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Chapter 2

In front of the fireplace, Daniel was wiping and drying the kitten. It was winter so the pond was really cold. After Daniel finished drying the kitten, he pets the kitten and the kitten looked at Daniel.

"Meow~" the kitten meow and it rubbed its head at Daniel.

"Are you thanking me? Haha, you are cute," said Daniel.

'Ting~ New normal quest creates' the system notified Daniel.

"A new quest created?" Daniel checked his quest menu and clicked on the normal quest.

'Adopt the kitten. Reward: Luck +1%'

"Whoa, for real? I can get free luck stat if I adopt this kitten?... but I need to ask mom first," said Daniel. "Little guy, wait here a bit, I will ask my mom first," said Daniel and he immediately went to find his mother. A few minutes later, Daniel and his mom came to the living room.

"So, is this the cat?" asked Daniel's mom.

"Yeah, is it okay if I take this kitten as my pet?" asked Daniel.

Daniel's mom looked at Daniel and, in her mind, 'I guess this is fine if this kitten can make him happy'. "Sure, I don't mind," said Daniel's mom. She worried that Daniel will be downed since he got unlucky with his awakening so she allowed him to take the kitten as his pet. Daniel's mom then left him with the kitten.

"Nice, thanks mom," said Daniel while smiling.

'Ting~ Quest complete. Reward obtains. Luck increase G- [1%]. New normal quest and daily quest created.'

"Another normal quest and new daily quest? Is this chain quest? Hmm~ I have not checked the other quest yet but I think I should finish the kitten quest first," said Daniel. He opened the normal quest and clicked on the new quest.

'Name the kitten. Reward: Cat Collar'

"Haha, my quest system is impressive. I get free item just from naming my kitten. Well then, what name will be good for you," said Daniel. He grabbed the kitten and bring the kitten on his lap. "Hmm~ Should I name you Ginger since you are a ginger cat," said Daniel.

"Meow" the kitten meowed.

"Ginger will be your name," said Danial.

'Ting~ Quest complete. Reward obtains. Ginger stats can now be view' After the system notified Daniel, a cat collar appeared in front of Daniel. The cat collar was brown and 'Ginger' name was on it. Daniel put the collar on Ginger but it was too big but the collar suddenly shrinks and fit into Ginger's neck.

"A magic item? For real? My quest menu is totally different. That's right! I can view Ginger stats. Ginger stats," said Daniel and Ginger stats appeared.

Name: Ginger

Age: 5 weeks

Happiness: 100% (max)

Trust: 25%

Loyalty: 70%

Equipment: Cat Collar Loyalty+50%

"… Happiness, trust and loyalty. Happiness is max but trust is only at 25%. Thanks to the collar, ginger loyalty to me is at 70%. Viewing my cat status…Nice and as I thought, the collar is a magic item," said Daniel while smiling. "Now that everything is done, time to check my daily quest," said Daniel and he quickly checked his daily quest.

"Ginger quest and training quest? So, the system separates the quest," said Daniel. Daniel clicked on the Ginger quest and 2 different quest appeared.

'Feed Ginger. Reward: Trust+1%.'

'Clean Ginger. Reward: Loyalty+1%'

"Okay. Now let see my training quest," Daniel clicked on the training quest.

'Attack training for 30 minutes. Reward: atk+1%'

'Speed training for 30 minutes. Reward: spd+1%'

'Accuracy training for 30 minutes. Reward: acc+1%'

'Magic training for 30 minutes. Reward: mag+1%'

'Intelligent training for 30 minutes. Reward: int+1%'

'Luck training for 30 minutes. Reward: lck+1%'

"So, I just need to train for 30 minutes each day for each of my stats and I can increase it by 1%..." said Daniel and he gave out a big smile. He put both his hands in the air and shouted, "Woah!!! This is amazing. Other people need to train for days to at least increase their stats by 1% but I only need 30 minutes a day. Yes!!! I am not unlucky at all. I am as lucky as my brothers but I just need to work more than them. Completing quest from my quest menu gives me so much benefit. Stat increase, items. I wonder if I can get money as rewards too? Woah!!! This is amazing."

"Are you that happy your mom let you take the kitten as pets?" suddenly Daniel's dad was behind him.

"Huh? Dad, when did you get here?" said Daniel while smiling.

"I heard you screamed so I come here to see. I am glad that you look fine," said Daniel's dad while smiling.

"Haha, dad I'm sorry. I got too excited," said Daniel.

"Make sure you take good care of that cat. Your mom and I both busy with our works. What is his name?" asked Daniel's dad.

"Ginger. He is cute, right?" said Daniel. Daniel's dad smiled and left Daniel and Ginger alone.

"Ginger, let's work hard together," said Daniel.

"Meow" Ginger replied.

"Now, let's check the continuous quest," said Daniel and he clicked the continuous quest. After he clicked that, a long list of quest appeared. "What the? So many. Gathering C grade healing herb 0/50 Rewards: 20 B grade healing herb, killing normal goblin 0/20 rewards: All A grade normal goblin material, killing normal slime 0/50 rewards: All A grade normal slime material and many more. Wow. I guess I don't need to get any quest from the guild."

"All this feels unreal. Why is my quest menu different? It generates new quest and gives me rewards. Is this a cheat or a bug in the system? but the system is not some kind of technology," Daniel wondered. "Is it okay if I tell other people about my quest menu? No! let's keep this a secret first," said Daniel. He grabbed Ginger with him and entered his room. He locked his room's door and sat on his bed. "Now, let's check the Life Quest. I wonder what will be the difference with the other quest," said Daniel and he clicked the Life Quest.

Daniel was looking at the first Life Quest and he blushed, "W-w-what? So, this is what Life Quest mean?"

'Get Married. Time Limit: Death. Reward: Illness Immunity to every family member. Failed: lower defense against illness for every family member. Completion: 50%'

"The reward is great but if I died before I complete this… I will somehow put curse on my family. It really affects life," said Daniel with worried face. "And… why is the completion 50%?" Daniel found it weird. "Let's see the next Life Quest… Oo…" Daniel fell silent again.

'Give birth to a child. Time Limit: Death. Reward: Curse Immunity to every family member. Failed: lower defense against curse for every family member. Completion: 0%'

"Sigh. The Life Quest is the most dangerous quest. It sounds simple but it is not. My priority now is not to die. If I die, the life quest's penalty will hit my family." Said Daniel. "Now let's see the next Life Quest."

'Find all The Core and pass it to their rightful owner. Time Limit: Death. Reward: @#$%. Failed: Everyone related to user by blood even the tiniest bit will die'

"W-W-What???" Daniel's face turned pale. "Everyone will die if I failed this quest? I can't see the reward too but the reward is not important. The Core? What is that? I never heard about that before. Could it be that this is the reason I got this quest menu?"

"This is serious. If the quest can give me stats and item then all this will happen if I failed. The fate of my family is in my hand. Damn it!!!"

"I need to calm down. The only way not to fail this life quest is to not die and in order for me to not die is by getting stronger. The quest menu gave me all these rewards is actually to made me stronger so that I can complete the life quest… but why me? This power should be given to someone much more powerful, someone with better potential. They will have better chance to complete this than me."

"I can't really complain anything right now. I want to become strong so the system gave me the quest menu and I think completing the life quest is my way of repaying the system. Let's treat it like that," said Daniel and he calmed down.

"The Core… what is that? I don't have any clue about that. It looks like something important so finding the information in the library will be stupid. Something that important is impossible to find in the library," Daniel wondered.

'Ting~ New normal quest created'

"New quest coming out of nowhere? Quest menu," said Daniel. Daniel clicked on the new normal quest.

'Kill King Slime. Reward: Information about The Core'

"King Slime… where in the world can I find a king slime? That thing is freaking rare!!!" Daniel covered his face with his hands. "Anyway, I should finish my daily quest first"

MuZikr MuZikr

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