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"After losing a memory, thou shall not trust—including yourself"

It may be a selfish thing to hold on to you, but I will never let go of you even if it kills me...

Letting you go is the last thing I would do...

I will become someone else to protect you...


Why do I hear the voice of a boy as if he is whispering to me? There is a trace of sadness in his voice.

selfish thing...

never let go...

last thing...


He continues to whisper. I feel confused while hearing that voice. Astonishment and mixed emotions dominate me. I can't explain how I feel—like I want to laugh, cry. and shout, but I'm too tired to do any of it so I just closed my eyes ...

Wait, closed eyes?

As I tried to open my eyes, I immediately felt like I was electrocuted. My vision was still a bit blurry probably because of the dream that I had. Yes, it was just a bizarre dream so I should not worry about it.


This got me surprised to realize my current situation while sleeping. What is happening to me? Why can't I leave this post?

I moved my body, but something hit my hand. A glass? I looked around and observed my surroundings.

N-No! Why am I even here?

"Whaaaa!" I panicked in no time. How the heck am I inside of this thing?

Here I am inside of an oblong capsule-like thing made of thick transparent glass, or I shall say, I am inside of a glass capsule while sleeping in a standing position. It is big and wide enough to fit a person. And the capsule is floating to where I am now. What shocked me more is what was outside! It seems to me I'm in... space? I can see the bluish dark surroundings illuminated with brilliant white dots. As I looked to my right, there seems to be a milky way.

What is going on? This is impossible!

I feel scared and greatly confused because I am floating in space inside of a glass capsule.

I slapped myself on whether it was just a dream or not, but I was hurt, indicating that all of this is real. I tremble while hitting and punching the glass. It is too thick, so nothing happened after all that effort that I exerted. There's no knob nor a lock to open or close this thing. I took a deep breath to calm down because I knew no one could answer my questions and nothing could be done if I am panicking like this. What is happening to me right now is shocking but what surprised me even more was when I saw other people around me. I am not alone floating in space and inside a glass capsule. There are a lot of us forming a big circle. I noticed that some were still sound asleep, and others are awake—scared and confused like me. We are equally puzzled by our condition.

I counted how many of us were here. 1 ... 5 ... 9 ... 13 ... 17 ... 20 ... 23 ... plus me, 24.

A few minutes have passed and all of us are now awake. Some are shouting, crying, pounding their glass capsules, and some remained standing like me.

What's happening to all of us?


"Congratulations to all junior high completers," our principal continued to speak.

All 4th years in junior high school are gathered here in the school's gymnasium for one of the memorable events in our lives. The place is neatly decorated accompanied by a ceremony and speech from noteworthy students honed by the school. I can see some of my classmates, schoolmates from different classes, and teachers from various subjects. This might not be official high school graduation but the happiness that I feel right now is immeasurable. I am sitting wearing my usual school uniform while holding my certificate proving that I graduated junior high school. Listening to what the principal's currently saying is indeed motivational. Finally, I have finished four years of high school life here and there are two more years for senior high. This ceremony represents that I am one step ahead of my dream of graduating from college soon. Because I am fond of my school, before I officially leave, I promise I will make a name for this school—a memory that would last long. I wish to be recognized in the field of writing and drawing that I, my family, and my friends will be proud of. That's right! I draw, paint, and sometimes I write. I am an amateur student artist who hasn't proven anything yet. I am not a professional because aside from doing it as a form of hobby, I am just starting to explore and hone the talent I have. I usually do this stuff during my free time which brings me joy. It's kind of embarrassing but I'm still writing an ongoing novel, so no one hasn't read it yet. I never mentioned it to my family or friends, but I hope one day I can share it with them. And the title of the novel I am writing is...

Oh, what was it again?

"Let's take a picture!" I heard a woman's voice that brought me back to my senses. She looks like in her mid-40s. I saw her looking at me and seems to be calling me.

Who is she?

I even pointed at myself if she was calling me, and she nodded so I just approached her. I did not realize that the ceremony had just ended. Students with their parents left the gym and went outside to take pictures.

"Say, cheese!" said a man who looked just a little older than me and was holding a phone. He's with the woman earlier.

The woman hugged me and had a wide smile looking at the cellphone's camera. I turned to the woman. "Look", said the woman, and peeked at the camera held by the man.

"Why aren't you smiling? Stop being a killjoy," the man sulked and scratched his head.

"One more," the woman ordered the man to take another shot. "Smile!" I forced myself to smile out of confusion. She kissed me on my left cheek. "Your brother and I will treat you later."

The man called me. I just looked at the camera and smiled again without thinking why.

"My turn!" he said and immediately stood next to me and whispered before the woman pressed the phone's camera shutter. "You know what, I'm proud of you. It seems like tomorrow I was studying here and was an athlete. But now, look at you. Two more years to go for college!" he said excitedly.

I did not understand what he was saying so I frowned and just looked at the camera again. The two continued to talk while I was still wondering what was happening. After the picture, some students were looking at me and seem to be calling me.

"Come on, let's take a picture of our class at the gazebo!" a certain guy said.

To my recollection, he is my classmate. Apart from the fact that he said we will take a picture of our class section, it looks like he is.

"All right. We'll wait for you there," the woman said goodbye to me and left with the man that she mentioned was my brother. If he's my brother, why can't I even remember having one? The faces of the two weren't even familiar to me.

I followed my classmates who are shouting and talking. I noticed a girl approach me; I knew her.

"We're finally done with this school year," she said with a light smile. I smiled at her. We're having a short friendly talk She is Ella, my classmate. We are not that close at school, and I only consider her a classmate. But what I wonder is, why do I remember her and my boy classmate who invited us to take a class picture, but I can't remember the previous woman and man who took a picture with me as well as the title of the novel I am writing? I still remember our principal's name, today is our moving up ceremony, my high school life has been good, I am writing a novel, I am in grade ten, and I am...


"Can't you hear us? You've been stunned there."

I went back to reality when I noticed that my classmates were looking at me and were already positioned for the class picture.

"S-Sorry," was all I could say. I immediately took my spot.

Why is it that I don't remember my name?!

A cameraman stood in front holding his camera to take a picture of us.

"We're done with acads but you looked like you still haven't slept, ***. Hahaha!"

"Pst, stop that! ***, make space for us."

"***, that must've been draining you."

Why? Why do I have a word I can't hear? There is a blank in what they are saying. I am stupefied by my thoughts. I could not focus because of what is happening to me. What is really going on?!


They are becoming noisy after the group picture.

"Aye, what's with the mad look?"

"You, okay?"

"Isn't it time for you to treat us to lunch?"

They asked me but I, for myself, do not know. I knew about half of the class, and I noticed that the ones I recognized were my classmates whom I wasn't very close to and barely talk to.

"Hey, girl! What's wrong with you? You're being weird," I was approached by a pretty girl who has violet curly, short hair. Maybe she is my classmate. I do not remember her.

"Where are we after? Mall or food trip?" a girl with brown eyes, a ponytail, and eyeglasses asked us. I also don't know her.

"Let's do arcade first!" a boy approached the three of us with braces, messy hair, and an undone button on his polo. It seems that he's a cheerful one from the vibes that he gives. I don't know him either.

"Duh? Do you really think we're doing that? By the way, I know a newly opened restaurant near here!" the girl with bangs giggled.

I wouldn't know anything if I won't ask them. "Uhm," I gulped. "Who are you, guys?" I asked the three of them.

They paused chatting for a moment and looked confusedly at me. "Stop pulling your pranks on us, hahaha!" The girl with curly hair laughed at what I said.

"Wait, this is her first time pranking on us. Let's hear her out!" the boy exclaimed.

I did not say a thing because I have nothing to say. I'm not trying to make a joke on anyone. I intended it to be serious, but they interpreted it as a joke.

"***, is there something wrong?" the girl with a ponytail seems to get me. She's the only one who didn't laugh.

I can't ask their names directly as I might seem to be rude. I am spoiling their mood. It looks like I have formed a group of friends here and unfortunately, I don't know them. They looked so excited about what was going on—which is contrary to the excitement that I feel right now. A worse kind of excitement turned to anxiety. They just kept talking and I am shaking with confusion that I do not recognize some people that seem to be close and dear to me. Did I just have a short-term memory loss? Or amnesia? Did I encounter an accident and have brain damage? It seems that I have a selective memory of specific persons and events only. This is bad. I checked myself if I have a wound or injury. I touched my head, shoulders, arms, stomach, back, thighs, knees, and feet. Everything feels normal. I do not have body pain that could damage my brain. Does this mean that I have an internal injury instead? I should get myself checked by a doctor. But how am I going to do that? Where should I start? I sighed at the thought of it. I bit my lower lip which indicates I am frustrated. In the meantime, I should stay away from them, especially to these three and from the middle-aged woman and the man she's with that she called my brother. It's bad and I might hurt their feelings when they find out I don't know who they are in my life. I need some alone time to think of what is happening. Wandering around the campus and neighborhood might help me remember something.

I walked away from the three as they happily chatted. I simply ignored them when they call me left them puzzled because of my actions until I bumped into someone. There's still quite of a crowd that not all parents and students already went home. I should be careful of my actions.

"Sorry," Then I bent my head down as my way of saying a sincere apology. I raised my head to look at the one I bump into.

He smiled at me but immediately changed his expression. His brown eyes widened looking over my head as if seeing a ghost. He surprised me when he suddenly pulled me, and we ran away.

"Is there a problem?" I asked him as we continued running and we stopped at the school's garden which was quite secluded surrounded by plants and trees because people are busy flocking around the school's gymnasium where the ceremony was held.

I gasped as he looked at me seriously. He frowned at me. I was about to speak and ask him who he was and why he did that to me when he suddenly hugged me. I wondered at his actions. I struggled because I did not know what this boy was thinking.

"Hey, stop!"

He let go and held both my shoulders. He looked into my eyes. "I'm sorry, but I have to do this. This is the only way, and I won't hesitate to do that one thing to save you." He forced a smile, but sadness could be seen in his eyes and tone of speech.

"What is it?" I asked irritably. What is this guy talking about? I don't' have time for this prank. Because of his bizarre actions, he completely pisses me off. I'm already having a bad day since meeting people who are a stranger to me, but they treat me like someone close to them.

He grabbed my right hand and pulled a necklace out of his pocket. He showed the necklace to me, and his hands rested on mine. "Don't worry, I will protect you," he said earnestly staring at me. Protect me from what? Am I in some sort of danger? He closed his eyes and left me speechless. What's happening? I don't understand!

"No!" I shrieked.

The necklace he was holding suddenly lit up after he threw it on the ground. It got smashed. Its warm light hurt the eyes. I closed my eyes and covered them with my hands. Slowly, I am feeling weak like there is electricity flowing through my whole body. My senses are numbing. Why is it that this boy who pulled me and forced me to run here did all of this? I do not even know myself so who is he to me? Who are those people in my life?!

I completely lost consciousness and the surroundings darkened.

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