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100% Child of the Strongest Adventurers / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: New Friends

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: New Friends

The bell rang and the morning break is over. Me and my class quickly go on the room so that we don't get late for the next class

I am now my chair and I notice that Cate,Abigail,Maria and Lucas are my seat mates. Cate is on my left and Abigail is on my right, also Lucas are in my back and Maria is on my front. What is this conincedence!

Our teacher is now changed and Abigail whisper to me and said that our teacher is a former Adventurer. He is so very bulky and muscular and he also have a huge scar on his left arm

He teaches us how to survive without anything except you sword and fist. It is quite a new to me so I took note what he is saying

"So if you are very tired or you ran out of mana, break a monster core and the essence of the core will go fourth unto you and it give you a little boost in Stamina and Mana"

Okay I better take note on that

Half an our later and now the morning period is over.I pack my stuff, Abigail pat my shoulder while I was packing and she asked

"Viktor, are you ready for this afternoon?"

She asked me

"What do you mean?" I response

"Ohh you don't know? we are having a weekly duel match right after the class. You know this right?"

What? I didn't know about this. I read the schedule and I am sure that they don't have this event! Or I am just blind and I don't see it while I was reading the schedules

"Well to be honest, I didn't about weekly duel or something like that. I am sorry"

Abigail response with a laugh

"Hahaha! why are you apologised to me? You have no mistake dude. Alright I will explain what will gonna happen"

To summarise what Abigail said, me and my classmates will draw a straw and whoever what name will you pick is the one I will be get duel

It was a quite and fair game but what happened if a Support Type Mage will be fighting a Attack Type Mage. That will be brutal

"Thanks for the explaining, Abigail"

"Just call me Abi, and don't be too polite on me dude"


"See, you are too polite"

"Haha, you have a point. So Abi, see ya later"

I response casually just like she said

"Now that's better, yeah see you dude"

I and Abigail finished talking and Abi is going somewhere but I didn't ask and now Iet's go in the dormitory... Wait where is my dorm again?

Oh no, I forgot where it's is! Damn it brain, why are you not working properly!

I have no idea where my dorm is and my final resort is to ask my someone. I think the teacher are having a break in the cafeteria, better let's go there

After couple of minutes, I am in the cafeteria and my guess is correct

I approached my first period techer, yes the teacher with a menacing gaze. For some reason, Cate is also here and she is eating a homemade sandwich that my teacher gave

"Hello sir, can I ask something?"

Teacher quickly look at me but Cate is munching the sandwich like I am not here. She like that sandwich huh?

"Viktor! What do you want to ask?"

I am still having a eye contact on him even I am menaced by his gaze

"Y-Yeah, I forgot where is my dorm but I know what is number of my room"

"Hmm... So what is the number?"

"It's room number 22 sir"

"Ohh wow! What a coincidence!"

He looked at Cate that is still eating and he karate chop her mercilessly

"Hey! I said that you just eat the half! Not the whole thing!"

"Aw! Thats hurt!"

Cate rub his head to sooth the pain

"Come on brother, take this as a compliment because you sandwich us too good for my taste buds"

"Spare me with that!"

Wait they are sibling! That is a unexpected discovery!

"Cate, enough"

Teacher gets serious instantaneously and Cate is looked like a puppy with parent right now




Cate is really submissive when teacher is serious, yeah not gonna blame her and I will also get submissive if that gaze is staring in my soul

"I want you to escort Viktor to the dormitory

Cate suddenly flinched and he looked at me

"S-Sherwood?! Why are you here?"

She doesn't see my presence huh? Disappointed but not surprised

"Your number is 21 right Cate?"

"Yes, I think.."

"Now Cate, escord mister Sherwood here and I will forget that you eat my sandwich"

And he gaze Cate again

"Okay! Let's go Sherwood"

Out of the sudden, Cate grab my arm and she drag me out of the cafeteria.

"See you in the afternoon Viktor!"

I heard teacher is calling me but I cannot turn because Cate is still dragging me. Cate is going fast and If this keep this up, I will lose my balance so I ask her to slow down

"Cate, can we slow down a bit?"

She stop and she looked at me, she flinch that she almost fell down

"Oh sorry Viktor, I was just scared of my brother"

"I understand you"

Cate face went down on the ground. As I looked on more on him, I notice that he have a blue eyes and.also a very silky white hair that is same as his brother and she is quite innocently cute

"Would you not stare me like that, it makes me a little bit uncomfortable.."

My eye immediately go on the different direction

"Oh, sorry"

"It's alright"

An awkward silence immediately follows so I break the ice

"So, can you show where is my dormitory"

"Ah! Yes, let's go"

Cate quick walk on the halls and I followed her. A couple of minutes past, we are now on the dormitory house. Cate entered and I followed her again

"I guess this is your room"

She pointed on the door that have "22" marks on it

"Thank you"

I grab the door knob but my mind is telling me that I need to talk to Cate so I followed my instinct

"Hey Cate"


"If you want to talk about my parents or something, just call me anytime. Abigail said that you are a fan of my parents right"

Ah crap, my sentence is so wrong that I look like I am bragging

"...okay then, can I ask maybe right now?"


I don't have stuff to do so I agreed to her request

Well she asked a lot of questions mostly about my parents. Her faces is always sparkling when I answer her question until she finally run out of questions.

"Thank you so much Viktor! I have so much learned about The Blue Maiden and the Fiery Warrior! Can we talk about them again next time?"


I really wish that we can talk different topic but I guess if she happy we talked about my parents so I stick with that

Cate go to her room right next door, I also go to my room to unload my stuff.

I scan the room and looks likes it's just a plain room with bed, chair and table on it with a empty bookcase there, that is pretty neat

I put down my back pack and I cast a spell on it

(Open Rift)

Open Rift is a Magic Spell I personally created. To be honest, I didn't how magic work and I just accidentally created it by imagining that my backpack have a different dimensions. It work like a Doraemon pocket and you can store a lot stuff on it

I cast the spell silently to avoid suspicion. I then grab inside backpack and I take my book, staff, my favourite pillow and blanket and some cupcakes that father make. Yes, he bake cupcake and other bread too but she secretly hide his hobbies because the people see her as a fierce warrior not a baker

I take a bite on the cupcake and it very tasty. Okay let's put this in order. I put every of my book in the empty books case and I hide my staff under my bed. I also put the pillow and my blanket in the bed

Alright it's all set, now lets get my school booklet and review what going to happen in the after noon. A couple of hours later and I The bell rang. I take a little nap for an hour to replenish my brain

I tidy myself and I grasp the door knob because we are on the adventure... But on school

I opened my and I quickly walk on my lecture room, well that was the plan but I fell down because I trip on something

"Aw! What the..."

I look were I trip and I see something horrible. It was Lucas and he is unconscious in the floor. I quick go into him and I tried to wake him up

"Lucas! Wake up!"

I tried to wake him but there is no response.

"Wake up!"

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