'll be there." Mu Bai said as he quietly followed suit.
The hallway that greets him was worse than the emergency stairwell. More dead bodies lie around the floor and some even started to turn into a zombie. Li Xinwen didn't waste any time and asked Mu Bai to kill them before they could pose any danger. "Da Bai, careful not to go too far. And Manager Su, if you cannot handle it, just close your eyes. The stress is not good for the baby. Don't worry, I will protect you and once everything is cleared, I will tell you to open your eyes."
All of a sudden, Li Xinwen's expression changed from serious to happy. With his heightened hearing sense, he could hear the incoming military teams close by. And he could also sense a certain someone's spiritual signature within the group. "Our help is here. They are very close. We will be able to meet them once we get to the entrance," Li Xinwen said with a smile on his face.
After killing two more zombies, a door at the end of the hall opened. Li Xinwen instantly recognized the presence of the person behind the door. Even without looking, Li Xinwen knew who it was. "An Yunxu, why are you guys still here?"
However, An Yunxu refused to answer. Instead, he hurriedly ushered Li Xinwen and the others aside. "Come! Hurry, hurry!" he said in excitement.
Li Xinwen didn't know what was going on but he also sensed few other people inside so he wasn't worried that An Yunxu may be planning something bad. He simply nodded to him to continue.
"We went to scout the main entrance earlier, but it was chaotic. There were tons of zombies and survivors pouring in, either to kill or to seek refuge. We didn't want to get caught up with it so we hid here," An Yunxu reported as soon as they got into the room.
"Yeah, based on what we saw earlier, I think the main entrance would be full of zombies by now. We are already close to the main entrance so we should just wait here until help arrives," another survivor within the group chirped in.
"Who is that guy?" Li Xinwen asked pointing towards the man standing beside An Yunxu.
"That's Wen Ping, the producer for [Death to My Destiny]," An Yunxu explained as he looked at Li Xinwen worriedly. After all, it was known within the entertainment industry that Li Xinwen and this producer has bad blood.
"I see," Li Xinwen said with an understanding nod. "Let's get out of here first, and then we can talk about it later."
"Did you not hear what we told you earlier? The entrance must've been overrun by zombies by now. We should just wait!"
"You can wait all you want, but I won't wait," Li Xinwen said in a firm voice. "I still have people that I am worried about back home. The earlier I left, the faster I can get back home."
An Yunxu and Wen Ping exchanged glances and both came to a silent agreement after listening to what Li Xinwen said.
"Li Xinwen, I understand your concern for your loved ones. I know you have an old mother waiting for you but with the current situation, I think it's better for you to prepare for the worst," Wen Ping said, trying to sound calm. "Rather than rushing into swarms of zombies for someone whose life and death are—"
"Shut your mouth!" Li Xinwen's cold voice cut through the air and all of a sudden, the temperature around them dropped by several degrees. One can even see their breath due to the cold. "Try to curse my mother again and I'll throw you into the swarm of zombies myself."
The room fell into a tense silence as Li Xinwen's word hung in the air. An Yunxu and the other survivors in the room exchanged glances, realizing that the something is wrong. Several people started to rub their arms, feeling the cold. Wen Ping also took a step back, his expression fearful.
"Li Xinwen… Teacher Li, I apologize for my words… I really didn't mean anything bad earlier. If you want to go then I won't stand in your way," he stammered, his voice filled with trepidation.
Li Xinwen's icy demeanor softened slightly as he took a deep breath, visibly trying to calm himself. The frost in the room gradually dissipated, returning to a normal temperature. He looked at Wen Ping with a piercing gaze, but his voice held a tinge of frost.
"It's good that you understand, Director Wen."
Wen Ping nodded quickly, his fear evident in his eyes. "Yes, yes, I understand, Teacher Li. I apologize once again for my earlier words. I won't interfere with your decision."
An Yunxu was still staring at Li Xinwen. Looking at the man's determination, he couldn't help thinking if Li Xinwen has a great plan to leave here unscathed. True, the safest way would be to stay here and wait for reinforcement but what if the city is overrun by a lot of zombies and help is delayed for several days? With limited foods, surely everyone will suffer.
"Xiao Wen, do you have a plan…?" An Yunxu asked in a hesitant tone. "Can I join you?"
Li Xinwen frowned as he looked at An Yunxu. He had a complicated feelings about An Yunxu. For one, he found out that the accident that caused the original Li Xinwen to fall into coma was man-made and the perpetrator is this young man before him. But at the same time, he felt that if it wasn't because of that accident, he wouldn't have had the chance to transmigrate over.
"I promise I won't cause any trouble!"
An Yunxu's voice sounded again, snapping him out of his thought. He gazed into An Yunxu's eyes which seemed to be filled with silent plea so in the end, he could only sigh. "Alright, you can come along. But I will not bring anyone who will only eat soft rice. You want to follow, you'll have to contribute."
"I know! I didn't arrive to the lower floor by hiding behind people…" An Yunxu replied. "I think I am already used to killing the zombies."
"Good. Then pick up your weapon," Li Xinwen said. "The plan is quite simple. The military is merely 300 meters away from us but they are slowed down by the zombies outbreak. To lessen the burden of our army brothers, we should help them secure a place for them to call a temporary base. The main entrance has a big area, and I believe it is a good place for them," Li Xinwen explained. This wasn't his original plan but when he thought about it again, he felt that he could do Xue Jun a favor.
Currently, the zombies are still a low level zombies. Their movement are slow and their limbs are stiff. He felt that as long as few of them work together, clearing the entrance shouldn't be a problem. And if thing does go awry, he can always just use his guns.
"But Xinwen, with just us four… is it enough?" An Yunxu asked worriedly. "Plus…" he let his word linger as his gaze moved towards Manager Su.
"It is fine. You don't have to worry about Manger Su. I will make sure to take care of her.
Though the ability of the three of us is quite limited, it'll be different if the rest of you joins.
Who knows, you might get 'rewarded' by the military for your help," Li Xinwen glanced over to the rest of the crowd that was in the room.
"Why should we go risk our lives when we can wait here? You've said it before, they're only 300 meters away…"
"Then I guess it's only us fou—"
"Wait, I would like to join!" someone from the crowd raised her hands and walked over to stand in front of Li Xinwen. "I also have a younger sister whom I am worried about. If I can leave this place earlier, I can go over to her school to find her," she added as she looked at Li Xinwen with unwavering gaze.
"Umm… Can I also follow?" another person walked out of the crowd. This time, it was an elderly lady who is wearing a janitor's uniform. Though she appears to be past her prime, the bloodied, broken wooden stick in her arm shows that she had her fair share of zombie killing.
Her eyes did not show any sign of decadence like several other people who are younger than her. In fact, just from her eyes, Li Xinwen can see that her will to live is far stronger than the rest.
While staring at her, Li Xinwen felt that having her along would actually ease out his burden slightly. "You can follow. But I only need you to stay with my Manager and take care of her. That way, I can focus on killing the zombies," Li Xinwen said with a nod.
After that, Li Xinwen waited for a while but no one seems to want to follow them. So he didn't waste anymore time and led the small temporary team out of the room.
I actually don't remember how to post at this platform. Please forgive me if there were formatting error. Also, I'm sorry for several years of no updates orz
On another note, its the usual writing month so I will try to write more.
To everyone who are still reading this, I'm really sorry and thank you!
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