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Where we see a little about Yuri's life

Yuri's difficulties began when doctors said he was a beta. His father Aurus had been furious that after 7 consecutive alpha-births his firstborn had been a beta. At first he had thought his wife had cheated him but after the DNA test result confirmed that in fact Yuri was his son he can only blame fate for giving him a beta child. But luckily Aurus had a scape rote, he kept a mistress and she had become pregnant at the same time as his wife. When he found out that his mistress had given him an alpha son he took the boy and adopted him. Yuri's mother, Elen, welcomed the two children and raised them with all the love and affection she could give them, even if yuri's brother was not in fact her biological Child. When her husband had brought Alan (although she was angry to learn that he was his mistress son, she saw that the child was older than her son by some months and possibly her husband would not have cheated on her) she feel it that he was her son at her heart.

Time went by and gradually Yuri and Alan grew as close-knit brothers, even as the age of school came, and they had to take different courses, their brothers bond where not weakening. Seeing both childs growing close each day made Aurus afraid of Yuri wrongly influencing Alan, so he decided to send his alpha son to Alpha Academy when he turned 10. Yuri and Alan were sad because they had never been apart for each other more than a month but seeing the way their father acted both realized that they could not show their brotherly affection publicly anymore.

Before Alan traveled to his new school, he and Yuri went to their secret base (a well hidden place in the forest they owned on the property) and both made a communicator using two crystals they had found during their explorations arround their mansion. That way both could talk to each other. Although only 10 years old, Alan took advanced subjects for alphas while Yuri was so curious that made him read several books on different subjects. Yuri also had a different situation analysis method from other people, which made it possible for them to create a transmitter that responded only to their touches and that worked over long distances.

After his brother left Yuri was left alone, he did not go to school because betas of families with high hierarchical position were taught at home until the age of 13, only then they would go to a prestigious institution (which was not as strong as the Alpha Academy, but it was a suitable level for aristocrat children). Although Aurus focused more on Alan's education, Yuri was also his son and so the least he would do would be to give him a quality education, though there were few subjects he excelled in according to his teachers' reports. What his father did not know was that Yuri suffered from anxiety attacks when he was put under great pressure. Which was caused by his mentors that lived comparing him to his brother and denoting Alan's superior intelligence compared to Yuri when he could not give a right answer to his tutors. So it was expected that Yuri would have a low self-steam. As the tutors did not see the core of his problem, Yuri urned out to be average on his teachers eyes.

Even so, there were subjects he excelled in, including botany, alchemy, and horse riding. Being subjects that were done outdoors or with plants and animals, he felt more relaxed, besides that his teachers understood their profession and passed their knowledge in a non-degenerative way that piqued Yuri's curiosity making him have good results. Sometimes he surpassed the expectations of his teachers because of his hard-working nature beyond his innate curiosity. Another important factor was that Yuri was able to tune in the energy waves in a much larger percentage than expected (not that people knew about it) which helped stabilize his emotions and make them achieve wonderful results, especially when he was synthesizing a new mineral or crystal. Crystals are very important in this world because with the right crystal you can deploy magic scripts (formulas) on them and they become functional an could be used in a lot of ways(protecting or supporting people' use of magic in a safe way). But the level of conversion between formula and crystal, as well as their ability to project magic and the amount of spells they can have varied with the type of crystal made and so alchemy reserch was important in producing the best crystals. Yuri was a very good producer, but his teacher did not report his total discoveries to Yuri's father, as they where worried about his future.

When he was 13, Yuri was sent to the best school in his city. He had been up all night and even the conversation with his brother Alan had not helped to calm his nerves. Despite his nervous state his first school day passed quietly, with the fact that no one approached him during the day. Used to spending the days alone he ended up not caring about it, but with the passing of the semester his classmates was creating their little group and because yuri had a shy personality and the inferiority complex created by his tutors, he ended up being isolated thinking that no one wanted to be his friend. What he did not know was that his classmates had been afraid of his surname, the Heverest was a powerful family and it was not common to have people of that family studying in "ordinary" schools. Due to Yuri's introvert personality they thought he didn't want to be friends with them, that he was too "superior" to mingle with others, and his "serene" expression was confused with a cold one and so his colleagues only talked to him when it was strictly necessary.

Unable to find friends, Yuri was a little sad, but that loneliness passed when he went to take care of the animals (he had offered to take care of the class mascot ) or when he went to lunch and sat in the green area of ​​his school. The days passed and everything went smoothly until an incident that made Yuri decide to leave his family home as soon as possible occurred.

It was an ordinary school day. Yuri arrived early at school, sat in his chair and pulled out a book about magical energies to read. Gradually the class got busier and class started after a few minutes. They were doing a very complicated spatial projection activity when they heard a loud noise followed by strange people entering the classroom. It was a group of rebels, and they had taken the whole school hostage until they got what they came for. Some people had resisted and been killed, the classroom teacher started trying to protect the students and one of the rebel members ended up exploding the teacher head causing his blood to splash all over the classroom. After that when the rebels asked who was from heverest family every person in the classroom pointed and the rebels got what they wanted: Yuri. They intended to exchange Yuri for high quality crystals, but the exchange did not go so well. Due to being a group of rebels the powerful House's leaders argued which would be better to give the crystals, that could lead to a possible war with more injured people, or sacrifice one person for several to be allive. After discussion, it was decided not to save the school because the losses would be very large in the future.

Upon hearing this decision Yuri had been surprised, his father would not save him. He had always known that his father had not given him much importance because he was a beta and prioritized people's lives more than his family, but hearing this rejection and seeing that the he would really be killed despair and disgust took his heart. <Afterall why do i needed that useless life for? Always alone, without friends, being a burden to my brother and my mother.> Gradually shadows began to come out of yuri and reach the people, who gradually began to fall dead to the ground. Yuri at the core of despair didn't realize that he was killing people with his negative emotions. Fearful shots began to be fired at yuri only one grazed his arm, but it was enough for yuri to wake up. The pain had made him feel alive, he remembered that he had several things he had to do and did not want to die. He managed to overcome his darkness and when looking around the room saw that all the people in it were dead.

With the rebel leader dead capturing the rest that had broken into the school was easy, no one could understand what had happened in the yuri class, so only he survived. But everyone was relieved that the tragedy had not spread to more than one room. Only yuri who knew that he had killed their colleagues. Upon arriving home, his father thought it was best for him to use his mother's name, Katsuki, and to change his school to avoid similar situations in the future. Feeling guilty, he vowed to leave his home and live alone to avoid endangering others, as well as learning to control his power so as not to create unnecessary victims.

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