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92.5% Player X / Chapter 37: Chapter 36. PvP (2)

Chapter 37: Chapter 36. PvP (2)

Legendary items glowed in Gold, If legendary items where to compare with unique rated items, it was like comparing the sky to a hill. Although it seems that there is only a long gap between them, it still something not to look down of. If a player is able to equip a Legendary rated item either it was an arm guard or a head piece. It could highly raise the status of the player, not only by the skills it gives but also the huge attributes the player would receive. Even if the equipment was only an arm guard, it won't only raise one's defense and attack, but it also contributes every other status the player has. That is why it has a big difference between other rated equipments. A high ranked guild would have 2 to 3 pieces of legendary rated items while SuperGuilds would have 5 to 8 of this. If an independent player could have a piece of legendary item, the news would quickly spread and Guilds would do everything to their power to recruit the player hence if they were successful, it would exponentially affect their guild.

Since 3 years has passed after Pangea has released, experts would see Legendary equipments as epic equipments after Pangea has done several upgrades to the system. The reason to this was is the opening of stronger rated equipments; Artifact and Treasure rated equipments. The gap between Legendary to them was leaps and bounds if compared to Artifact and Treasure. This equipments could only be found in Dungeons, the normal ranked dungeons had a drop rate of 1%, hard ranked had a drop rate of 2% while Hell mode had a drop rate of 5% but after a new mode opened which was God Mode, it had a drop rate of 20%, but that difficulty far exceeds player's expectations, if it were to be compared to hell mode, it was like earth and heaven. If a Guild were to successfully finish a God Mode dungeon, there was no certainty that it would drop a treasure or artifact rated loot hence they would have to successfully attempt to finish it up to 5 tries before it would drop one. The first ones to have achieve such goal were one of the Super Guilds, Heavenly Cove. After they showed this to the world, the Heavenly Cove didn't only grab all the players attention, they also became very famous and just the powers alone they receive from the treasure and artifact related loots was already beneficial to the Guild's growth and the result was the Heavenly Cove Guild became the top 1 in the Super Guild Rankings. But no one has seen the power of Artifact and Treasure rated items with their own eyes, Guilds kept this as a secret and one would know how strong it is to be able to raise a Super Guild exponentially.

Rumor also has it that there was an Ancient rated weapon wielded by an unknown player but unfortunately, it was only a hoax and it instantly disappeared only be heard in history.


The normal players joining the PvP had equipped only rare to ultra rare items but the sponsored players wore ultra rare equipments and above.

Izekeal didn't only have a powerful backing, his background itself was already too powerful. He was born with a gold spoon and due to his parents lack of discipline to him, he became a spoiled brat and had abuse his powers but he was still a genius from their family but his attitude itself was already too much, he was selfish, brute, self-righteous and arrogant. Players who was once his companions regretted every inch of spending their time being his friend because they couldn't handle his attitude the more they would adjust the more he became an asshole.

His fans was equivalent to the amount of his haters. But his techniques and mastery couldn't be looked down to, just the powers he held could already be compared to an apex expert. He was given the nickname " Enduring Death ", because the longer he fought, the stronger he gets. This was the power given to him from his epic class, Friction Fencing, a Tier 2 class.

I had use stealth to avoid the gazes of the players, if they found out that all my equipment was Legendary rated, they would be in utter shock and would try to take advantage of me.


A loud bang exploded on the stage and thick smoke covered the whole area. All of the players walked their out of curiosity until the smoke dissipated. A woman appeared in front of them, wearing a very revealing cloth armor set which was glowing in gold and the staff she was holding on her right arm enlightened up the whole arena in yellow light. This red headed woman was none other than Scarlet Fox, the 5th placer in the Global Rankings.

The yellow gem attach to the edge of his staff glowed in white and when she spoke a word, all the players even in the farthest on the stage could hear it. This was a side skill called Sound Wave, every word the caster spoke would be heard in a 100 meter area range.

When the players heard her soothing voice, the players couldn't help but shout in awe after hearing such beautiful voice, not even a queen of opera could be compared to hers.

" Players from all of the world! We gathered here to celebrate the 3rd Rookie Competition, my name is Scarlet Fox and I will be your jury for this Competition. Our first game will be Player vs. Player, we will draw lots. As you can see in front of you, there are two cups filled with sticks. A player will pick one stick from the cup and each sticks has a designated number from 1 to 20, if the two players have the same number, that would be your opponents." Scarlet Fox announce it loud and clear so the players would understood. After that, she disappeared again in the mist and the players began to line up in to two.

When everyone was finish picking up a stick, some where shaking and some where confident to themselves.

"Dude, my heart's beating very fast! I hope I won't face any sponsored players" a ranger utterly shudders.

"Wooh! thank God I got number 30, I can still get a breathing since it will be too long before my turn hahahaha! My luck isn't that bad after all!" a knight confidently spoke.

'I actually got number 1 huh, does that mean I'll be the first to fight?' I muttered to myself. I don't if it was good or bad but still I was confident to win the game. I wouldn't let any measly average player make fun of me, as a Mythical classed player!

Shorty, a big screen appeared above the stage, it arranged the certain number of the players, on the first grid, I could see my ID name, the outline was colored gold reminder for sponsored players and next to my name was the logo of my sponsored company.

Coincidentally my opponent was also a sponsored player and Izekeal was number 30. If I was to reach the finals, I would face Izekeal and humiliate him to all of the people in the whole world. This was the perfect plan for John to not only satisfy his vengeance but also help those players he had toyed.

A white array hit me and my opponent and we were immediately transported into a grass land. The air from the area was surprisingly breezy and it was the perfect place to go picnic yet this would become our battlefield.

We were given a minute to adapt with the terrain before the game starts, this was a good way to warm up and observe the enemy.

My opponents name was Tiger Flame, his class Taekwondo was still on Tier 2 but his level was already level 234 meant it wouldn't be any long that he would upgrade to Ashura. His broad and hunk body curvated from the leather armor he was wearing. Both of his legs stand out from his appearance because of the bulging muscles stripping out from his cloth pants. Last year, he had stood to 5th rank on the Rookies, his destructive kicks could destroy common to rare rated armors with several hits and his speed could compare to an expert assassin who were the Gods when talking about Agility.

" Whoever you are, I give you my thanks. " Flame tiger pointed at me.

"Why?" I was confused, the game hasn't even started yet he had already decided who would win.

"Because your gonna help rise my reputation to the people watching. Don't worry , I'll give you swift death so you won't suffer too much. Treat this as my gift to you." He was being arrogant, hearing those words makes my inside hurt so bad.


Meanwhile, the people who anticipated to watch the competition fired up. The fans sat into groups and cheered for their idolize player while those average players who joined had their friends or relatives cheer for them. A huge screen in front of the viewers records the situation happening inside the game live so people could watch on real time. Not only in the Philippines but the world were watching the competition, from their phones, TVs, and even the billboards on the cities resulting in a heavy traffic.

"Go brother John! Where here to support you!"

Aldrin cheered while watching John in awe.

"Gambate nii-chan!" Bernalyn who was being kawaii couldn't help cheering her brother seeing that he was in TV.

"Future Husband! You can do it! I'm here for you" also Beatrice who didn't hesitate to cheer for John.

As for the viewers they couldn't help but be in shock after seeing John's equipments glowing in gold.

"Could it be that he is wearing a full set of legendary equipments?!" a man spoke while eating his popcorn.

"No way! Even I could not believe it! That guy John is actually wearing legendary equipments!" the man sat beside him who was covered in disbelief.

Meanwhile the judges in a special room were also stunned seeing that John has wore full set of Legendary rated equipments.

"Even if he loses, we should recruit him to our guild!" an old man in a suit smiled watching John.

"I checked the files of that player John but his personal information is being hidden, boss it seems that this player has been sponsored by Sunset Incorporation, should I contact them? "

A man in glasses briefly said while checking a folder in the table next to him.

"Interesting fellow, okay then contact them"

the old man shrug his beard while observing John's actions.


I have change Bloodwitch to Scarlet Fox so I won't be sued

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