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32.43% Arcane Love

Where Yuri Break's

Chapter 12 - Where Yuri Explodes

After a few seconds yuri felt Victor's lips pressing into his ..... Forehead? Confused yuri opened his eyes when he felt Victor let go of him and stared at him with disappointment and a little sadness. <Am I not good enough? Maybe it was a joke and I got carried away and ended up expecting things.> Thought yuri as he reached down and stroked maka, to have something to do after this awkward moment. Focused on his thoughts, Yuri didn't realize that Victor was looking at him with warmth and desire in his eyes.

~ Victor's point of view ~

Yuri was so perfect, when Victor hugged him it made he realized that yuri had been made to be in his arms. Victor was only joking with yuri at first (partly because his comment of taking responsibility had made his inner self jump to complain about his mate), but as he hugged yuri and smelled him more closely, Victor had to fight back to keep up and not attack the yuri in the middle of campus. The situation got worse when yuri reacted to his touch and licked his lips, the urge to kiss him was so strong that he unconsciously approached yuri, "MY" Victor beast said. At the last minute however he managed to control himself and kissed yuri's forehead, stayed a few minutes to calm his thoughts and walked away from yuri. He realized that yuri had been disappointed when he had kissed him on the forehead, but he didn't want to rush things, yuri was special and he wanted to treat him as he deserved. If he had truly kissed him now he would not have been able to stop just in one kiss.

"Yuri," Victor began after calming enough, "I'm sorry. I know I caught you by surprise, only you're special to me and I don't want to rush things and do something that makes you upset."

(A. N. Pleaaasssyyyy you just did that 🙄)

"It's okay Victor" yuri replied (Wait is that a grunt?) "I think we should go if we really want to buy something today." Yuri said as he stood up.

"Okay" Victor said smiling a smile while taking the hand of yuri " To the Shopping."

"To the shopping" said yuri blushing a little.

~ yuri's point of view ~

As they walked, Yuri's mood improved considerably. At first he was upset, when he heard Victor's explanation he almost tore his head off, <please, damn it, I. Needed. You. To. Kiss. Me! OMG! I turned pichiti when he's having his period.> But after some thought, yuri realized that after the heat of the moment passed he would be extremely mortified of what he had done if things progressed. After all, he had no experience in relationships since no one showed such an interest in him and if things happened too fast he could regret in the future.

Victor took his role as a guide seriously and showed the surroundings to yuri, as they had some time they took a look at the apprentices' mall. There were several stalls selling from jewelry, weapons and armor to pet toys and magical gadgets. Victor took the opportunity to buy some of maka toys and asked yuri for help choosing. After maka decided to make an exceptionally large bite bone that he had taken as a tug of war rope, he eventually bought some of these toys. Yuri saw in a tent a sculpture made of small metal that his brother would like, and after thinking a little about what his reserves would look like, he bought it for his brother (luckily they accepted confederation coins in the tent).

By the time they found themselves it was lunch time and they both went to the area where food was sold. Yuri had been impressed, there was food being sold in every way and taste. After much thought both decided to eat takoyaki, bought in a stall that Victor had said that sell's the best in the area and they sat in the square to eat. While eating yuri realized that Victor was attracting a lot of attention from the people passing by. He even heard some wondering if Victorwould be single and if yuri would be some kind of Victor's brother or friend. <Obviously we wouldn't be seen as a couple,> Yuti thought with a pang of sadness.

After finishing the snack Victor took yuri to a market where he could buy what he needed at a good price. Yuri spent his time buying the things he needed fot his house while talking to Victor about various topics. He had realized that both had some tastes in common, both liked nature and animals, read a lot of books, tried to help others, preferred colder climates, among other things. Finalizing the purchase, which Victor had made a point of having delivered in Yuri's dormitory, (although Yuri said he did not mind taking it in hand) they decided to walk a little more and play with makachin. So Victor took them to a park where artists used to gather arround to show their art (singing, dancing, painting, sculpture, music, etc). It was a nice afternoon and Yuri was happy enjoying the pleasant time he was spending with Victor and maka. All the while Victor held yuri's hand as he led him through the attractions.

In the late afternoon the park began to fill with couples. <It seems this very famous place between couples> thought yuri and looked at his hands together with Victor's. <Is that why Victor brought us here?> Night was approaching and Victor, yuri and makachin decided to return to their dormitories. They were leaving Park when they witnessed a scene.

"I DON'T BELIEVE," a woman was shouting at a couple standing in front of her as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Did you say you loved me, and now you betrayed me that way? I WILL KILL THIS BITCH." At that the woman advanced towards another but was stopped by the man.

"NO" he said holding the angry woman "she is not to blame if you want to blame someone blame me or even better blame fate, but leave her out of it " he said separating the angry woman from the other.

"But she stole you from me," the angry woman said through her falling tears. "You loved me."

"I'm sorry sophia," the man said with a real conscience and people could see that he was also suffering "forgive me, I know I was unfair to you, and I really loved you, but fate brought me my omega. If I turn my back on her and stay with you, I feel I won't be able to make you happy because I won't be happy. That's why I broke up with you today. We both deserve to find happiness." Finished while holding the woman who cried uncontrollably in his arms.

Yuri moved away from the scene with Victor, but this scene had left an uncomfortable mood between them. Seeing the scene yuri remembered why he could not have a relationship with Victor. He was a beta and Victor was an alpha, both of which were not meant to be together. Even if Yuri wanted to fight it, he knew there would always be a chance for Victor to find his predestined mate and break his heart like the woman in the park. By the time they reached the dormitory, Yuri had made a decision that killed him a little inside.

"So yuri," Victor said gently, "here we are in your palace, safe and sound," he joked a little to lighten the mood, "will you be free tomorrow? Maybe I can show you my research center ..."

"No Victor," yuri interrupted with a sigh. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Oh" exclaimed Victor a little sad that yuri rejected his idea "okay, we can go anywhere you want then."

"No Victor," said the agonized yuri. "You don't understand. Me and you is not a good idea. Nothing will happen between us so I think we'd better stop here before we both get hurt" said yuri calmly holding back his tears.

"Nonsense," victor hurried to try to change yuri's mind, desperate and afraid of losing him. "Of course we can, who will stop us."

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND" yuri exploded and started to cry "you are an alpha and I am a beta. Alphas and betas Are. Not. Born. To. Stay. Together. If we try to stay in a relationship anyway, it will come to a point where you will leave me. And then you don't even know me well, I have secrets I'm afraid to share, a family that probably won't approve of our relationship even if we have one and you didn't even kiss me this morning, I've never wanted anything in my life like I wanted to be. kissed by you and you denied me that. Which was good because if I'd kissed it would probably make this break from you now would hurt a lot more than it hurts." finished yuri rocked slightly from tears. <It hurts so much.>

After yuri's speech Victor realized that he definitely needed to do something for not to lose yuri. He knew yuri's logic was correct but his instinct said it was wrong. Yuri was his own beta and he needed to do something to show it to him. With a grunt he took yuri by the arm and started leading him toward the alley between the dorms, not the best of places but it was what he had.

"W-what are you doing?" asked yuri in a mixture of sadness, anger and curiosity.

"Proving to you that you're mine," Victor said possessively as he placed a barrier over him and yuri, pinned him between the walls and surrendered to the urge he had all day to kiss yuri until his brains came out.

When Yuri felt Victor's mouth on his he was so startled that his tears stopped. Victor's mouth was kind and insistent and didn't stop until it got what he wanted, make yuri open his mouth. When yuri finally gave in to Victor's sensual attacks and opened his mouth, he had the most wonderful feeling of all. Victor's tongue touched his, curious and provocative, inviting him to go for an unforgettable dance togheter. When yuri accepted Victor's invitation, they both found ecstasy, bodies glued together (it was not known where Victor began and yuri ended), hands clutching each other tightly and tongues with frantic movements. The moment could not have been more perfect but then, yuri and Victor felt their essences rising from both of their bodies, dancing happily between them in the air, merging and returning to their bodies. When the essences came back to them Yuri knew that he was Victor's and Victor was his as surely as the sun rises and sets every day. In the ecstasy they were both feeling, they had only one wish: that this happy and wonderful moment would never end.

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