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80% Forgotten Heroes / Chapter 48: Chapter 48

Chapter 48: Chapter 48

After two weeks the boat reached Kinzoku. The arid landscape could be seen from the windows of the ship. This island was known as a great desert, with large rocky mountains and little vegetation. The only traces of liquids, like freshwater, were several meters underground in tangled tunnels that looked like the roots of a large tree.

From the deck Elizabeth and Theodor watched with fascination the new world before them. Huge birds flew into the distance. Unlike the birds they met at Lhimkio, these creatures looked naked because they had no feathers, and their colors were dull and less fun.

"Look, look!" Theodor yelled, pointing in the direction the ship was moving.

A huge tower rose above the clouds. Its oval tip gleamed with the golden color that covered it. Large metal plates of the same material that could be seen at the tip decorated the tower with different patterns.

"That's one of the watchtowers," Sigurd said, sharing a little of what he had learned when he passed the island traveling to Morgrum.

Kinzoku was not a tourist spot, every exotic trait it ever had was removed and industrialized. This island was specialized in the trade of raw materials that could be extracted from its soil. One of these being the fuel used by all aircraft.

"There are more?" Elizabeth asked with her hands pressed to the glass.

"I think there are seven watchtowers," Sigurd replied.

"But I only see one," said Theodor

"The towers are in different places"

"Why?" Elizabeth asked again.

"They were constructed as the defenses of the island ..."

"But a dragon would destroy any tower," Theodor said, visualizing the incredible creature flying around the tower throwing flames at it.

"Although they're not good at attacking, the material with which they were built is tough enough to endure a dragon's attacks for a good time."

"Well, the dragon can ignore it and eat all the people," Theodor replied, pouting at Sigurd.

"That is why they are separated," Darthañan smiled, not being able to remain quiet. He had to interfere with the conversation.

"They must have some technomagical mechanism that allows them to deploy a force field," explained the human, satisfied with the conclusion he reached with so little information.

"It's not Technomagic or magic," Sigurd said, drawing Darthañan out of his complacency. "It's just pure technology. None of Kinzoku species is skilled in technomagic."

"If I were a dragon I could beat those towers," Theodor said, sticking his face to the glass just like his sister.

Frigglene reached where they were all gathered and set the snacks aside. Passing Darthañan and Sigurd, she went to where the two little ones and holding them both said:

"The glass is dirty. You cannot go about placing your faces on everything you see."

"Yes mom."

"I am not afraid of dirty things."

Elizabeth and Theodor replied respectively.

"I know you're not afraid of them," Frigglene replied, lowering them both to the table where they had eaten breakfast.

"But I'm concerned that bacteria will make you weaker than other children," said the vampire, grabbing a napkin and starting to clean Elizabeth's face.

Theodor, listening to his mother, turned pale. If he was aiming for something, it was to be stronger, not weaker.

"Mommy, clean me too," implored Theodor sticking his body to his sister's.

After a few hours they passed over the walls of Kinzoku, observing on each side of the dome a watchtower in the distance. Both structures looked much more impressive up close.

And as dusk fell, Kinzoku's capital Gorudo City appeared. The colossal city seemed carved from a single mountain. All the buildings on each of the four levels of the city were made of different materials of rock or metal, with decorations made of gilded plates. Three watchtowers surrounded the massive capitol towering above the other structures. And unlike the watchtowers they saw earlier, these three had gray crystals floating above them. They looked like concrete blocks floating over the towers.

Unlike Vorpiax, ships entered and left Gorudo flying to different places. And as the little ones soon realized: the city had no fun colors.

Once the boat landed at the port Darthañan and Frigglene lifted the children in their arms. Although Sigurd volunteered, both parents preferred that the nerthus carry the suitcases. From there they went to a hotel for six suns, an intermediate rank, which had everything they needed to spend a good night. The next flight they needed would be out in two days.

Once the bags were left at the hotel, the group went in search of a restaurant. Theodor and Elizabeth ran around their parents looking at all the new things. Creatures of metal and rock walked the streets that as it grew dark became illuminated by the lamp posts that carried buckets that seemed designed to kill insects. These creatures were Voidmaws and canogons. The former of aggressive nature and the latter quite affable. The canogons looked like golems with the appearance of turtle shelled bears. Their distinctive feature was that they could rotate their wrists and ankles 360 degrees.

When they reached the shopping area that the hotel manager had indicated, Darthañan and Frigglene chose a restaurant that served food for all kinds of creatures. The place was not very big and its austere appearance could make it look like a bar. Frigglene thought it was not an appropriate place for the little ones until she saw more families inside.

Once they were seated, Darthañan was struck by the conversation that two adult canogons were having at the table behind him.

"I am telling you. Things have been pretty weird lately."

"Weird things always happen around here."

"You don't understand me. In recent days all our products have been sold only to the military department. Have you not noticed that they seem rowdy?"

"Do you think they are preparing for a war?"

"I wouldn't be surprised. Juko, the supervisor at the foundry, is married to a chef at Baron Jinshu's mansion. And one of her companions told her that she had heard Yaiban scream in front of the baron that his brother had been killed."



"They must be exaggerating. Zihan is one of the strongest warriors in Kinzoku."

"That's why I tell you. If Zihan was murdered, the baron is most likely preparing to avenge his death."

"Well, let's enjoy these days. If what you say is true when they announce the war, we will have to work like dwarves."


Listening to the laughter of the canogons Darthañan pondered their words. As things were moving his family would be away by the time the war broke out. But there must be some way they could help Helvella. The Baron of Lhimkio had been very generous to them, and Darthañan felt bad not been able to help. His pride as a nobleman called him to tip the scales of war in favor of his benefactor.

"Dad, dad!" shouted Theodor clutching his father's arm.

The table they were was carved into the wall. It was circular. The little ones were sitting between their parents, Theodor next to Darthañan and Elizabeth next to Frigglene. Sigurd was sitting to Darthañan's right.

"Look, look humans!" Shouted the little boy pointing to a family similar to theirs.

Darthañan was concentrating on the conversation of the canogons and was startled the moment his son began to shake his arm. For this reason, Frigglene answered before him.

"They are dwarfs."

Theodor turned his head without understanding his mother's words.

" Their kind is a close species to humans, " said his mother.

"Eli, come with me to greet them," said Theodor slipping below the granite table.

The two little ones reached the dwarf family before their parents could react. Befriending their children in an instant.

Dinner continued smoothly and when they finished they returned to the hotel guided by the electric lights that illuminated the streets of Gorudo.

Once again the family read one of the Laxus stories before bed.

Danielruar Danielruar

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