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68.33% Forgotten Heroes / Chapter 41: Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Chapter 41

And soon the day came when they would leave Vorpiax. Darthañan, Frigglene, Elizabeth, and Theodor were in front of the commercial ship that would take them to the island of Baron Jinshu known by the name of Kinzoku.

The farewell was brief but emotional.

"Mushi, Lutza don't forget us," said Elizabeth hugging each of her friends.

"I don't want you to go," Mushi said starting to cry.

His brother was dead and now his friends were leaving him, Mushi's world was getting darker.

"Don't worry. Look what my dad gave us," Theodor said placing his backpack on the floor.

Checking among the toys he had packed, he took out some small stuffed cubes. He gave Lutza a pink one knowing it was her favorite color and for Mushi, he gave him a blue one for the same reason.

"They are communicators that will allow us to speak whenever we want." Theodor affirmed, taking out his, which was red.

These little gadgets were known as kidcoms, video calling, and messaging devices that were easy to handle. In addition to their adorable appearance, their appeal was because the parents could monitor how they were used, making them quite safe under the care of responsible parents.

Theodor brought his kidcom closer to the ones he had just handed over to Lutza and Mushi.

The night before, his dad had taught him and his sister how to use it. Through physical contact between the devices, the connection was established. A function that tried to guarantee that no child ended up talking to strangers.

Elizabeth performed the same action as her brother with her black kidcom.

"This is how it works," said Elizabeth squeezing the device.

A small holographic screen appeared in front of her. Immediately the other three children did the same.

"If you press the red button, I will take a picture of you." Indicated the little girl adorning her face with a beautiful smile.


The image of Elizabeth smiling appeared on the kidcoms of the other three children.

"Wow!" Mushi and Lutza exclaimed in surprise.

Soon, each child had taken their photo. Theodor appeared as if he had been frightened by the sudden flash with his eyes wide open; Lutza posed with a shy smile, and Mushi appeared smiling with his face full of tears.

"Now we just have to touch the photo that has a green dot to be able to speak."

Elizabeth immediately called Lutza, Mushi, and Theodor at the same time starting what could be considered a video conference.

"Do you hear me?"

"Hi, my name is Mushi."

"You all look smaller."

"Lutza listens."

While the children were playing with their kidcoms the adults were also saying goodbye.

"Thank you very much for all the help you have given us. Someday we will pay you back," said Darthañan shaking Helvella's hand.

"There is nothing to be grateful for, I am sure that your grandfather and your father would have done the same for my children," Helvella replied with a smile.

" Thank you, " said Frigglene, shaking Helvella's hand.

"Hahaha, you have to watch this husband of yours. Something tells me that he is prone to meddle in the problems of others," Helvella replied.

Frigglene gave a small smile with the comment. Darthañan meanwhile turned his gaze to Albella.

"You are a young lady with great potential. At eighteen I didn't even know where I was standing."

"Thank you," Albella answered shaking Darthañan's hand.

"But be careful when you try to learn from the mistakes of your past. There is nothing that can be changed so overthinking things can end up doing you more harm than good."

" I'll keep that in mind, " replied Albella, smiling.

Frigglene for her part gave Albella a big hug without saying a word.

Darthañan then gave his respective advice to Latispora and Rivularis. The first had been constantly consulting him to learn about technomagic and the second was too noble for the cruel world where they lived.

When the farewells ended, the family of four boarded the ship, listening to the cries of the little ones who each time found things they wanted to remind their friends of.

The ship they entered looked more like a blimp than a ship or a plane. It had several nicely furnished rooms. And being a means of transportation for passengers their facilities although simple were designed so that the site generated a pleasant atmosphere.

Upon arriving at their assigned room, they were greeted by a double bed and a bunk bed next to it, a private bathroom, and a small refrigerator that was the only additional thing they could see.

" I choose the upper bed, " said Elizabeth, running to the bunk bed.

Theodor seeing that he had just lost, looked at the double bed and jumped on it.

"Well, I choose the biggest bed."

"Hahaha, and where are we going to sleep?" Darthañan replied having fun with Theodor's way of acting.

"Mom can sleep with me. You can sleep in the bed below," answered the little one without hesitation.

" Don't even think about it, young man, " said Frigglene, clutching Tod.

"The big bed is for the parents," the vampire affirmed, placing her son in the lower bed.

" But, but it's not fair, " Theodor complained.

"You don't have to fight. You can take turns each night," said Frigglene looking up to prevent Elizabeth from opposing.

Seeing the pout of his adorable daughter Darthañan decided to intervene.

"Who wants to go out to see how we take to fly?"


"I do"

The little ones responded animatedly as if the discussion had not existed. Elizabeth jumped from the cabin to her parents' bed landing in a triumphant pose, then headed for the bedroom door. Theodor, seeing what his sister had done, climbed on the top bed and jumped to the other bed, landing and then bouncing. Pirouette that seemed much more spectacular to him than her sister's pose.

The family soon made their way to one of the decks where a glass dome let them see outside. There were other outdoor decks, but both parents did not have to speak to decide that it was too risky to go to these places with their restless children.

"Look, look there are Mushi and Lutza," Theodor said pointing to the place in the port where his friends were.

"Lutza, Mushi!" Elizabeth began to scream waving her hand.

At that moment the boat began to take off. The sudden movement made the little ones grab their parents' legs so as not to lose their balance. Sounds of awe and fear came from their little mouths.

"Look Lutza looks tiny," Theodor started laughing.

Elizabeth's laughter soon accompanied him and in that way between the laughter of the infants, the journey to Kinzoku begun.

Danielruar Danielruar

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