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100% Era of Gods (Proof of Concept) / Chapter 1: Special
Era of Gods (Proof of Concept) Era of Gods (Proof of Concept) original

Era of Gods (Proof of Concept)

Author: LotusPetals

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Special

I've always wanted to be special. I'm even willing to bet all of my organs that everyone over the age of five — maybe four has wanted to be special at something, to someone, or just in general.

Most people want to be talented in a field such as sports. Or maybe at a subject that holds a place in their heart for example math, science, or even poetry.

A few of us however wants to be special in another way. We want to have something, be something that no else in the world is. It's not as though we have this compelling need to be different that's eating through our heart, at least that's the case for me. I just don't want to be the same as everyone else.

Everyone is just so dull — so fake. Their smiles, laughs, tears, and relationships are just simulations that can collapse at any moment with a single bullet.

If I could just be a little bit different from the rest. Even if I am as plastic as they are, I at least want to have a simulation that people will bother to look back upon after I reach the final arc of my story.

Living most of my life with these thoughts in my mind, even at a young age — I grew up pushing myself through the viruses sent my way. I studied for tests, made friends, lost some, got into two relationships which both ended with me getting annoyed by how much plastic was being fed to me, and eventually graduating and going to college.

Working a part-time for the sole purpose of putting food in my stomach, I was just a corner away from turning twenty-one which would mark my official coming of age. Legal drinking.

I've drunk many rows of stolen beer cans and wine bottle but I just had this gut feeling that something would change. Something worthy of popping a champagne bottle and celebrating with my action figure friends and family.

Walking home for work, I was at the final block separating the gold statues of low value from the copper trophies placed on the highest pedestal. It was pouring out so with an umbrella above my head, I was texting a friend under a tree while waiting for the rain to calm down just enough for me to have a grasp of my surroundings.

The sound of the raindrops falling and then splattering on the floor was rhythmical. Enough so where the sudden stop would grab your attention. I closed my umbrella. The rain that had been collecting there showered my head.

Still in the shade, I took a peek up at the sky. It was ruby-red and the clouds had vanished into the abyss. The sun was no longer visible blocked by a round object increasing in size every moment.

To be more specific, the charcoal object engulfed in flames was heading closer to the surface where I was standing. I estimated in my head how big it would be when it land. All I could do was stand there while letting out a genuine chuckle while waiting for the game to be over.

Surprisingly and — sort of disappointing, I didn't die. When I reopened my eyes, I was laying on a bed with chains all over me tying me down to what I presumed to be a hospital bed.

Looking over to my sides were doctors, police officers, reporters, and all sort of people ranging from low end jobs to high officials working for the government.

A cluster of words were thrown my way. Unable to decipher any of them, I was still in the dark of the situation. There was a giant meteor. And then what happened?

In the front of the crowd was a man. He had white hair and the top of his head reflected the light. In one hand was a cane supporting his heavily arched back. In the other was documents.

He tapped the floor softly twice and like a wave in the ocean, everyone went silent in order from distance.

"Good morning Mr. West. I hoped you had a good nights rest as you will need it," the old man said as he disappeared into the crowd.

The crowd kept track of where the old man was and only when he disappeared did they came rushing once again.

The officers created a perimeter around me blocking all those attempting to rush me. Slowly they began quieting down. People lifted their hands waiting for me to choose them as they were ready to ask me questions they had been dying to get the answers to.

I didn't know what they were going to ask of me but it must've had something to do with that meteor.

After organizing my thought, I picked out someone of the crowd who looked harmless.

The young man looked down onto his notebook and then looked right back at me. Square into my pupils. "Why were you the only survivor?"

"The only survivor? Please elaborate?" I requested him.

"The meteor that devastated your city down to its last atom. When firefighters and officers alike arrived to the scene of the crime, the only thing they founded was fire, ash, and a man on his knees where the center of the destruction was done. Eyes opened, heart beating, hands on fire but not turning crisp. That's you. Can you explain how this was possible Owen West?"

Well, I can't even recall this so how could I possible answer your questions?

I was thinking about a few things before I let out a sentence. "Today's my birthday." Then I let out a chuckle before closing my eyes ready to sleep.

[...… To Be Continued When Series Officially Begin.]

[Chapter isn't over. Just on hold until writing officially begins.]

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