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40% Forgotten Heroes / Chapter 24: Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Chapter 24

The trip was quite calm, the ent of the group of Albella made way with his sauropodxylon for everyone to follow him. The huge wooden reptile advanced through the forest flattening almost everything in its path and with its tail leveled what was left behind. Unlike when they traveled to Vorpiax, this caravan required a smooth track to continue, since the mounts of the foreign groups and the carts were not optimal to move among the dense jungles of Lhimkio.

Along the way the five little ones fell asleep and thanks to a series of coincidences that seemed to be made by the gods themselves, they were not found. All travelers with super developed senses due to their power level at some point detected the vital signs, movements or internal energies of children. But as this signals were so small due to their young age, everyone assumed those signs as signs of rodents or vermin in the surroundings. 

These experienced warriors would have oversaturated their brains with the constant influx and stimuli all their senses gathered. Thus, minuscule signals, like all irrelevant stimuli which did not emanate any danger warnings, were left in the care of their subconscious.

In addition, the cart in which they had managed to sneak was the second one. So during the four hours that the trip lasted when some supplies were needed, only the first cart was searched.

Following the cues of a curious spherical"shaped technomagical tool that reflected what appeared to be a combination of a compass and radar in shades of blue and gold, which both Albella and Enok carried, the caravan reached the foot of the cranial peaks. The beginning of the great mountain range that ran around the entire island of Lhimkio as if it were the remains of a giant snake.

The cranial peaks took their name from the location they had in the great Lhimkio mountain range, as they rose to the heavens at the site shaped like the head of the colossal snake that according to the myths of the natives had died there, thousands of years ago.

"My evolts indicates that the energy comes from the underground area," Enok said, moving closer to Albella's mount. Not without first glancing furtively at Darthañan from whom he had become afraid of in recent days.

"Mine points the same direction," Albella replied, looking towards the great mountains tinged with flora.

As the caravan stopped behind Enok and Albella, the other leaders approached to find out what had happened.

"Why did we stop?" Zihan asked with a tone of voice that reflected how irritated he was, since what he liked least was traveling long distances riding in an uncomfortable ferampig. The wild boar and salamander"like rock animal was a fast, hardy species of cargo, but the smoke that came out of its snout, every five minutes, made him want to vomit.

"Both evolts indicate that what we are searching is underground," Albella replied without taking her eyes off the mountains.

"This place could be our camp, so we can all start exploring separately," Enok proposed with a weird face.

He was not able to remove the discomfort caused by the gaze of Darthañan, who for some time had been having fun with the reactions the multrow had to his gestures.

Madame Dembe took out her own evolt from one of her backpacks and upon seeing her, both Zihan and Darthañan followed suit. They like Madame Dembe wanted to verify what Albella and Enok were saying.

"Very well, here young Albella's servants can raise the camp," said Madame Dembe, getting down from her Yediram and handing over the reins to one of her companions.

"Gladly," Albella replied, ignoring the turtle quinoid's obvious provocation regarding its age.

"That's what I wanted to hear!" Zihan exclaimed grabbing his ferampig and tying it to a nearby tree.

The other voidmaws who followed him did the same and without saying another word they ran towards the mountains.

Madame Dembe frowned when she saw that the rock beings got ahead. With a glance she indicated two of her followers to leave first. The two quinoids one with grizzly bear characteristics and the other with the characteristics of a bloodhound handed the reins of their Yedirams to one of their closest companions and sniffing once or twice the air they set off in different directions.

The rest of the quinoids then tied their mounts to the trees near the camp and along Madame Dembe went out in a third direction. 

The third group to leave their mounts and go out to explore the cranial peaks was that of Darthañan. Seeing this, with a sigh of relief Enok couldn't help but ask Albella.

"Aren't you going to go after them?"

Albella smiled.

"I can ask you the same thing, why don't you go running like the others?"

"Haste make waste," Enok said and laughed getting off the huge mount that carried his weight without any problem.

Lumaca di Zampe, was the name of the enormous snail of one meter seventy that carried its large shells on six stout and slimy legs. 

The colors of the frames of the different mounts of the multrows varied in shades of purple, green, red, yellow and blue with exotic patterns that warned of the great toxicity of the poison that their secretions could emit.

"I agree," Albella commented getting off her Deerxylon.

The four servants rushed to set up camp, starting with the implements and supplies from the first cart. And while the four endur were busy with the boxes and suitcases, the groups of Albella and Enok left in their own directions. The search for the mysterious object had become a competition between the five groups.

Of the five children, the only one who had woken up was Mushi. He just listened to what was happening outside the cart because he was afraid that the group would be discovered because of him. Fear that precisely helped them, given that any other one would have poked their head out. And with just their gaze the experts from the different groups would have noticed a presence watching them.

Realizing that no one else was talking anymore, just listening to the light sounds that the Endur caused when organizing the camp, he decided to wake up his friends. First, he grabbed Elizabeth by the shoulders and moved her gently, when she woke up he repeated the same procedure with Theodor and his brother.

"Are we there yet?" Elizabeth asked wiping the saliva that had dirtied her adorable face with her forearm.

"I think so," Mushi replied.

"What? I want to see," Shimu said, sticking his head out.

Lutza had fallen asleep while she was sitting, and the movement of her friends in the basket woke her up.

"uaaaah!" Lutza yawned stretching her arms.

"Who's there?" Asked one of the endur servants when he heard the yawn.

Elizabeth's eyes widened immediately, the sleepy feeling that still lingered in her body after her nap disappeared.

"Lutza run!" Elizabeth shouted so they wouldn't get caught.

Hearing Elizabeth, Lutza jumped out of the boxes where she was hidden and sped into the mix of forest and jungle that was around them.

Hearing the commotion, the other servants approached out of curiosity, the endur who had heard Lutza and the subsequent scream of Elizabeth was a little scared. The cry of a girl and a huge creature jumping out of the luggage in the direction where the expedition groups had left, was something out of a horror movie.

"What happened?"

"What were those noises?"

"Who screamed?"

The three endur began to ask curiously, but soon calmed down when they saw the fourth one frightened face.

"So Something came out of the supply boxes."

"All that fuss just because of that?"

"Yes, maybe it was just a rat."

The servant who had seen Lutza jump shook his head.

"No, it was something much bigger. Half the height of the boxes and had a huge hump."

"Wait, are you saying that a two-meter animal was hidden in the second cart?"

"You! check if it took something."

The endur that the chief selected regretted his bad luck and resignedly approached the second cart. Closing his eyes and leaning over several of its branches, he poked his head through the boxes. Letting out a sigh, he opened his eyes to find out what was hiding in the cart. But what he saw were the camping tents crushed without any salvation.

"There's nothing here, but the camping tents were crushed by something"

Unlike the floral exclusive trip, where implements for spending the night in the open were less complex, organizing a camp for both floral, mammals, mollusks and rock people different items were needed. And unfortunately, everything had been ruined.

The other three endurs approached when they heard that there was no danger and when they saw how the tents were in ruins, color drained from their faces. How could they explain this to the young mistress? Even one of them pictured the intimidating voidmaws turning violent upon learning what had just happened.

"Wait a minute," the leader of the endur reached out one of his hands to pick up what looked like some kind of shoe or glove.

Examining the object, he was able to read a name and a number on its inner edge.

"Call the castle! I think we helped doctors Anya and Kolia's daughter escape to the forest."

Danielruar Danielruar

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