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97.5% Player X / Chapter 39: Chapter 38. PvP (4)

Chapter 39: Chapter 38. PvP (4)

'Holy crap! I knew my expectations were high but not to this extent! To be able to kill a player higher than his level in seconds!' Aldrin stood up from his seat in a complete shock. He couldn't believe what he just saw. He rubbed his eyes, he didn't even know if it was real or not.

"Are you okay Aldrin-kun?~" Bernalyn looked at Aldrin with her shining brown eyes.

Aldrin saw her and thought she was cute so he patted her head gently. Beatrice knew that Aldrin was also a chuuni like Bern and thought they would be a cute couple.

"I think both of you should go out you'd be a perfect match!" Beatrice smiled and thought about the outcome of Aldrin and Bernalyn's relationship.

After they heard Beatrice, their face flush red. Aldrin couldn't handle the embarrassment and went in sheer silence. While Bernalyn was stuttering.

"What d-do you mean!? B-baka!!" Bernalyn was being a tsundere and Beatrice thought it was cute so she made a wry chuckle. He~he~he.

The players on queue were dumbstruck.

Just after seeing John's equipments, they knew that John would win. They were also confident of what Flame Fist could do since he was top 5 on the Rookie rankings, his brute power and arrogance, even if he loses, he wouldn't show the defeat on his face.

But their predictions were wrong, not only that John had beaten Flame Fist into a pulp in seconds, he had also made Flame Fist turn to a state of fear that not even Izekeal could do to the Hotheaded guy.

"To be humilated to that extent. I can't even think about it!" A contestant spoke in surprise after watching the fight. His eyes was filled in awe. In the game, his name was Rubin and in real life he was Yamamoto Yokohama, a famous Japanese/Filipino player and also Ranked second in the Rookie top rankings. He was a genius when talking about aiming but his only disadvantage was that he was bad in near combat, that's why he couldn't reach top 1 in the rookies, thats right! His class is ranger and he was also one of those that Izekeal had looked down on and always wanted to have revenge.

"This must be the time! Even if I can't defeat Izekeal, any person who is able to give humiliation to that rich asshole will satisfy my vengeance and I think that player John will do it!" He was now confident, his travel to the Philippines was not in vain and his prejudice to Izekeal would now disappear if his goal would succeed.

While Izekeal who had watch it made a wide grin. He stood up from his chair and declared.

" Finally! A worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!" He quench his fist in the air looking as if he was swearing an oath.


Clink! The door on John's room opened and a man in formal clothing entered pulling a somewhat trays of food and beverages.

"Good day to you Mr.John, my name is Sebastian and I will accompany you for today." The man gave a wryly smile. He was in his 30s and due to his polite tone, he looks very mature. He seemed to be a good person just by his look.

"Ah, please come in!". I stood up in my seat and bowed down to show respect but he refrained.

"Please no honorifics! I should be the one doing it! Its my honor to serve you. Ha~ha~ha." He was being nice to me and I knew that would be the case so I let him enter pushing the trolley of foods.

" I didn't know that there would also be foods delivered." I looked at the different types of foods drooling, they were classified from bitter to sweet and beverages were also arranged from nutritious to alcoholic.

" You seemed to be new here sir, well feel free to pick any food. It is also part of our job to keep our player's tummy full. And keep them company also give them protection."

Pop! The cork on the bottle of wine flew away and fizz rose up.

" So, your suppose to be like a butler!" John spoke.

"Well, you could say that. Our performance will only rose if we acknowledged the player we are on service. When I knew that you had killed Flame Fist in seconds, my affinity to you actually rose up that's why I had given you a bit of service, the longer the better." Sebastian calmly spoke.

"Does that mean if my affinity to you rose up to maximum, you would do anything that I want?" He thought of the possibilities that would happen.

'Damn it! I wish it would've been a girl butler, just thinking about it gives me a boner.' John was thinking lewd things but it quickly disappeared.

"Hehehe, I know what your thinking right now. Actually, I'm the only male butler out of the 28 others. You could say that your luck is bad or its just fate playing with you. But don't worry, other than what you think, I'm still the peak of experts when it comes to doing other services!" He grinned showing his white teeth and offered the glass of wine to me.

" Ah! Sorry to bother but I actually don't drink. Who would want to be drunk while competing with other players right?" It was actually not the case, it wouldn't hurt to drink a small amount but John didn't want to break the promise to his mom.

"Well, if you insist." He returned the cup in the tray and retrieve a can of orange soda.

"Here at least you'll drink it." He threw the can towards John. John received the can and opened it.


"By the way, how did you obtain a whole legendary equipment set? Well you can still not answer, I understood your intentions." Out of curiosity, he had to ask. Anyone would be eager to know how an independent player obtain such strong equipment only in level 200s.

"I bought it using the player system." He replied straightforwardly.

"Haha, I see... Well then keep your secrets." He knew John wouldn't given any answer but he didn't know is that what John said was true. I mean who would believe that a player had its own system store.


The first round of the game had long finished, all that's left was only 14 players. 4 of the players where normal participants while the remaining was sponsored participants.


John \Dante /

Peenoise \Cheng Chong/

Nibba \Netorare /

Deeldow \Kunt. /

Tea teas \Deack /

Zucc \Rubin /

Izekeal \Ninjesus/


»Participant John, please enter the capsule. Game will start in 10 minutes.«

"Wish me luck!" I wave to Sebastian who was standing on the side of the couch holding a glass of wine and entered the capsule.

"I believe in you sire." He gave a gentle smile.



John was transported in a very hot terrain. The soil was red and the mountains erupt flowing lava. The lava stream flows through somewhat a creak making it look like a river of magma.



'What is this? Mëinkraft!!??'

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