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95% Player X / Chapter 38: Chapter 37 PvP (3)

Chapter 38: Chapter 37 PvP (3)

"Say your prayers before the game starts or else you'll suffer by my hands." Flame fist chuckled then tried to taunt me.

I was sure that the people witnessing as already knew that Flame fist was a bad match for me just by looking at my equipments. Yet not a hint of fear could be seen in his eyes.

'Could it be that he has a very low insight?' I muttered to myself, the status Insight helps our senses, the higher the player's insight the better he was in fighting.

It also helps us in circulating our blood and mana means that our body will become more sensitive on the surroundings and spell casting can be properly polished.

And importantly, it is used in appraising not only items but also monsters and NPCs which is a huge help when raiding or fighting mobs and handling quests.

When you have a high insight, you could appraise an item and get a chance of finding a hidden function in the item. And if the item has a higher level than the player, you can still check its full information depending on how high your insight.

"Oh? Why can't you speak? Are you mute? Deaf? Or your too scared after realizing that I'm gonna be your opponent that not a single word can come out from your mouth?" He crossed his arms then made a grin. However, I kept my mouth shut, I wanted to quickly finish the game so I can return on playing.

Just after that, the timer was almost finished in counting and the game would start.




(Honking sounds)

With stealth, I disappeared from his view. Flame fist's sweat dropped after seeing that I was nowhere to be seen.

'Where the fuck did he go?' He began to scan his surroundings but not even a trace of him could be found.

"Harden!" The fight just started yet his already forced in defensive mode.

Harden was a skill usually used by berserkers and tanks to avoid receiving a deadly blow. The next attack of an opponent would be cut in half but the downside is that it had a very long cool down so it was used as a life saving skill or dealing with a boss monster's attack.

'Why am I using my life saving skill when I know he's weak?' He had activated it due to his instinct so he had to believe what his body is reacting.

Then a chill went down his spine and he could feel a murderous aura behind him.

'In the back!' He quickly gazed and saw John already unsheathed his katana and was about to slash him up.

'Why do I feel so weak in front of him?' After seeing the power emitting on the Katana John was holding, he was certain that his skill wasn't enough to defend against the incoming blow but he had to make a choice or he'll die.

"Ah! fuck this!" Due to his body being solidified, his movement speed decreased upto 60%. He wanted to avoid the incoming attack but he had no choice but to let it hit him.


The sword sliced the side of Flame fist's ribs pushing him a few meters away from John. His body regain its normal state and covered the wound on his body.

'I actually felt this much pain from that one slash.' Blood sprayed down on his left rib so he covered with his right hand to add pressure.

[-10,000 HP]

"What the!?" His eyes grew wide seeing the damage he received. Even if he had received half of the damage dealt, his health fell over 70%.

'Was that a skill?' He was certain it was skill since Samurai's couldn't perform non-skill attacks so they heavily rely on the power of their skills but he couldn't hear any chants made by John making it hard to identify whether it was a skill or not.

He was right, it was a skill called Lacerate however,John was different among all sheath classes, he could perform basic attacks that is nonexistent to classes similar to his and he had the effect of his mask that lets him perform skills without any use of words just by giving a thought of the skill he wanted to activate on his head making him a godly player.

'I should retreat first to regenerate my open wound. It would be bothersome if I would fight having a wound that could be used as a fatal weakness.' He was force to retreat and wait for his opened wound to close.

This was the specialty of Pangea. This was the reason why it became the most played virtual reality game in the world because of how realistic everything inside. If you were shot by a gun or stab by a knife, the pain you would receive will be similar to how it would felt in real life. But this would only happen if you reach level 50. Players who had just played the game would have an anti-gore effect so they wouldn't have any psychological trauma that would likewise to happen to those who have a weak heart so they had to adapt quickly to change if they wanted to play this on a long run. They also get a 50% pain effect meaning, if they we're stabbed by a knife, it would feel like an injected needle.

The pain effect would only minimize if the player had raise their stamina. If a player receives a damage that causes an opening of the wound, some of their status would decrease. The status decreasal depends on what area of the body was hit. Example, if the player's abdomen was sliced, their defense would either decrease or if their leg receives a fracture, their movement speed would be reduced. Players would have to wait about 2 seconds to repair the damage they received and that 2 seconds would be a disadvantage if not properly taken cared of.

Flame Fist made a wise choice to retreat but suddenly realize something causing him to complete confusion.

' Why am I moving so slow?!' He forced himself to retreat but his movement was very slow compared to when he was solidified. This was the additional effect of lacerate which slowed the target by 80% if successfully hit.

John ridiculed him, he was planning to escape but he didn't want that to happen.

He sheathed his Katana back and unsheathed Wakizashi.

The bonus effect of full critical damage by using the knife would be brutal.

Dash! John darted towards the running Flame fist and quickly draw the dagger through the wound he was trying to cover.

'Shit! I can't evade!' Due to having a low insight and additional decrease in movement speed, his reaction speed was as slow as Slowbro.

(Slowbro- a type of pokemon which has a very slow movement and reaction time.)

"Its the end." Johns eyes glowed in yellow and the pressure he emitted made one faint just by being close to him.

"Please don't!" Flame Fist facial expression showed fear after hearing the only words that came out from John's mouth, he now felt the feeling of a hunter being hunted. His face was covered in sweat and his body began to tremble.

Tat!Tat!Tat!Tat!Tat! Five consecutive hits barrage through the opened wound in a mere second.

'Khouk! Fucking strong!' He couldn't evade the blow and struggled to fight back but more or less, he couldn't believe what he was seeing right now.






'Full critical!' He couldn't believe what he saw. Each hit dealt over 14,000 damage and looking at his health, it rapidly went to zero.

"Who are--" before he could finish speaking, he had dissipated into a gray light.

" Tsk.tsk.tsk.tsk! Thats the problem with you people. Your all bark but no bite." John sheathed back the knife and logged out.



"Amazing! Who is that?!"

" I've never seen such strong player!"

" Che! Its normal for flame fist to lose to someone like him. Just look at the difference between their items. Flame fist only equipped knuckles and pants that's only unique rated yet that guy John is wearing a full Legendary equipment set!"

At first they were cheering John's One-sided fight and not long after that, they we're now criticizing him for being a cheat player.

Inside the room he stayed, he opened his phone and started to read mangas.

"Hmmmm...I should read Alone Leveler, I think the author is now fine and he said he would release 5 chapters! I think its today!" John didn't care about everyone the remaining participants, he was confident of what he can do.

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