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Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Daniel finished his dinner, helped his mom cleaning the table and he went to the living room. While waiting for his mom, Daniel switch on the tv and watch whatever it was that was on tv. After the 'World Fusion', technology was not the main focus for human but technology was still used widely but it was now complimented with magic. For example, the treadmill that Daniel used for his running training used the electric magic stone to activate. Even the house electricity was powered by the electric magic stone. Car was also still widely used in the world but they are not using petroleum like before but using magic stones.

Magic was renewable. Magic stones can easily be found inside monsters. A grade G electric magic stones can be used for 5 days in a small house. If used with care they can last for two weeks. Using magic stones for daily uses won't cost much but magic stones were more important for adventurer and military as they were used to fight monsters and monsters attacked villages, towns and cities every day.

"Daniel, let's do it now," said Daniel's mom.

"Ok," said Daniel.

Both Daniel and his mom sat on the carpet in front of the television. They both held each other hands and Daniel's mom started explaining.

"I will flow my magic into your body and don't do anything and let it flow into your body. Feel the magic and then try to feel your own magic core. Since your magic stat is G- it will be hard to feel it but I will help you. Once you feel your magic core, try to move the magic inside it. You are new to magic so it will be hard at first but the more you train the better your control will be," explained Daniel's mom.

"Understand," said Daniel.

Magic can only be used by those who have awakened. During awakening, magic core will be created inside the body and everyone can use magic once they have the magic core inside their body. If they have magic stat, it was possible to strengthen the magic core but if they did not have magic stat, they can't strengthen it. Since Daniel have magic stat, it was possible for him strengthen his magic core and the way to do that was by increasing his magic stat.

"Let's start now," said Daniel's mom. Her body faintly glowed with white light. The white light moved toward Daniel and also enveloped Daniel's body. Daniel was closing his eyes and he can feel that a warm feeling was moving in his body. His hand, body, leg all felt warm.

"Feel my magic and try to find your magic core now," said Daniel's mom.

Magic core can be located anywhere inside the body. It usually located near heart but there were some cases where the magic core was in other parts of the body like the leg, head and hand.

Daniel feel his mother's magic and try to feel if there was another different magic inside his body. That different magic will be his magic core. After about 2 minutes, Daniel smile.

"I found it," said Daniel.

"Then, try to move the magic inside into your body. Even getting it out of the core will be enough for you to activate your magic," said Daniel's mom.

Daniel try to move the magic inside his magic core. 'This is much harder than I expected' thought Daniel. After a few tries, he managed to move a little bit of magic out of the core. When he did that, Daniel's mom stopped flowing her magic into Daniel.

"How is it?" asked Daniel's mom.

"It was really hard but I have grasped the way to do it. All I need is practice," said Daniel while smiling.

"At the beginning, try to flow it into every parts of your body. Don't try to form it outside your body if you can't flow it to your other body parts. You might injure yourself," said Daniel's mom.

"Okay, thanks mom," said Daniel. He stood up, picked Ginger and went to his room.

"Phew. Now, let's start 30 minutes of magic training," said Daniel. He sat on his bed and started training. After 30 minutes a notification appeared.

'Daily quest magic training complete. Reward obtains. New daily quest created'

Daniel checked the new daily quest.

'Magic training quest. Magic flow training for 30 minutes. Reward: mag+1%'

Daniel continued magic flow training for another 30 minutes and finished magic training for the day. He managed to control his magic around his heart. Since his magic core was at the right side of his heart, he only able to flow his magic to his heart. He tried to go further but it was hard.

"Now for my luck training… How can I train my luck?" said Daniel and suddenly he got some idea. "Maybe that will work. Let's try it," Daniel pulled out a box from under his bed and searched something inside it. "Found it!" Daniel took out a box of poker cards.

He looked at the poker cards and took out the ace of heart, jack of heart, queen of heart, king of heart and joker. He mixed five of the cards and arrange it in front of him. "Find joker," said Daniel. He chose one of the cards and flipped it to see if it was joker. "Ah. Not joker. This will take a looooong time. This will be the same as accuracy training," said Daniel.

After four hours of luck training, finally he completed it and new daily quest also added. It was just like what he predicted. Daniel checked the new daily quest.

'Luck Training quest. Choose the right card 100 times. Reward: lck+1%'

"Should I do this again? It almost midnight," said Daniel.

'Ting~ 12am. Daily quest refresh.' The system notified Daniel.

"Ah! I missed my chance. I am not sleepy yet. Maybe I should do the choose the right card now… Wait, the quest said choose the right card but it never said from how many cards should I get the right card. Let's try using only the ace and joker. I should try everything possible," said Daniel and he took the ace and joker and started the quest.

After almost 40 minutes he chose the right card for the 100th times but no notification came. "I guess it is not working. Let's try 3 cards," said Daniel and he did the quest again. The 3 cards were harder than 2 cards and it took Daniel an hour and 30 minutes to get his 100th times and this time, the notification came.

'Ting~ Complete luck training quest and choose the right card quest. Rewards obtain'

Daniel checked his stats and a big grin appeared on his face. He clenched his fist to the air, "It stack. My luck stat increase from G- [2%] to G- [4%]. Nice!!! That means if I train my slashing training, I will get 2% attack stat from attack training quest and slashing training. Thank you quest menu. I will train my hardest everyday and becomes stronger and then I will find The Core," said Daniel.

"It is late. I need to sleep. Tomorrow I need to buy Ginger his bed," said Daniel. He looked at sleeping Ginger and said, "Good night, Ginger." Daniel switched off the light and went to sleep.


After the 'World Fusion', Earth became completely different with its size increase to 10 times but not only the size, the Earth's geography also changed. Multiple moons, flying islands and many more appeared. Original Earth have seven continents however after the 'World Fusion', Earth now have 16 continents and each of these continents were five times bigger than Asia. All the original seven continents were inexistent after the 'World Fusion' thus no more country like United States, China, Russia and others. With monsters running rampage everywhere around the world, strong human started to appear one by one and all these strong humans created their own kingdom and becomes their king.

Waston City was Amery Kingdom's capital city. Amery Kingdom was founded by an adventurer name Emery three years after the 'World Fusion' with the help of four other adventurers. Emery became Amery Kingdom's first king and the other four adventurers became the four Duke of Amery Kingdom. All five of them were still alive and healthy however, Emery was no longer the King. He passed down the throne to his son, Elias. Emery now enjoyed his life in peace and sometimes participating in difficult missions.

After humans awakened magic, they realized that their lifespan also increased. The higher the level they reached, the longer they lived. How much longer was still unknown.

Waston City's Military base. General Enzo's office.

Enzo was Daniel's father. He has been a general for 25 years. Enzo was sitting in front of his desk checking documents when someone knocks on the door.

'Knock knock'

"Come in," said Enzo.

The door opened and a man who looked to be around the same age as Enzo entered the office. Enzo saw the man and immediately stood up from his seat.

"Your Majesty," said Enzo while bowing.

MuZikr MuZikr

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