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16.66% Forgotten Heroes / Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

The wide and well-kept corridors gave the feeling of calm and tranquility, the sunlight illuminated almost everything in a natural way making the journey a refreshing experience. And although Frigglene also enjoyed the feeling of the place, her eyes moved to memorize all the places they passed, the windows that were there, the guards and servants and every detail that could be helpful in case they had to escape.

As they walked, Frigglene had conflicting thoughts, because if these people wanted to harm them, they would have done so already.

From the moment they met, during the trip and in this same place there were many occasions where they could turn against them. And they didn't, which could mean they were really good. On the other hand, if these beings did not want to risk them escaping as a few weeks ago, they could be taking them to a place where they were sure that no one could escape. And because of the condition of Darthañan's arms, it was impossible to use a forced teleportation to escape again.

Everything that had happened was weighing on Frigglene's mind, she had lost the ability to trust others and her mind was about to collapse.

On the contrary, Darthañan, who did not imagine the load with which his wife was being tormented, was calm. The coin Helvella had shown him meant that these Lepiots were part of the guardian families, and he being part of a guardian family knew the meaning of this. This was a safe sanctuary for him and his family. Had he known the mental stress his wife was suffering he would have explained the meaning of being a guardian family sooner, but he made a simple oversight causing suffering to the one he loved the most.

As they approached the medical villa they could see how the environment around them changed, the trees and plants that made up the castle turned into a color so pure white that looked like porcelain. This medical villa could seem like a small town of twelve two-story cabins with hundreds of exotic crops around them, these exotic plants with their bright and striking colors caused a great contrast to the white of everything that surrounded them.

"How strange we were not expecting anyone in the morning" said the feminine voice of a being that could be described as a small gorilla of thirty centimeters.

It was a Pikmi, the other native non-floral species of Lhimkio, its body was made up of fine purple crystals.

"Good morning Dr. Anya, we are bringing guests who need a medical check-up" said Albella, bowing her head in courtesy.

"What? what?" shouted a male pikmi emerging from among bushes more than twice its size.

"I didn't hear you well, you know my ears have been bothering me since I tried that syrup of Alcaglobolo" the new pikmi continued.

"Honey, we have visitors" Anya said looking at her husband with a smile.

That look paralyzed the newcomer, Darthañan sympathized as he knew the problems that brought those female smiles.

"Greetings Dr. Kolia" said Albella, removing the tension from the situation.

"Hehe" the pikmi laughed awkwardly.

"Doctor Anya, Dr. Kolia," Fusca said bowing.

"How many times have I told you that you don't have to speak to us so formally? We've known both of you since you were barely germinating" Anya said trying to look angry, but the affection in the tone of her words betrayed her.

"If our father knew, he would scold us again" replied Albella smiling.

"Ha! Let him dare and I will show him my fist" said the little purple male gorilla with confidence.

"Aren't you going to introduce us to your guests?" Anya asked curious about the sudden presence of the young masters.

"Good morning, my name is Darthañan, she is my wife Frigglene and these are our children Elizabeth and Theodor"

"¡Hmm! The donkey ahead" Kolia commented nonchalantly.

Darthañan turned red when he noticed the slip in his manners, but mentally he blamed his exhaustion. Although he regretted giving a bad impression to the baron's doctors who were helping them.

"Don't pay attention to him. He is angry because our daughter said mom first"

Fusca and Albella let out stifled laughter that they could hardly contain. Darthañan and Frigglene just smiled awkwardly.

"Shut up woman, I'm sure you cheated."

Anya ignored her husband and started walking towards one of the cabins.

"Follow me" Anya said, inviting them in to begin the checkup.

Elizabeth and Theodor were fascinated by everything around them unlike the adults, birds and insects, especially butterflies with their many colors, caused them infinite curiosity. So from the beginning both little ones had been trying to get away from their parents without any success.

Upon entering the cabin Darthañan and Frigglene could see its peculiar composition since its facilities were designed for the different sizes of all the inhabitants of Vorpiax. Well, all but ents.

"Let's see, let's start with the saplings" said Kolia, climbing into what looked like a 1.8 meters' robot with the appearance of a pikmi.

The robot was made of bluish white wood, its sturdy arms were controlled to receive both Elizabeth and Theodor. Kolia grasped them carefully, but tightly. The two little ones were trying their best to let go and worse, they had started crying and shouting when they were separated from their parents.

"Mama, mama" the little ones screamed.

Frigglene and Darthañan tensed at hearing their children's cries.

"Everything will be fine, I can see that you are first time parents" Anya said, indicating them to sit down.

First, Anya began to check Frigglene, scattering a few powders, and then projecting her energy onto a huge leaf, making it begin to levitate around Frigglene. Scanning her body, she could see that her energy was wasted, she was a little dehydrated and malnourished, but nothing that a few days of rest and good nutrition could not fix. What caught Anya's attention, was seeing that the woman's muscles were extremely stressed, her eyes were observing everything, moving at great speed, even her ears that were slightly longer than those of a human moved as if frightened.

"Oh darling" said the pikmi, going to some floral cabinets. The petals of these opened as soon as Anya approached. From among the cabinet she took a cup and some herbs; then, throwing the leaves in the bowl, with a few movements of her hand she materialized hot water to fill the bowl.

"Take this, it will do your body good"

Frigglene received the bowl cautiously, she was suspicious but rationally nothing that was happening indicated that they were going to hurt her, so she took a small sip. As soon as he finished, she drank all the liquid immediately. Anya received the bowl and gestured for Albella to come closer. At that moment Frigglene's body collapsed, Albella reacted immediately and took her in her arms, laying her on one of the stretcher-shaped branches that were in the cabin.

"¡Frigglene!" Darthañan shouted in alarm.

"Calm down, the poor thing was on the verge of an emotional breakdown" I just gave her a relaxant.

Darthañan stopped, had tried to get closer to where his wife was, but decided to let himself be examined. Anya repeated the same process as with Frigglene and identified the same problems in Darthañan: wasted energy, malnutrition, and dehydration. However, in addition to that he had severe burns on his arms, she noted that they had applied a basic healing magic that had only slightly amended the external wounds but the internal ones were quite serious. The situation of his arms had reached such a point that the wounds caused by the magical energy were poisoning his body from the inside.

Anya looked Darthañan in the eye, this male human would have died in two weeks if he had not received a fairly complex and expensive treatment. How had it ended this way? The pulses of the magical energy from his body and the magical energy from his wounds were the same, indicating that this man had self-inflicted this damage. What had led him to self-inflict tremendous injuries?

In the middle of her thoughts Anya looked at Frigglene and remembering the mental stress that the vampire presented she decided not to ask for the moment. If the young masters had come up with this guests. Soon she could find out what had happened, now the priority was to treat her patients.

Darthañan's arms were carefully uncovered, dipped in the honey of amethyst bees and bandaged again in the fiber of crystallized tulips. The process was long since his wounds needed quite a delicate treatment.

"Now take this" Anya said offering Darthañan a drink.

"Are you going to make me sleep too?" Darthañan asked a little nervous to see that his wife had not yet woken up.

"You are as relaxed as ignorant people are, you don't need any of that. This drink is the antidote you need"

"I need an antidote?" Darthañan was alarmed, the last thing he expected was to be poisoned. He searched in his mind and found that no animal or insect had ever bitten him.

Anaya sighed.

"The residual magical energy in the internal wounds of your arms have been poisoning you for several days"

"But this was not an attack, my injuries are a side effect of a teleportation magic I performed" Darthañan replied, confused by the fact that he had been poisoned by his own magical energy.

"Had it been a normal teleportation that wouldn't have happened, but it wasn't normal, was it?"

Darthañan was silent for a minute, the lady was right, he had carried out a forced, random teleportation of an enormous distance. The side effects on his cells could be quite strange, but poisoned by his own magical energy? That was bullshit.

"I don't understand how I'm poisoning myself with my own magical energy"

"If your magical energy consisted of cells, the magical energy that is poisoning you would be like a cancer in your body"

Darthañan thought about it for a moment.

"Is it corrupted energy?"

All the adults present froze with the comment, the corrupted energy was taboo for today's civilization.

Danielruar Danielruar


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