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3.33% Forgotten Heroes / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

"Ta da?"

Frigglene smiled, only her husband would make such a silly joke in a situation like this. Seeing the little babies so vulnerable, something moved inside her. She reached her arms and lifted the closest one, the boy of just one year opened his big eyes and stopped crying. The color of the boy's irises made her step back and let out a surprised sigh.


<Golden, the mark of the royal family> thought Frigglene, covering her mouth in amazement. This type of eye color was thought to be lost in the great cataclysm and had just appeared in front of her. There was no way to be mistaken, the superior (origin) blood types generate a certain kind of pressure on all lower lineages that come from them.

Frigglene at the time was feeling the confirmation in her own blood. That these little beings were royal descent.

"What happened?" Darthañan asked worried about the reaction of his wife.

"Nothing to worry" Frigglene sighed as if she still couldn't believe what she was about to say. "These children have origin blood"

"Are they supreme humans?" Darthañan asked surprised by what his wife had just told him.

"No, they are royal vampires"

"¡Wow! And to think they were thought extinct" Darthañan moved closer to observe the children in more detail.

"The races with superior bloods have a very low probability of conceiving, I suppose that their parents must have spent many resources for these two to survive the cataclysm"

Frigglene's eyes widened at the phrase of her husband, the vampire directed her gaze to the pieces of bloody glass and let out a surprised sigh again.

"The mother made sacrifice seal with her own body"

"Why would she do something like that? It would have been just as effective to perform a blood seal, drawn beforehand"

"That would not have worked with unborn" Frigglene's eyes grew moist as she realized that the mother of these two sacrificed herself to save them, performing blood seal magic that would have caused her unimaginable pain. She had not even seen them, who knows what stage of the pregnancy she was in; but, even so, to give her own life without hesitation. Frigglene was deeply moved by this mother's conviction, not everyone would be willing to suffer such horrible torture for an unborn.

Frigglene's hands moved gently and seeing him in her arms, she couldn't help but smile. How long had they been trying to have children, and neither with the most powerful magic nor with the most advanced technology had they been successful. And now, for what some would consider divine grace and others, one of the most beautiful coincidences, two little babies, of both races, human and vampire, were in front of them, in the middle of a desolate place.

"Darth, don't you think they are the miracle we've been waiting all this time?"

Darthañan smiled, how could he not know what his wife was thinking? If even he had thought the same thing when he saw the little boy in Frigglene's arms. He moved with much effort and very carefully, as if she was the most delicate piece of glass in the world, picked up the little girl.

His arms were still in a very bad shape, Frigglene had bandaged them with plants she had found nearby and had applied a little basic healing magic to him, but the pain with any touch resembled sticking tiny needles in his muscles directly on the nerves. However, he held the little girl in his arms while his eyes reflected the happiness of being able to perform one of the acts he had dreamed of so much.

"I am carrying our daughter" Darthañan said in a shaky voice, unable to believe it.

Frigglene smiled at him "Yes, from now on, they will be our precious children"

The little baby settled into the arms of her now adoptive father, her eyes still closed, as if nothing in this mortal world concerned her. On the other hand, the little boy Frigglene was carrying watched everything around him, as if nothing was enough to satisfy his curiosity.

The couple entered a small trance of five minutes, during which they digested the decision they had just made. From then on they were parents.

Who would have imagined that everything that had happened the day before would lead them to these little ones?

"She is so small" said Darthañan without taking his eyes off the baby. "How shall we call them?" He asked worried, just then he understood the seriousness of the matter.

The name they chose would accompany their children for the rest of their lives. Just thinking about it made it difficult for Darthañan to breathe.

"These kids are a gift from heaven"

Frigglene grabbed the little boy hand "You are a gift that only the god of the gods could grant. What do you think if I call you Theodor?

The little boy blinked his huge eyes before releasing a carefree laugh that melted Frigglene right then and there.

"I think someone likes his name" Frigglene smiled, playing with the baby's little hand.

Darthañan froze, only his eyes moving between Frigglene, Theodor and the baby in his arms. For a time, he waited for Frigglene to speak, but the moment did not come.

"Frigg, what's the girl's name?"

Darthañan's voice seemed like a whisper, revealing the nerves he had.

"I'm sure you will give her a beautiful name" the charming vampire smiled at him.

<How could his wife think of letting him name the baby? One wrong move and it could be ruining her life>

"Calm down my love, I don't think any of this is a coincidence. We being here after all that has happened is proof of this.

His wife's words made him think more clearly. What he was about to do was an act of love. No one was forcing him, it was not his duty nor did this represent any burden. What should be the feelings he wanted to reflect in his daughter's name?

"I think I already know" Darthañan looked at his wife. "How about Elizabeth?"

"It's a beautiful name"

"It means committed to God, and not just anyone. With the supreme god from whom everything comes. Thus throughout her life she will always be protected"

Just then, little Elizabeth opened her eyes, as if confirming that she had received the name of her adoptive father.

"I think she agrees" said Frigglene.

"Yes, it seems so" Darthañan smiled.

Exactly when he finished saying that Frigglene let out a cry of pain that took him by surprise.

"¡What happened? Are you ok?!" Darthañan was alarmed. After all they had been through, he was somewhat paranoid.

Frigglene transformed her right arm into smoke, carefully placed Theodor on the ground, approached her husband and materializing her arm again, took Elizabeth and placed her next to her brother.

After a deep sigh she said "We have to seal their energy, they are too powerful"

Darthañan tilted his head to the side, narrowing his eyes, trying to understand what he had just heard. Babies no older than three years were powerful enough for his wife to ask him to seal off their energy. What kind of folly was that?

"Theodor broke my finger" Frigglene stated, showing him her hand.

Darthañan's eyes widened. How was this possible? It wasn't even the fact that Theodor was only three years old and possessed great physical power, being half vampire his body was obviously superior to that of a normal human. However, his wife was not a human, she was a vampire, and not just any vampire, her power were among the experts of the kingdom.

And now he had to believe that a baby who can't even speak broke her finger?

Frigglene seeing her husband's face puffed out her cheeks and frowned "you don't believe me?"

"¡Hmm!" The tone of the question scared Darthañan.

"No... it's not that I don't believe you, but..."

"But is it impossible for a two-year-old to break my finger?"

Darthañan felt uncomfortable doubting his wife, even more, when seeing Frigglene angry his mind froze. It was thanks to his experience dealing with all kinds of people every day that he decided to breathe deeply and calm his mind.

"I believe you, Frigg, just give me a few days to get my energy back."

In the state he was in, he couldn't measure the energy within the children, much less seal it.

Frigglene smiled at him.

"Of course my love"

Darthañan put his hand to the back of his neck and smiled as if he had just come out of a big problem, his wife's mood swings even to that day baffled him.

"Now, you are forbidden to lift them."

"Excuse me?"

"In the condition you're, both can cripple you."

Darthañan swallowed the words he was about to pronounce. He looked at his hands and could only sigh. The effects of doing forced teleportation were far from simple.

At that moment, the morning light gently illuminated the entrance to the cavern. Both Theodor and Elizabeth were surprised to see the light of day for the first time. Contrary to common sense their eyes didn't needed to adapt to the sudden change, their big eyes only blinked with curiosity.

And while Frigglene and Darthañan decided how they would survive in this forest while raising their new children. The two little ones began to crawl, their small limbs at first didn't balanced the weight of their bodies well, making them fall and spin. Anyone who saw this would find it comical. However, after a few attempts Elizabeth managed to stabilize. Seeing her, Theodor copied her posture, when Elizabeth saw him, she babbled some sounds and then they both left to where the light came from.

On any other occasion neither Darthañan's nor Frigglene's senses would have failed to detect the two naked babies who crawled out of the cave. But right now, after going through a life or death crisis, their bodies were in the worst possible condition. Frigglene, who had been able to regain some of her energy, thanks to the bloody crystals was concentrating on recovering her body. Having placed detection traps outside the cavern, they did not have to worry about the surprise attack of some forest creature, so their senses were not displayed.

It was in the middle of their conversation that one of those simple traps was activated.


Both immediately turned toward the entrance of the cavern. In the background, the moissanite bear they thought, they had lost two days ago, was staring at the two infants who had just left the cave without the consent of their parents.

Danielruar Danielruar

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