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35.08% When the Snow Falls [BL] / Chapter 20: Twentieth Night

Chapter 20: Twentieth Night

Daniel didn't wake up pleasantly. His mouth was parched, he could barely breathe and his vision was blurred. It took him a while to realise that he was wearing an oxygen mask and there was someone who looked like a doctor leaning over him. He relaxed a little when he realised that if there was a doctor looking after him, he had to be safe from Robert May.

Then he remembered something.

He had woken up to his second life in hospital.

Was he on his third life now?

He tried to ask what happened, but his mouth wasn't able to make any sound.

"Daniel, you're safe now," the doctor told him kindly. He said something else that Daniel couldn't make out.

That didn't help much. He had been called Daniel in both lives. He needed to know more. He turned his head to try to look for clues and fell asleep in the process. When he woke up again he thought he was alone until he saw a nurse. This time he felt more alert and there wasn't an oxygen mask.

"Are you feeling better now?" the nurse asked. "You can start having visitors in a couple of days. There's lots of people keen to visit you. I'm going to get the doctor to explain everything to you."

None of what she said helped him work out what was going on. He would have to ask himself.

"...What happened to me?" he croaked out with difficulty.

"I'm going to get the doctor to explain. Just wait there."

She left quickly, leaving Daniel to adjust to his surroundings to try to work it out for himself. He looked down at himself and saw the needle marks on his arms. Daniel peered at his hand and noticed a scar that he recognised.

He was still Daniel Entwhistle.

Daniel breathed a sigh of relief and winced when his chest felt like it was on fire. He was definitely alive and not dreaming.

Now he had that sorted out, he spent a moment catching up on what he remembered. He had been given deliberately high doses of two highly addictive drugs.

How was he still alive and what had happened to Robert May and the prefects?

The most important question burning in his mind was his future. Would he have a drug addiction?

His worried thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of the doctor who he recognised from earlier.

"You're much more awake now," the doctor stated the obvious. "I'll explain everything to you after some tests."

The next thirty minutes were filled with tests. From the lack of worry on the doctor's face when he read the results of each one, Daniel began to feel that he might be doing all right after nearly dying.

The doctor finished filling in his clipboard and cleared his throat.

"I know you want to know what happened to you. You were pulled out the water before your brain lost oxygen so there isn't any damage to your brain. As for the drugs, you will be observed for any signs of withdrawal symptoms and you will be given the appropriate medication if you show any signs. We pumped your stomach to get rid of what we could so you will certainly feel nauseous for a few days."

Daniel nodded weakly. He felt that he was mentally okay once he had realised he wasn't on his third life and that he was safe from Robert May. He didn't remember anything after he was given the drugs. It was probably for the best.


"There's someone outside that's very keen to see you," the nurse said the next day. "He's been waiting eagerly."

"Who's that?" Daniel asked with a strained voice.

It could be anyone from Mr. Collings to George and Sunny. It could even be Alvin wanting to apologise for stealing his phone. He still couldn't believe that part.

The nurse grinned at him and winked broadly.

"Felix of course."

The fact that Felix was still at the same hospital had completely slipped his mind. He hadn't thought of Felix since he had woken up. All the worry, the headaches and nausea had distracted him from everything.

Felix was still alive.

Robert May must have been caught before he got to the hospital.

"Is he allowed to visit yet?" he enquired.

"Your parents are coming later this morning so you can fit him in first," she explained. "You can introduce your boyfriend to your parents then."

Daniel stared at her for a few seconds. Had he heard her right?

"He's not my boyfriend. I only met him a few days ago."

The nurse looked confused. Something had to have given her the impression that he was romantically involved with Felix.

"He told me you were going out."

"We're not," Daniel assured her.

He was going to have some strong words with Felix when he saw him again.

"He seems to want to be your boyfriend," she said and changed the subject. "I'm going to take your blood pressure now."

Daniel held his left arm out dutifully. The sight of the needle marks on his other arm were still bothering him. The only positive part of the whole experience was that he didn't have any vein damage from the forced injections.

"The doctor will come and see you again before you can get visitors," the nurse said after she had told him that his pressure was normal. "I'll let your boy- I mean Felix in first if he's ready."


After being cleared for visitation, Daniel sat up in bed and waited for his first one to show up. Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long. Felix was shown in by the nurse a minute after the doctor had left. Due to the broken arm and leg, Felix was in a wheelchair.

"Hey," he said in a way that Daniel felt was greasy.

"Hello," Daniel replied flatly. He was still annoyed about the boyfriend claims. He was of course relieved that Felix hadn't been killed by Robert May.

Felix wheeled himself over to his bedside and smiled at him. He seemed to sense that Daniel wasn't in the mood for pleasantries as he started talking about something he was actually interested in hearing.

"I can tell you everything so you won't feel left in the dark about how you survived," he offered.

Daniel's attention was piqued immediately. "I can't say I haven't wondered how I survived a drug overdose and drowning."

"George and Sunny found Ben knocked out and she managed to find Christopher. Your cousin called the police and worked out where you were based on what they told him."

Daniel was surprised to find that he owed his life to Christopher. It was odd to think that they had disliked each other strongly only the week before.

"As for who pulled you out the lake singlehandedly and gave you mouth-to-mouth, that was me," Felix smirked.

Daniel squinted at Felix. The black-haired teenager was definitely in a wheelchair with a cast on his arm and leg.

"Felix, you're in a wheelchair," he scoffed.

Felix shrugged. "Anything for you."

"I'm going to tell the nurse to kick you out," Daniel threatened.

A few days ago he would have put the phone down on him, now he didn't have that option.

Felix sighed dramatically. "If I must tell you; Christopher was the one that dived in for you and gave you mouth-to-mouth."

Daniel shifted in his bed. It was odd to think that he now owed Christopher his life. Knowing his cousin, he would probably hold it over him. Or maybe not considering how close they were now.

He looked at Felix again who now looked more serious.

"If I had any idea that you would end up overdosing on drugs and nearly dying I would have told you to leave Kingston Royal Academy when we first met."

Daniel stayed silent for a while. If he'd left Kingston Royal Academy, Robert May would still be around trying to make murdering scholarship students a tradition and would probably have killed Felix by now. Nothing would have been resolved.

"I'm alive and the police are interested in Robert May," Daniel commented to change the tone.

"It wouldn't have happened if I had taken action much sooner," Felix sighed. "I'm sorry."

Daniel wasn't sure what to say in reply. It was true that if Felix had reported the prefects for supplying drugs before neither of them would be in hospital. Felix might be dead instead.

"Let's put this behind us," he said eventually.

Felix perked up and rapidly changed the subject.

"Christopher beat me to your first kiss."

It took a moment for Daniel to realise that he was referring to the resuscitation and not Christopher kissing him with romantic intentions. Then he processed Felix's implied meaning.

"Why do you think you've got a chance to kiss me?" he enquired archly.

It was finally time to find out if Felix's flirting had all been teasing or if he really was serious. Daniel wasn't sure what he would do if Felix was actually serious about him.

"I'm interested in going out with you," Felix stated plainly. "I've noticed that you haven't taken me seriously before."

Daniel averted his eyes self-consciously. He could feel Felix's gaze on him. His mind jumped to Sunny. She obviously had no idea that Felix's interest was not in females.

"I had more important things to worry about at the time..." he said awkwardly.

"What about now?"

Daniel felt that he had been put on the spot rather unfairly. He was supposed to be recovering not answering dating requests. Did he want to date Felix? He was moderately attractive which wasn't a concern and he was intelligent which was important.

Was he even gay?

He'd never considered it before. He hadn't been interested in anyone romantically in his previous life and had died before he'd had the chance to be in any sort of relationship with anyone.

Was now the time?

It was a new life and he wasn't busy solving cases all the time. Felix seemed like he'd be a good match for him, now was the time to put that theory to the test.

"I could try," he answered unsurely.

Felix beamed at him and leaned forward so their faces were less than a centimetre apart. Daniel glared at him. He had better not be going in for a kiss when he had only just agreed to date him. Their moment was disturbed by the door opening.

"Daniel, your parents are here," the nurse called out.

Felix withdrew his face hurriedly and Daniel internally cringed. It seemed like his parents had just caught him doing something inappropriate.

"I'll go now. You can give me your answer later," his love interest said hastily and wheeled himself out of the room.

Daniel stared after him. Was the sight of his second parents that scary? Admittedly the Earl could be very intimidating. That was mainly why the original Daniel wasn't alive now.

"Was that the infamous Felix Albury?" was the first thing his mother asked. "He looks like a nice young man."

The Earl didn't comment on Felix's presence and instead asked lots of questions about the Pudding Club. His mother interrupted regularly to ask how he was feeling.

"I had wondered if the club was mixed up with drugs whilst I was at Kingston Royal Academy," he said once the interrogation was over. "I never got close enough to it to find out. I would have told you the details if I had."

"We've been wondering if we should pull you out of Kingston Royal Academy and send you back to your old school," his mother said awkwardly. "You don't need to tell us all the details, we've heard from Christopher and the police."

Whilst Daniel was glad that he didn't have to tell them everything he had done, it reminded him that he didn't know what had happened to the five guilty members of the secret society.

"Where is Robert May now?"

"Still in police custody. He's had two charges of attempted murder against him. The prefects all testified against him and gave details about the drugs they administered to you to help the hospital save you. Those four are being charged for drug possession and supply along with him. The owners of the farm have been arrested for drug production as well. The prefects claim to be unaware of details regarding Jack Edwards's death and Felix's attempted murder. Do you believe that to be true?" the Earl questioned.

Daniel thought back to how shocked they were when they found out that Robert had left Jack dying on the ground.

"I do. I still think they carry some responsibility because they weren't completely ignorant and knew something was going on. They just were too afraid to do anything about it."

"You have a point there," his father paused. "It's going to sound strange coming from me because of the way I seem… but I think you did the right thing and I'm proud of you."

Daniel stared into the Earl's eyes to check if he was being serious and he was. He hadn't thought that the same person that had sent him to Kingston Royal Academy so happily and had been a figure of fear in the original Daniel's childhood would say he was proud of him for ruining a few of Kingston Royal Academy's traditions.

"I'm proud of you as well," his mother butted in and gave him an uncomfortably tight hug. "I just wish you hadn't nearly died in the process."

"The police will be coming to talk to you soon," the Earl added. "We're going to stay here to comfort you."

Daniel blinked. He really was seeing a different side to the Earl today. If only the original Daniel had got to see it instead of him.


"Kingston Royal Academy is getting smeared in the tabloid newspapers," Felix commented the next evening. "They've dug up a few things from the past. Looks like someone did really stick their balls in a pig's head 50 years ago."

Felix had somehow persuaded the nurse to let him hang around in Daniel's room all day. Daniel had been wondering if Felix would try anything of the amorous type again but nothing had happened. Their conversations had been perfectly normal.

"Of course someone did," Daniel rolled his eyes.

There was a knock on the door and he looked over to see the nurse showing Christopher into his room.

"How are you feeling?" his cousin asked after looking at Felix in confusion.

"I'm getting better," Daniel answered. "...Thank you for saving me."

It wasn't an understatement to think that he wouldn't have survived without Christopher.

Christopher scratched his face awkwardly and Daniel could see that his ears were red.

"It's okay. I've never actually hated you. I wouldn't want you to die," he said hesitantly. "Annabelle would have killed me if I hadn't gone in after you. You're heavier than you look by the way. You eat too much cake."

It wasn't worth feeling offended by the insult. The thought of cake made his stomach turn. His involvement with the Pudding Club had made him lose his sweet tooth.

"Are you coming back to school? It's haywire there at the moment. Lots of parents have taken their children out. I got a lift here from Mum- she says she won't take me out of the academy unless I want to go. What are you going to do?"

Daniel saw Felix perk up and Christopher looked hopeful that he would agree to return.

"I've missed the mock exams," was all he said.

"Only you would worry about missing mock exams," his cousin sighed and picked up the tea the nurse had made for him. "I'll let you off with that answer."

Felix chose that moment to make an outlandish comment that caused Christopher to spit out the tea.

"If you come back to Kingston Royal Academy, I'll be at your beck and call. I meant that romantically as well."

Daniel blinked and his mind took a few seconds to make sense of Felix's offer. Felix was very bold in more ways than one.

"I didn't know you two were interested in each other. I didn't even know you two were gay," Christopher commented after wiping up his mess.

Felix smirked. "We are most definitely are gay and interested in each other."

Christopher stared at Felix and cleared his throat. By now his face was a faint shade of red.

"I think I might be the third wheel here and my mother is waiting in the car. I'll take my leave now."

He exited the room quickly leaving them alone. Daniel sighed and glanced at Felix.

"Will you really be at my beck and call? What if I want you to do my homework for me?"

"Of course I can do that. I'll make you tea as well," Felix replied easily.

Daniel nodded. "We might have a deal."

He picked up the book he'd been in the middle of reading and paused. Talking about the academy had reminded him of something. It was something that he wouldn't mind having clarified if he was dating Felix.

"...Were you romantically involved with Jack Edwards?" he asked hesitantly.

Felix looked up and his expression was hard to read.

"No. We just stuck together because we were the only two scholarship pupils in our year. I ended up looking after him a lot. There wasn't anything romantic between us at all. I was sad when he died because he was my friend and we'd known each other for four years at that point. I was also angry because I knew it couldn't be an accident."

Daniel nodded. It was hard for him to emphasise as he'd never had a friend before, but he could understand.

"He was gay though," Felix added with a frown. "...He had a thing for Liam Brown."

Daniel sighed. The whole case had been difficult in more ways than one. He placated himself by remembering that all the guilty parties were known to the police and he'd given his testimony. Those five would never be able to hurt anyone else again.


6 months later:

"Daniel, the exams are finished, can we go on a date now?" Felix asked with a wink.

The pupil in question looked at his roommate irritably. Felix had been pestering him about going on a date for what felt like and probably was, half a year. After being discharged from the hospital, Daniel had decided to return to Kingston Royal Academy and Felix had followed him a month later.

There had been a number of changes to the school in the weeks that followed the incident. Robert May and the prefects had been expelled and had upcoming court trials. Christopher had become the Golden Lion house prefect and Hugo Barnes had taken over Liam's position. The Pudding Club had disbanded and so had the dating club due to the tabloids finding out the details and writing lurid articles about past pupils. Mr. Collings had been distraught that he'd fallen for so many lies and had become impossible to con.

Felix had become Daniel's roommate which had been fun for Daniel most of the time, although had found being pestered for dates when he wanted to revise annoying. The constant supply of tea and sweets from Felix had helped though.

"We can go on one tomorrow," Daniel agreed casually.

His boyfriend's face lit up and Daniel smiled. Perhaps it wasn't too bad going out with Felix.

"I'll polish your shoes and make you a cake," he said. "Do I get a kiss on this date as well?"

"Depends on the quality of the cake," Daniel quipped.

"I'm going to get started now," Felix said eagerly and left the room.

For someone that acted like a sleazy playboy, sharing a room with Felix had been uneventful. Felix had given him plenty of space and peace which he had needed after getting out of the hospital.


The Earl came to pick them up a week later. Felix's parents were still aboard in Japan and Daniel's mother had offered to let him stay at their house so they were leaving together.

Neither of them had made a firm decision on where they wanted to go for their next stage of education yet. Daniel knew where the Earl wanted him to go and could tell that his second father was waiting for his decision. Felix had the option of going to Japan with his parents or to stay in England with Daniel's family.

They were seen off by the strange combination of the headmaster, Mr. Collings, Sunny and George. Daniel had promised to contact Sunny and George regularly. Sunny had recovered from her crush on Felix and was now going out with George.

"Did you have fun after the exams?" the Earl asked once they were in the car.

The long driveway out of Kingston Royal Academy looked less imposing than it had all those months ago. Instead of being drenched in snow it was surrounded by grassy banks and flowers and the sun was shining.

"He had a lot of fun with me," Felix replied for him.

Felix winked playfully at him and Daniel nudged him sharply. Although they were in the back seat his father was observant and might notice the wink. He hadn't broken the news about having a boyfriend yet.

His father nodded in satisfaction. "I'm glad you finally had a chance to relax after everything that happened there."

"This is the last time you get to look at Kingston Royal Academy," Felix announced a minute later. "Are you going to miss it?"

Daniel took a glance at the old Victorian building that he had spent the remainder of his school days and remembered how cold and impractical it had been. The other pupils that had remained hadn't been too fond of him for exposing its secrets either. It was fortunate he had been too focused on exams to care.

"I won't miss it," he said truthfully and turned to look at Felix.

The only thing he had gained out of it was Felix and the satisfaction of solving the mystery. He watched Kingston Royal Academy disappear out of view with no regrets.

It was time to move onto something else.

CassandraKim CassandraKim


This is the end of the first volume of this story. I have decided to make it longer as there is still a lot to be explored.

Thank you to everyone who has commented, reviewed and given powerstones. It has been much appreciated.

I will need some time to plan the next volume so there won't be a chapter for a week or a little more.

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