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11.Making use of Tony's knowledge and gaining more

The news about the system brought huge joy to Franklin, he still wanted to know about the hidden mission whom he have finished , it's good news nonetheless, so he continued with his musing they were making great use of the 100 ton of gold that orm brought, without it he would have many setbacks and number one is the funding , but thankfully the problem was solved for him but still he didn't manage to get all of it as funding but only 34 tons , the war council refused given him ultimate freedom with funding, their still set somehow on getting some of the gold , nobles will always be nobles, so my grandfather have stated that he is the only one who decided what that gold is used for that's why I got some funding in the first place , so I have been keeping an eye on FRIDAY programming believing in the AI too much may become my downfall, nope, no sir no way in hell I would trust it 100% ,that's why I have these periodic checkups on it making sure it won't go all homicidal on my ass after a year I can say their was no need to fear their won't be any shit that would come and bite in the ass from FRIDAY side ,on a nother note the T-800 production was stopped by after hitting the 1000 mark so I have an army of robots, i also planning to cover them up with more layers of synthetic muscles tissue I placed for their movability plus in that would increase their power, down that would take alot of Time to research, so I put it down , for now , the Richards reactor power station is my way of payback for those assholes at the council the moment it was publicized, the royal family gained more positive reviews from the people than it already is , because somehow the news with the demonic take over Jared we suffer a blow to our name even with all our efforts to cover it up, after we have taken care of the pesky reporters who published these we found them all have gotten it from a non existent person, he never existed in our or the world's data base, well sorry to who ever done that I also tipped a reporter with the truth and the existence of demonic take over masks , at first people were skeptical put one they saw a recording of some people resisting and destroying the mask in public their was general shock among the populace, and now the kingdom is more United known their is a vicious demon coveting whats theirs, who ever leaked the news thought we would cower back and never counted on us fighting fire with fire,so yeah ,my whole family were surprised by my actions but I saw it reasonable, they know we are aware of their existence why not join the people on this and rally them up against a single foe who not only possessed their loved ones but also bring harm upon them, and also when my powers are ready and have cards up sleeves I will strike, faster than a viber ,faster than they would ever participate.

The rest of my projects are going well besides the military complaining about gaining more of my weapons nothing more happened, I also manged to make progress on repulsar technology, the enhanced version is being itched with runes to cool the thrusters , thus killing the need for cooling system , my uncle was with us every step of the way , Drawing runes and supplying them with magic, the man is a genius, we made the thrusters gain a huge upgrade, all previous thrusters tech was based on the nth metal one way or another, putting in mind that I made my thrusters with normal material, imagine my shock to find that my thrusters gain 80% more efficiency when corporated with the metal , I have shown the results to my father and he was elated, we put it to plan to install my thruster instead of the old models, as for project Kryptonian slayer I managed to incorporate the kryptonite into the reactor core , kryptonite is highly radioactive material that was conceived during the destruction of the the planet krypton, and they were created due to krypton core becoming unstable due to constant harvesting that they done to their planet, the have consumed all of their valuable sources and tried to harvest other planets but due to dwindling population even that stopped, in time the scientists, Jor El managed to find out about it confronting the AI of the planet brainiac who they have given complete reign over their matters, and when brainiac shot him down he went to the council and who were convinced by brainiac otherwise, left with no choices ,Jor El build a space ship for one passenger, his son and sent him to a planet whom have the same physical appearance, and a yellow sun which were previously and secretly found out by house El that it charges Kryptonian cell with much more powers bordering those of gods , and when he operated the shuttle to take off , krypton self destruction sequence was started by brainiac whom fled krypton as well , the moment the planet krypton gone nova the massive energy from the explosion created the glowing green metal and when Kal El space ship gone hyper to earth alot of these rocks crossed with him some ending up the same area he was smallville, while rest continued to roam space until fallen elsewhere I had a huge amounts of kryptonite, I even raided the government for their stock of the stuff, only I have it in abundance hahahahaah , anyway I inputted the kryptonite into the core , true it gives half the results viberinum and baddasium gives but that not the reason I put it it their , several events in the future will happen, some people will gain control over the man of steel, granny goodness being one of the worst , so these bots will subdue the guy for me bring him back from brainwashed state , there is

deleting a memory in the brain only restriction over them some time these memories will forcefully buried deeply under the brainwashed people mind that their memories seem to be erased ,but that can never stop me cuz I'm the ultimate psychic, and that's not arrogance but facts .

the station started working splendidly the amount of power supply is astronomical , keeping the fact that it's powering : Havens city , waterfront city small cities like : perk , mountaintop and bales cities and many towns and villages lying in the west side of the kingdom and the power bill became one third of its use to be , people were elated, the lesser the taxes the better for them , we also improved our image more with this one , the construction took the T-800 4 and a half months, and using 500 bots the work was done professionally and in time record ,the reactor is 50 m in diameter also being laced with viberinum with a 20 cm thick layer and 1 and half meter layer thick concrete let's see who can get through this the concrete is reinforced by adamantium steel bars , I got 5 kryptonian slayer ready their incase , while the station was run by bots instructed by dear ol FRIDAY, I also took over the funding for Havens and waterfront and used the power bills to construct the east side reactor it was the same, exactly the same it supplied : Garden city and Minivan city and some small cities like : , Griffin, mildshade and bales cities and many towns and villages, after done with these cities in time record also took over the power bill, some people tried to work their minds to rally people against me on this one but I managed to smoke them like a certain waterfront council member named Garrett bidwill , the fat fuck was rallying people on and on how power should be given freely to the people and offcourse some ship got on the ship , I mean who wouldn't want bill free electricity, let us review the event shall we?

" what we want ? "

" bill free power " and there was huge commotion, I went there and went people saw me they started to boo me ,I frowned at that apparently he was the one responsible for the power bill before all those facilities closed down by me , he was the first to command power disruption and now the rug have been pulled from under his feet by me and is intended to rally the sheep- ehhhem - sorry the populace against me , the shit is some second generation Nobel ass , his father was a martyr during WW2 and now he was making a killing profit out of it, when I faced him and he gave me a shit eating grin , oh how am I gonna enjoy wiping that smile off your face , I addressed the people.

" people of waterfront, what causes your displeasure?,I as a royal am promising to help bring to an end all that troubles your minds "

one guy shouted " we want to have our jobs back , when you opened these new stations we thought we could got to work on more advanced stations and get our jobs cut for us , not terminating us from work , I have children I need to feed " the guy was an operator and in a old station that meant he was responsible for monitoring power outages from all generators, and considering the amount of funding spent on them I would say he didn't have to do shit , only watch some monitors while getting paid for basically nothing, " ok , you want a job at the station ? do you have a radiation resistance? if no then I cant put near the station , plus mister Jaylen, yes I know who you are and I know you are no employee of previous stations, you were caught slacking many times during job and been kicked out, you were mainly employed by bidwill because you are one of his goons in school , both of accused of harassment, theft, assault and possession of a weapon , what do you got say for your self considering you didn't pay the power bill in the last 5 years and 7 months ? please let me hear what you want to say ? plus mister bidwill here is the only one who will get hurt due to operation of new stations, you say why won't the kingdom provide power for free ? it because construction of the station took alot of funding from the vaults , plus people you won't be paying for mister bidwill here like you use to do for the last 9 years , and before you speak mr bidwill you are under arrest for public money theft , frauds, slandering the royal family, sexual harrassment, rape and many other charges , do you have anything to say for your self ? " I asked the pig back grinning like the devil, " lies all lies , you have no proof !!" " oh believe me I do " and started showing people statistics about his reign and pure evidence about his corruption and closed the deal with recording he have been hiding in his safe for him harassing a young employee, offcourse the people were at uproar and demanded him being sent to jail , and enforce higher punishment upon him , I secretly slipped an order to one of the guards to take to a highly guarded facility the kylen, where read all his memories later and excuted him with deadly poison injection, I have been strangling nobles out of all important roles in the kingdom, I personally took down 5 higher noble families whom had an unbelievable level of corruption, only three such those still exist.

for the iron man suits variation I designed it for them to be an exoskeleton for T800s and made 50 so far of them also all of them are mark 5 models and connected them to dear FRIDAY, especiallythe Patriot's armor it held more destructive power and as for the iron monger suit ,it was more of a tank while the mark 12 suits used for general purposes.

after 1 and a half month.

today is the day Arthur goes back to Atlantis so were gathered at the docks of waterfront to bid him farewell, after his parents come out, they had a smile on their faces, apparently they saw us hugging him, and befor he go to the ship I gave a locket at the shape of a Trident, the small necklace trident can enlarge it self and is made of highly resistant materials, plus it enhances his inborn abilities to communicate with Marine life to a whole new level, his parents heard the explanation and were surprised and asked if anyone can use and I replied negatively, only Arthur can wield the ocean lord trident as called it , before he went to his ship he gave a storm handshake and then they left for the sea .

author note : hey guys this is moh999 back with a new chap , hope you like , I have clear winners for the girlfriend contest put will be keeping it a secret till I write it down , am back with new fanfiction worth your attention

1.The pokemon emissary among the worlds , is a boy a guy named okami , who gets arceus blessing and is working his way through to spread the pokemon influence in the world .

2.young justice : the super soldier, about a reincarnated guy who chose captain America serum above all plus a higher IQ , and it follows the script of young justice series, so far the hero sticking to the script, deviating only details but still a good fanfiction.

3.Rise of house falken a harry potter fanfiction, is an interesting book which shows how dark Hp universe can really get , I totally recommend this one .

4.The fastest man alive - marvel , an awesome fanfiction which the mc have a smart calculative mc with a good head use to be my no1 marvel put it lost it my heart dut to author only writing about sexual content in the novel and ignoring the dangers around mc .

5.naruto yoshio namikaze the magnet release, a top tier naruto fanfiction

that's all for now folks and thanks for reading and donating stones love moh999

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