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Chapter 5

"Your Majesty," said Enzo while bowing. In front of him was Amery Kingdom's king, King Elias.

"No need to bow," said King Elias. Enzo got up and looked at King Elias.

"Why are you here?" asked Enzo. Enzo and King Elias used to be in the same party and they were close friends. Dean easily got married to a princess was due to them being close friends too.

"I heard your son, Daniel awakened today. Do you still remember the promised we made years ago about marrying your son, Daniel with my daughter Emma after they both awaken their power?" asked King Elias.

"I do remember about that but unfortunately, it won't be possible," said Enzo.

"Hmm? Why is that not possible?" asked King Elias.

"Daniel is not as lucky as Dean and Declan. He awakens a common potential and all his stats are at the lowest, G-. A princess should be pair with someone with lots of potential and Daniel is not one of them," explained Enzo.

"Hmm~ I guess fate is not with them," said King Elias.

"I am sorry to disappoint you. If I am not mistaken, the son of Viscount Venn awakens a good potential and his stats is pretty good too. I met him once before and he looks like a good kid," said Enzo.

"Thank you for your recommendation. I will look into it. Finding a good partner for my daughter is really hard," said King Elias.

"How about the Queen? She does not have anyone in mind?" asked Enzo.

"She did find someone but after a bit of investigation, that guy had some attitude problem," said King Elias. "I think I will look into Lord Venn's son."

After a bit more talking, King Elias left Enzo's office. Daniel was arranged to be the one marrying Princess Emma after he was born. That happen because a fortune teller with her prediction power said that Daniel will do big things in the future. That fortune teller had 80% chance of success in her prediction and the best fortune teller in Amery Kingdom and thus everyone believes that Daniel will awaken an amazing potential. However, Daniel did not awaken anything amazing.


Daniel woke up early the next day. When he woke up, there was a notification from his life quest. He was shocked that there was something happened to his life quest. He immediately checked and found out that the completion for his 'get married' quest went from 50% to 0%. He found it weird. He did not have any clue why it was 50% and now it turned to 0%. He thought that maybe the system made a mistake and fixed it.

Daniel did the same daily quest as the previous day in the morning and raised his stats. This time he did not take long to finish each quest as he knew what to be done. After he finished his daily quest, Daniel went out to buy Ginger his bed. He took the bus and went to a shopping mall.

Waston city was huge. Daniel went to the shopping district to find Ginger his bed and complete the quest. He remembered that there was a big shop selling pets related things in C shopping mall. The mall was one of the main attractions of Waston City. Lots of people comes from all around the world to shop here.

The bus stopped at a bus stop near the mall. Daniel went out and a huge and tall mall can be seen. That was not the first time Daniel went there. Daniel came from a well-off family so he always went to the mall. His mother was a successful and popular lawyer while his dad a general in the military as well as a Baron.

Daniel walked towards the mall. Elves, Beastman, dwarves, can be seen a lot here. Daniel went inside the mall and took the elevator to 7th floor where the shop was. Daniel arrived inside the shop and went to the pet bed section. There were a lot of selection of pet bed and Daniel did not know what to choose.

"Oooo~ this one is super soft," said Daniel while touching one of the beds. "Ginger will love this but there is no color that I like… as long as it will be comfortable for Ginger whatever color is fine," said Daniel while he took the bed with blue color. Before he went to pay for the bed, he decided to buy Ginger some toys so he walked around the pet shop looking for toys for Ginger.

While looking for toys, a notification appeared. The notification was in red color. Daniel was shocked by that and checked immediately.

'New emergency quest. A child is a target for assassination. Stop the assassin from killing the child. Time limit: 5 minutes. Reward: Level limit+10, attack +2%, speed +2%, intelligent +2%, luck +2%.'

"Huh?" Daniel quickly looked around for a child but there were too many of them. "What the? Which child? Too many of them."

Daniel quickly went around the shopped but instead of looking for the child, he was looking for the assassin. "Someone suspicious, someone suspicious." "Who is the assassin? How many of them?" While looking for the assassin, the time keep ticking. Daniel looked at the time limit and there were only 50 seconds left.

"Shit! Where? Where?" and then someone screaming nearby. Daniel look at that direction and a shadow was seen moving on top of the ceiling and left the shop. Daniel ran towards the scream and lying there was a boy around 7 years old with blood pouring out of his neck. His neck was cut and beside him was a young girl around the same age as Daniel… Her neck was cut too. Both of them died on the scene.

'Ting~ Quest fail. Failure to stop the assassin cause his sister to die too'

". . ." Daniel was shocked. His eye wide opened, his body was stiffed from the shocked, he was sweating and words can't get out of his mouth. The police came after a few minutes and Daniel left the scene. Daniel was sitting at the bus stop, staring blankly in space. He was waiting for bus but many buses already passed him. He did not buy the bed for Ginger and he was in total shocked.

Another bus came and he came to his sense and ride the bus home. When he arrived at home he went straight to his room and lied on his bed with his face on top of his pillow. After a few minutes, he checked his phone and saw the news about that kid.

The boy and his sister were the children of a woman named Stella. Stella was a popular actress in Amery Kingdom. She was also an SS Rank Adventurer. Someone had a grudged on her and paid an assassin to kill her children. The news also shown a video of Stella crying while holding both her children.

"… This is my fault… I knew what will happen but I failed," said Daniel and tears started flowing down his eyes. Daniel blamed himself for the death of the boy and his sister. He got the quest but he failed to complete it. He was too weak. He can't even find them until they were killed.

"I should ask for help… I should shout or something…," said Daniel. Daniel locked his phone and closed his eyes and he fell asleep from the stress and pressure he felt.

"Daniel… Daniel… wake up. Its dinner time," Daniel's mom woke him up. Daniel woke up but he did not feel refreshed at all. He went to the dining room and Enzo was there. Dean and his wife, Princess Ella was there too.

"What with that face? You look tired. Are you training too hard because you want to become strong faster?" said Dean in a playful tone. Daniel did not reply and he sat beside his mom.

"I heard about what happen yesterday. Don't worry Daniel, if you work hard, you can become strong too. Even if you can't, I'm sure you can find something that you can do. You are smart so you will be fine. Cheer up," said Princess Ella trying to cheer Daniel.

"Thank you. I will do my best," said Daniel without any feeling. Dean and Ella looked at each other.

"Mom, did something happen? I thought you said he is fine yesterday," asked Dean. Daniel's mom looked at Enzo.

"Daniel, did something happen?" asked his mom. Daniel not responding, he only looked down. Daniel's mind was still filled with everything that happened earlier. He was thinking of everything that he should have done. His mind was in chaos.

Enzo was looking at Daniel, "Let's eat," said Enzo and everyone started to eat. Dinner for that night was Blood deer's meat steak. Daniel was cutting the steak and he stopped. He drank the water and ate the fruit instead of the steak. The steak reminded him of the kid and he lost his appetite.

MuZikr MuZikr

thank you for reading :)

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